Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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i clean up nice.. really i do…

just a quick little test that I am willing to play in a public forum.. PLEASE don’t tell my mother.. she would be horrified if she knew I didn’t “dress up ” for the occasion


it’s FUH-REEZING in Toronto… oh and a little AJ monday

and my kids happen to think they should wear tank tops to school.. hmph.

Hope you had a great weekend.. We were home most of the weekend and Jayden looks at Ryan and says last night.. “daddy, I can’t believe HOW FAST the weekend flies!”… Ryan and I shared a look and after they went to bed he says to me.. “did this weekend feel like 3 weeks to you?.. I responded “no.. 5 weeks..”.. LOL

So today is AJ monday.. a small one but that’s ok :).. now I want you to understand that just because it is called AJ monday doesn’t mean that your piece HAS to be in a journal.. there are days when I want to work on a canvas, or a canvas board.. or a sheet of paper .. or wood!  Those all count in AJ monday.. know why?  Cuz da bella said so..LOL

So the theme this week was to paint your HEART out..  and that’s what I did  :).  My little miserable bunny still has a sense of humor..  I just love her.  She was painted on a canvas sheet.. and there are SO many layers in there, I can’t even count them 🙂

here is Dolores' page
here's Violet's page

I just love getting my entries for AJ monday.. I am hoping more people will sign up and travel on this journey with us..

next week’s theme

complete this sentence.. “I wish”… you can draw about it.. you can write about it.. you can scribble about it…  it’s up to you.  Also, don’t hesitate to send ANYTHING in.. I just love to see the pages 🙂

Hope you have a GREAT day sistahs

mwah mwah mwah

Don’t forget to post a comment on Bellarific Friday post below for a chance to win $10 in bella buckes!

if you are new to Art Journaling and are interesting in reading about it.. this is a great link


it’s BELLARIFIC FRIDAY and MORE inspiration coming your way!

Hiya sistahs

have you recovered from the round of cards I posted yesterday? LOL.. I haven’t.. I think I am going to pass out again upon seeing this round!  So grab your cuppa java, a bib (to pick up excess drool..LOL) and off we go!

Let’s discuss some winnahs from last week!

Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ to our roundup ($10 in bellarific bucks) goes to….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

5-LYNN you win!  email me and I can put $20 in your account!

Timestamp: 2012-04-20 13:28:32 UT

NOW for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella buckeroonis) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

19-Sandi N. . you win!  please email me and I will send your VOUCHAH!

Timestamp: 2012-04-20 13:29:41 UTC

Now down to bidniss

This week’s theme was a sketch

I just love to see everyone’s interpretation.  I decided to challenge myself and participate in the challenge!  Although I could nevAH be “BABE QUALITY” lol.. I thought I would have fun.  So I took my art journal and decided to use the sketch in it.. OMG I HAD A BLAST!!! So really, our challenges are for any medium or substrate.. as long as you use a bella stamp.. so explore, be creative.. try new techniques in your journal!

I used LITTLE BIRDIE by Jane Davenport.. I think this is one of my current faves.. so useful both in classic cards and in mixed media..

here’s my page

And here are the BABEROONIS cards!

Cathabella used RAMONA and TEDDY in their BALLOON

Danabella also used RAMONA and TEDDY in their HOT AIR BALLOON


Lindabella used the MANNEQUIN from our FUNKY BARCODES SET  I love the barcodes for their versatility.. you can make a clean graphic card with them, or use them in mixed media! *love*

Natasha used our SCRIBBLE GARDEN and used a SPOTLIGHT technique

Paulabella used a different stamp from our FUNKY BARCODES set.. SEE?? graphic!  LOVE.


Regabella used SUNSHINY FLYNN

Robinabella will be off for a few weeks taking a well deserved break!

Now did you stop drooling yet?  Take your bibby, wipy the drooly so we can look at da SISTAHOOD’s masterpieces and you can drooly again!

Christine used KETTO'S FUNKY TIE SET
Halley used SPRINGTINI
Larissa used UPTOWN GIRL LOLLY and her BROLLY
and here's the inside of her card 🙂
Olga used UPTOWN GIRL CLAUDIA using the new KOI MARKERS!
minibella Sydney used BRANCHING OUT OWLIES
Tanya used PREGAPEEP

Ok, grab da BIBBY again and wipey.  We’re done!  Are they PHENOM or WHAT?! So proud of my sistahood.  MY SISTAHOOD.. no one else’s ..LOL

Ok so for next week’s theme?   FLOWERS!  Bella flower stampies.. bella characters with flowers..  use your imagination!  Do a 3d piece, a canvas, a card, a journal page as long as you use our stampies!  Can’t wait to join in again! (I hope)

Also, I am adding goodies to our “specials” section online.. Keep checking!  and I am adding new goodies almost daily!

Also will beg Ryan to take a video of me with the koi markers.. you GOTTA see these markers in action!

Mwah to da sistahs who have clean bibbies.

Also wanted to leave you with something FUNNY my friend sent me (think she’s trying to tell me something? LOL)

Hope you have a great weekend and will see you for AJ monday where the theme is (hold on havta check).. one moment please…

K I am back.. the theme is…. to PAINT!  slap, drip, paint an abstract, a portrait.. dot to dot.. just paint 🙂 (you have til early monday morning to submit)

And leave a comment here for a chance at winning $10 in bella bucks.. and if you contribute to next week’s theme.. you can win $20 in bella bucks!

Ok I am done now



inspiration STATION

just thought I would share a few BABE cards to make your day shiny and happy 🙂  (how is a day shiny?  dunno but I can tell you that some of MY days are..LOL)

For more information on how to make the card etc.. just refer to their blogs.. and while you are there, why don’t you say hi!  LOL

Paulabella made a gift card holder (ya think the gifty is for meeeee?) using our BALLOON circle stamp (which fits right into a 2 inch circle punch.  fancy that!)

here’s the inside

and here are uptown girls PATTIE and DOTTIE by Paulabella

Here are a couple of PAULINEABELLA’s cards

Flynn’s VERY HAPPY day


Danabella’s cards


and FLYNN needs a cupcake (and *ahem* so do I)

Here is a card by  EBRUBELLA


Here’s Regabella’s cards

she used the flowers from our FUNKY BARCODES set

and she used Vicki’s TWIRLY BIRDS set

here are a couple of Lindabella‘s cards

here is a very mixed media’ish card using our CURLY SILHOUETTE, FUNKY BAMBOO and some eclectic backgrounds AND our eclectic #8 background !

here she used EM’S LANTERN FLOWERS

Here’s a couple of ROBINABELLA’s cards

using CLARA lulu


And here are a couple of Natasha’s cards

Here she used Jane’s LITTLE BIRDIE stamps

and here’s BLOW A KISS JANE

and here are a couple of Cathabella’s cards

here she used RAMONA LOVES CAKE

and here she used RAMONA’S WAGON


Back tomorrow with BELLARIFIC FRIDAY!





yikes.. I have been neglectful :( (long post)

Hiya sistahs!

Sorry for the big delay in my post!  I have been recovering from Scrapfest which went swimmingly (what the HECK does that mean?)  well!  We got messy, we stamped, we sprayed we had fun!  wish you would have been there…

I have several stories/antics to share with you from the weekend.

Any of you who know Helenabella, knows how organized, efficient and BOSSY she is…LOL.  So of course, I am her virtual opposite and rely tremendously on her efficiency.  So of course, I email her ALL of our confirmations, numbers etc.. cuz I know it will be in a safe place!  WELLLLLLL… after the show, Helen, Christine and I were soooo tired.. and all we wanted to do was check into the hotel and eat! (it was 10:00pm at this point).. so off we go, driving towards the Delta hotel as Helen said this was where we were staying.. I said Ya, sounds familiar and off we go with Christine in tow behind us.  We park in front of the hotel and helen looks at me and I look at her.. and we say at the same time.. this DOES NOT LOOK FAMILIAR… so I say to the extremely bossy-organized-helen where is our confirmation?  She says at home but I can access it on my computer.. Sure enough.. she can’t access it.  So I call DELTA HQ.  They have a record of my phone number but the email address is wrong.. GRRRRR.. Helen says, let’s just go in and see if we are booked there.. I say “no no!  why should we move when all it is is a phonecall..” LOL… So I call the marriott.. I call holiday inn.. I call every hotel in Kitchener and we are not booked anywhere!! (and the whole time Helen and I are laughing HYSTERICALLY.. better than crying I guess)   At this point it is just shy of 11:00 and we are HOMELESS.  Helen parks the car and says she is going in..LOL.. so Christine and I follow… RAVENOUSLY.

Sure enough, we are checked in there.  hmph.  I hate to admit it but Helen was right.  Then we ask if their lounge is still serving food.  They quickly check their checkout sheet and say the chefs have not signed out, so they were still serving.

We go and sit down, order drinks and then … we tell them we are ready to order our food… they look at us with PANIC.  the chefs LEFT.  So we leave in a huff and go to a restaurant across the street (now 11:30pm).. we get there and an EXTREMELY CHIPPER hostess (was NOT in the mood for chipperness..LOL) said that because it was so busy, the kitchen was closed for an hour… CAN YOU BELIEVE IT?????  It really was Friday the 13th.  Ok in the end, we didn’t wait that long.. we got a chance to gab and catch up .. and all was good.

Saturday was a whirlwind.  lineups.. seeing familiar faces.. DIRT.. (still have ink stained arms).. we demo’d our NEW WATERBASED KOI BRUSHES.. they are amazing.. blendable.. vibrant.. beautiful!! Trying to get Ryan to film me working with them… you use THESE BLENDERS.. on this cheap watercolor paper (works AMAZINGLY well on this paper).. I just LOOOVE these markers so much!!

OHHH I also got to spend some quality time with my Vicki Boutin.. is she delish?  (don’t mind my tongue sticking out)

SEEE???? DID YOU MISSS MEE??? HAVE SOOO MUCH TO SAY! Like I was let out of a cage or something..LOL.

Now we have a teeny tiny weeny winy AJ monday on Wednesday.  The theme this week was to write a letter to a loved one and either cover it up, let it shine.. do what you wish with it!

Here is Christy's page

look how CRUNCHY my journal is getting.. is yours?

Here is my page.. wrote a great letter to my kids that I couldn't wait to cover..LOL.. no one will ever know what I wrote .. BWAHAHAHA

Next week’s ART JOURNALING theme is to PAINT!  paint your head off… backgrounds, circles.. whatever you want.. just use your paint.  Don’t forget to put wax paper in between your pages so they don’t stick

I am putting new goodies online as we speak and putting new things in my SPECIALS section.. keep checking!

Also forgot to mention Bellarific Friday theme this week!  it’s an ebrubella sketch

don’t forget to place a comment on the post above for a chance to win $10 in Bella bucks!

Hope you are being creativeeeeee!

mwah to da sistahs who missed me.




I hope you have all flown down to come see me..LOL.  I know you will all be there in spirit like true sistahs 🙂

It’s friday morning and I feel like it’s time for bed… got kids ready for school (you should SEE what I look like taking them.. OMG).. THEN I decide I need to wear something at the show that doesn’t have GESSO smack on my boob (all of you who come to bellaland know EGGSACTLY what I am talking about..LOL).. drove to walmart with hair askew, a winter jacket and flipflops (winter jacket because no bra on..LOL)… Thank goodness I didn’t bump into anyone.. but all was accomplished.

I wanted to shout out to DENABELLA and HELENABELLA  and RUBYBELLA  (in no particular order..LOL) for working SO HARD in making this event happen.. they were so calm and quiet.. I was the hysterical one..  they set up the booth.. really tried hard to remove some stress from my plate and I so appreciate it.  THANK YOU !!!  Thank you to Christine for doing the make and takes at the show and helping me out in creating them.. thank you to my husband for renting a truck and setting all the furniture up.. thanks to my kids for ATTEMPTING to not be annoying..LOL.. thank you to my TWINNIES for helping package and to Susan and Janis and Sylvia  for accepting me throwing rubber (literally) their way to package for me 🙂 LOL…  and thank you to Paulabella, Lindabella, and Paulineabella for driving in for me (not really.. they wanna see the show LOL).  Thanks to Regabella who doesnt know what she’s in for when she comes to say hi (LOL) .. notice how I am saying thank you BEFORE the event.. you just wait to see what Monday’s post will be..LOL

Ok back to bidniss because I need to get ready!

Last week’s winnahs are


For commentaytin’ ($10 in bella buckeroonis) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

2- SUZI you win!  please email me and I will send you your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-04-13 14:34:37 UTC


Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah! ($20 in bella buckeroonis)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

5-Christine H you win!  please email me and I will send your buckeroonis!

Timestamp: 2012-04-13 14:35:53 UTC


Now to the MEAT n’  PATAYTAS (lolol) of the post

The theme this week is APRIL SHOWERS.. so playing with the theme, it could be any kind of “shower”…

So let’s start shall we?

Let’s see what our babes came up with!

Cathabella used UPTOWN GIRL AVA

Danabella used UMBRELLA PEEP


Lindabella used UPTOWN GIRL LUCILLE sends her love

Paulabella used our CARNATION FLOWER HEAD

and here’s the inside


look at the dimension!

Here is Paulineabella’s card using PREGABELLA




Ok no time to sigh!  gotta get rid of DA FRIZZ!

Here’s da AMAZING sistahood!

Gaby da minibella used SHOWERBUGG
Halley used POSIE PIXIE
Lindsay used ALL BUMMED OUT baby
Maria (gaby's mom) used SHOWERBUGG

if I am missing anyone, please forgive me and email me and I will put it up on Monday 🙂

Hope to see you at Scrapfest!

Don’t forget to leave a comment to be eligible to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!

mwah mwah mwah!

OOH I also wanted to leave you with my current FAVORITE song (and of course my ringtone..LOL).. I LOOVE LOOOVE LOOOVE this song.. sing it, hum it.. it inspires me.  I hope it inspires you too!

here’s the GLEE version which I love too 🙂  enjoy

** don’t forget to blast it!**

mwah mwah mwah!






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