we all go through our ups and downs.. and our sideways-es.. We always need to remind ourselves to live our lives to the fullest.. to pretend each day is our last and to tell the people we love exactly how we feel.
Here is a little “trailer” of a video I wanted to share with you. It’s about one of my greatest friends in high school in Montreal and about the hardships she went through and is overcoming every single day. This little story is about hope. About love. About getting your message out.
Taly is a fantastic woman.. one of the strongest people I know. She wrote a letter to Oprah about her story.. and she just had her segment produced for the OWN network. It is sad.. it is inspiring..
mwah Taly and my sistahs.
this is really bad..
I really laughed at one of the comments on the previous post where she felt my spit… LOLOLOL.. imagine if that could happen? “oh I made the most DELICIOUS cake.. here.. wanna try? and out comes a hand with a nibble..LOL”.. ok you can tell what type of goofy mood I am in.
Lets get down to bidniss…
winnahs from last week’s bellarific friday …..
Winnah for commentaytin goes to
Here are your random numbers:
3- Kerri you win!! please email me and I will put the $10 in your account!
Timestamp: 2012-05-23 14:51:00 UTC
Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah! ($20 in bella bucks) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
7-Violet you win! please email me and I will send your $20 in bella buckeroonis!
Timestamp: 2012-05-23 14:52:37 UTC
Ok now for this week’s sketch
let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shall we?
Cathabella used FIXER GIRL by Mo
Kathybella used UPTOWN GIRL POSH
Natashabella used one of the FRAMED FLORALS from Paulabella’s set
Paulabella used MATILDA ON HER SWING
Paulineabella used TAKE A SEAT MAYA
Regabella used BLOW A KISS JANE
And just a note to mention that our dear Ebrubella is no longer on the team. We are so sad about this but real life kicked in and she now has a great job. we will all miss our ebrubella sooooo much!!! Thank you Ebru for all you have done for us!
Gorgeous cards oui oui?
Now lets see what da SISTAHOOD came up with shall we?
Sigh.. I love bellarific fridays.. especially when they land on a friday..LOL
Ok next week’s theme which you have 2 days to make (this has totally screwed us up) is…. use YELLOW BLUE AND BLACK in your cards.. k? I really love color challenges!
Ok sistahs.. here’s AJ MONDAY on a wednesday! LOL
the theme this week was to use whatever was on your desk on your page.. so scraps, paint etc.. Or as always, it is an open challenge so you can submit whatever page you would like to!
and I was VERRRY inspired to make my own journal last week :).. I am always searching for the right paper.. and so I decided I would make it. The cover and back are made with canvas boards..
and my page for this week.. with all goodies on my desk 🙂 and from my purse..LOL
next week’s theme is to create a border.. out of stamps.. collage paper.. magazine cutouts.. the border should go all around the page and surprise us with what you will put in the middle!
Mwah to da sistahs who patiently waited for me spit or no THpit
sistahs.. did you stop checking up on me? if you did, I don’t blame you. hmph.
It has been a CRAZY weekend.. didn’t have a chance to take a breath! then I experienced technical difficulties.. I could NOT log into my work computer.. then this morning I tried and cant retrieve my files from home.. BLABLABLABLA
so TOMORROW sistahs, we will have a double post including Bellarific Friday and AJ monday.. I am so sorry for the delay!
Oh did I mention a release yet? it’s a comin’… to a theatre near you.
it’s a celebration in da BELLA’s house! My little teeny tiny baby is turning 7 today.. Can you believe it?? 7! SEVEN.. seven… SeVeN… s-e-v-e-n.
Is she not GORGEOUS? LOL.. yes I know I am her mother but seriously 🙂
I wanted to wish my dear “FREE SPIRIT” a wonderful amazing phenomenal birthday. She is kind and sweet and understands the meaning of family and how to treat other people.. PLEASE DON’T CHANGE WHEN YOU ARE 13 little girl..LOL.. She is funny and edgy.. and really marches to the beat of her own drum.. and I admire that about her.
She can also be a little goofy
so I had to hijack bellarific friday to wish her a wonderful and happy 7th birthday and hope all her dreams come true
see you tomorrow!
So on top of getting this amazing stuff (which I actually started hyperventilating and drooling over).. we are having a class here so I tried to control my emotions but really didn’t.. LOL
Here are some pictures of what goes on here when THE DOL (Christine Dol) teaches a class…
SO MUCH FUN!! if you are local.. or if you wanna travel..LOL.. please come and visit k? promise?