have a project life entry.. but I don’t feel like posting it CUZZZZZZ.. I WANNA POST SOME SNEAKIES!!! LOL
Our release is on THURSDAY and it is JOOCY… stay tooned
Ok.. just spent an hour trying to upload sneak peeks… our release is gonna be THURSDAY.. be there or be SQUARE for our “refreshing da screen RELEASE party”.. you comin’?
Also, if you’re a local yocal (sp?) don’t forget to come visit tomorrow afternoon from 1-3 for our Stella and Dot party! If you haven’t seen their goodies yet.. OMG.. you need to RUN.. i say RUN.. to their website..
I feel like I have a lot of (((((((((((((((((((( )))))))))))))))))))))))) today.. lots of sidenotes.. cuz I am BIZZY with da RELEASE-Y!
mwah to da sistahs who love to be BEJEWELED (oohh have I mentioned how addicted I am to that game? hmph)
Hiya sistahs!
Well I am finally coming up for air! Paulabella has been here since Saturday and we have been in a MIXED MEDIA MAYHEM since! LOL.. We have been creating.. shopping, creating etc.. it is such a treat for me when Paula comes cuz then I have an excuse to hibernate and “escape” LOL.. doesn’t happen often but I appreciate every moment! So Paulabella and I worked on our security envelope entry and had so much fun and so did you! I have gotten numerous emails from people who were so excited about this patterned paper SO EASY to find and so much fun to collect! Pinky (see her entry below) used 6 DIFFERENT DESIGNS! i told her that we should do an envelope swap cuz now I am JEALOUS..LOL
Ok so here we go!
*sigh* I love AJ mondayyyyyy…
Next week’s theme is Design a virtual clipboard on your page (a frame) and tape or “pin” or paint all of your inspirations for the week..a magazine article, a color, a menu a doodle. Anything that has inspired you.. you can also paint the whole frame in and just collage other stuff in it.. have fun with this!
oh.. and I may show some more sneaky peekies… stay tooned!
ALSO… If anyone reading my blog is LOCAL , we would love to have you join us for a STELLA and DOT jewellery party in Bellaland on Wednesday March 21st from 1-3pm… I love supporting women based companies.. and I love jewellery.. funky and AFFORDABLE jewellery that is.. and this just fit the bill! So come will ya? Would love to see you!
Ok Ok sistahs.. you are all complaining that I am such a TEASeabella just showing a half of the image… so I decided to show you THE OTHER HALF……
of new images!!! bwahahahahahahaha I am LOVING this..LOL
So here is the RIGHT side of some new AMARIA images…LOL
now guess who’s sitting on the LEFT side of this cake? hmmmmm?
Now of COURSE I have to include another UPTOWNIE no? and I really can’t be THAT mean .. so I will show you the complete image :). Unfortunately, I have to watermark the heck out of it.. but such is the times that there is SO MUCH image theft… it makes me so sad 🙁 but that’s a WHOLE ‘NOTHA story.
Meet Flora.. don’t know if you can notice all the details but she is really exquisite
So there you have it.. another sneaky peeky!
Now for some winnahs for Bellarific Friday
WINNAH for COMMENTAYTIN’ (10$ in bella bucks) goes to…
LORI M! you WIN! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah ($20 in BELLA BUCKS) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
4- LINDA C! you win! please email me and I will send your VOUCHAH!
Timestamp: 2012-03-16 13:40:08 UTC
Ok now down to BIDNISS…
The challenge this week was to use GREEN in your cards… Let’s see what the BABES came up with shall we?
Here we goooo..!
Cathabella used IZZIE HAS A BRELLY
Danabella used ARTHUR from the ARTHUR and ANNIE set
Lindabella used MATILDA on her SWING
Paulineabella used CHARLIE
Paulabella used PATTY MCLUCKY
Robinabella used BIG GUY GRILLING
Those cards are making me GREEN WITH ENVY (hardy har har)
now for da SISTAHOOD! We gots some new ones! Please welcome them!
If I am missing any, PLEASE email me the file again and I will put it up! I’m sorry if I missed you!
How’s DAT for da inspiration.. hmmmm?
Next week’s theme is a sketcherooni!
Don’t forget to leave me a comment to say HI and to say “my name is BLABLA and I am not a STAT on Emily’s BLOG.. I am HUMAN”..LOLOL
home you like the teasers so far 🙂
mwah mwah mwah
don’t you know that I love to torture? LOL
I’ve been SOOO well behaved for the last little while.. can’t a girl be sneaky onceinawhile thankyouverymuch?
Ok.. just have to pick up some stuff for bellaland (more goodies) and I will start posting some sneaky peekies around noonish (that sounds so funny.. just say NOONISH).. I bet you’re saying it….
Ok.. breathe tight… keep sending me nasty blog comments which I love because it shows me that HUMANS actually read my blog and not just high stats..LOL
~the torturer
(1) I am working on a GINORMOUS release
(2) I am working on a GINORMOUS release
(3) and because I LOVEY you I am working on a GINORMOUS RELEASE
wanna see it?
let me know….
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