Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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a little bit of inspiration

Nothing inspires me more than COLOUR…. when I look at colours and I feel happy, I know that I have been inspired.. I have so many things that surround me at all times that are so colour rich.. and that is what keeps me making art…. why do you think I love scrapbooking paper so much?  For such an inexpensive price, I have a 12*12 sheet of pure and utter inspiration… inspiration that I am pretty confident is “artistically” correct where colours are put together for a reason.. and for that reason, I always have little swatches of my scrapbook papers that I love stuck down in an inspiration journal… whenever I am in a “rut”.. I flip through that book and see yummy color combos that I would have never thought of!  So the next time you are in a scrapbook store and pick up a paper that “speaks” to you.. don’t put it back down and say “i don’t need another piece of paper”! LOL.. I know we all do that.  For the $1.00 or so that it costs, it is sooo worth the feeling you get when you look at it.. Ok?  ya hear me out there? LOL

Here is a painting that i started that is not yet finished.. or it may be cuz I can’t touch it..LOL… these colours can hang around me ALL DAY LONG.. I wouldn’t mind 🙂

hope you are inspired and creative today!

And these colors may be too “sharp” on your screen but in real life, they are soooo happy

mwah to da sistahs who LOVE da COLOURS



I love art journaling mondays because it really gives me an excuse to play :)..    We have gorgeous entries this week.. which makes my heart SINNNGALING!

Ok the theme this week was to use a bella stamp on your page.. let’s see what everyone came up with shall we?

Cindy used ARTSY house and SISTAHOODABELLAS to tell her story
Corey used TERESA stamps "in my element" to tell her story along with our solid flowery weed stamp
Dena used lots of Teresa's stamps... PIE CHARTS HAVE NO CALORIES and the rest.. I LOVE the quote she used from a movie she saw.. will be stealing that for my journal 🙂
here's my page using TERESA stamps too 🙂 namely "DO THESE STRIPES MAKE ME LOOK FAT? lol. also used our JUST MY TYPE STAMP
PInky Dinky DOO (LORI) used FLOWER GARDEN to tell her story
Violet used our eclectic birdies

BEEYOOTIFUL entries sistahs!!

Next week’s theme is STRIPES………….. you can use teresa’s stamps.. make your own .. striped border.. etc..

and PLEASE put some theme recommendations in the comments to help me 🙂 LOL


Also Teresa’s new class Art JOURNALISTA starts today!  I am so excited.. lesson one is up!  You will lOVE IT!


Mwah mwah mwah


just found this video

on Mary Ann Moss’ blog (I love her and all her classes BTW).. It is a video showing Danny Gregory sketching.  He is a wonderful self-taught artist.. who has amazing books out to make you see the world in a different way. Danny has gone through some tragedy.. but all along has kept his spirit and his artwork

This is a sweet sweet and extremely inspiring video
please watch and enjoy 🙂



it’s bellarific friday ON SUNDAY!

Sorry for the delay.. been a bit crazy around the bella household.. Yesterday we had a street party that went on to the wee hours of the night.. LOL.. we just moved to this neighborhood and I have to tell you, I FINALLY feel like this is HOME.. so many kids.. so many amazing people were finally officially met.. food galore, movies for kids.. planned games.. we were outside from 4pm until 11!  and I loved every little minute of it 🙂

So here I am.. a little groggy… but here nonetheless and ready for a Bellarific Friday (on sunday)…LOL.. I am thinking that we will not have that many participants over the summer but I am HOPING that that will not be the case!!!

Let’s discuss some winnahs from last week

Winnah for PARTICIPATING ($20 in bella bucks) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

7-Maria you win!! please let me know if you would like us to put the moolah in your store account!

Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:30:11 UTC


and now for the commentaytin winnah ($10 in Bella Bucks) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4- Heidi H you win!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:31:22 UTC


OK now down to BIDNISS

The challenge this week was to choose your favorite sketch from the past year and to use it again with a Bella image!

Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with shall we?

Cathabella used BABYCAKES
Danabella used MINTY COFFEE
here is KATHYBELLA's card.. sketchy wildflowers (has been discontinued but Love this color combo!)
Lindabella used RAMONA AND TEDDY in their balloon
Natashabella used KEEP CLIMBING
Paulabella used FIXER GIRL
Paulineabella used a flower image from FRAMED FLORALS set by Paulabella
Regabella used SIMPLE JOY by Rheea

and now for da SISTAHOOD!

Corey used SIMPLE JOY by Rheea


jane B used HULABELLA
Jessica used BIG GIRL PANTS
Violet used Funky hanging plants block

small and intimate but GORGEOUS!!!

now for next week’s challenge

ink up your FAVORITE girl image!! that should be easy peasy no??

Can’t wait to see the entries!

Mwah to da sistahs who love BELLARIFIC FRIDAYS (on sundays)



sorrry sistahs

this week Bellarific Friday will be posted tomorrow on Sunday 🙁

it’s been a crazy coupla days!

will fill you in

Mwah.. hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather


just another lovely day….

I’m talkin’ about da STAMP sistahs.. I LOVE THIS STAMP!  I was so inspired that I made anuDDah (OOOHHH  a new word I LOVE!) canvas…

This little girl, “nina” is fishing… and HOPING… and she caught da hope! LOL… I just play with whatevah comes in DISS head of mine.. and this is what came out..

layers and layers of glazed paint.. and I mean LOTS…some fluorescent pink paint to add a bit of whimsy to da vintage..  vintage 1890 ledger paper and a vintage receipt she was stamped on..vintage stamps (postal stamps..LOL).. and a little scribble here an there to make my mark..LOL and of course.. our new stamp “JUST ANOTHER LOVELY DAY” by Rheea..

and this is what fell out of my paintbrush.. LITERALLY..LOL

and when I tell you that I embrace imperfection and wrinkles in da PAYPAH.. I really really do! I am even showing them off here! LOL
and here's a crinkle closeup

Hope you love it.

Will see you tomorrow for Bellarific friday

mwah mwah mwah to da sistahs who EMBRACE da WRINKLES.. and KRINKLES..


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