on Mary Ann Moss’ blog (I love her and all her classes BTW).. It is a video showing Danny Gregory sketching. He is a wonderful self-taught artist.. who has amazing books out to make you see the world in a different way. Danny has gone through some tragedy.. but all along has kept his spirit and his artwork
This is a sweet sweet and extremely inspiring video
please watch and enjoy 🙂
Sorry for the delay.. been a bit crazy around the bella household.. Yesterday we had a street party that went on to the wee hours of the night.. LOL.. we just moved to this neighborhood and I have to tell you, I FINALLY feel like this is HOME.. so many kids.. so many amazing people were finally officially met.. food galore, movies for kids.. planned games.. we were outside from 4pm until 11! and I loved every little minute of it 🙂
So here I am.. a little groggy… but here nonetheless and ready for a Bellarific Friday (on sunday)…LOL.. I am thinking that we will not have that many participants over the summer but I am HOPING that that will not be the case!!!
Let’s discuss some winnahs from last week
Winnah for PARTICIPATING ($20 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
7-Maria you win!! please let me know if you would like us to put the moolah in your store account!
Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:30:11 UTC
and now for the commentaytin winnah ($10 in Bella Bucks) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
4- Heidi H you win!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-06-17 14:31:22 UTC
OK now down to BIDNISS
The challenge this week was to choose your favorite sketch from the past year and to use it again with a Bella image!
Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with shall we?
and now for da SISTAHOOD!
small and intimate but GORGEOUS!!!
now for next week’s challenge
ink up your FAVORITE girl image!! that should be easy peasy no??
Can’t wait to see the entries!
Mwah to da sistahs who love BELLARIFIC FRIDAYS (on sundays)
this week Bellarific Friday will be posted tomorrow on Sunday 🙁
it’s been a crazy coupla days!
will fill you in
Mwah.. hope you are enjoying the gorgeous weather
I’m talkin’ about da STAMP sistahs.. I LOVE THIS STAMP! I was so inspired that I made anuDDah (OOOHHH a new word I LOVE!) canvas…
This little girl, “nina” is fishing… and HOPING… and she caught da hope! LOL… I just play with whatevah comes in DISS head of mine.. and this is what came out..
layers and layers of glazed paint.. and I mean LOTS…some fluorescent pink paint to add a bit of whimsy to da vintage.. vintage 1890 ledger paper and a vintage receipt she was stamped on..vintage stamps (postal stamps..LOL).. and a little scribble here an there to make my mark..LOL and of course.. our new stamp “JUST ANOTHER LOVELY DAY” by Rheea..
and this is what fell out of my paintbrush.. LITERALLY..LOL
Hope you love it.
Will see you tomorrow for Bellarific friday
mwah mwah mwah to da sistahs who EMBRACE da WRINKLES.. and KRINKLES..
Yesterday I was in my studio (FANCY for BASEMENT).. and I was working on a piece I am going to show you. It started off one way and ended up in a completely different direction.. it was really weird how that happened. Colors changed, composition changed but the subject stayed the same. And the message came to me at the end. I wondered why I stamped that message in and today it dawned on me. This was created for Tyler. It was a message for HIM.
In this piece I used MICROPHONE by Rheea. I can’t tell you enough how much I adore these stamps.. they pull at my heartstrings.. they make me think.. and they make me want to stamp them everywhere that doesn’t breathe or move… now tell me, is that normal? hmmm.. it depends who you ask..LOL.. my “regular” friends think I have finally lost it 🙂 LOL .. This is one of the reasons I started this blog..
(1) to create a testament to my family and friends
(2) To provide inspiration and humor
(3) to connect people (sistahs) all around the world who are JUST LIKE ME and can’t seem to convince their regular friends that they are NORMAL..LOL.. It’s ok sistahs.. Our sistahood knows that you are normal 🙂
Here is my birch cradled “canvas” I made for my Tyler.. I love the vintage brown and the neon just peeking through it… (oh and I decided to create AMBIENCE with the baby roses from my garden)
I so hope that my kids one day will scroll through these entries and realize how much they mean to me.. if they don’t , I will FORCE them to..LOL.
Tyler is a DECADE old. A DECADE. I remember when they wrapped him in a pink blanket in the hospital because they ran out of blue (that stuff only happens to me) and my mother came RUNNING in from Montreal right after I gave birth .. grabbed the baby and said OH YOU HAD A GIRL!… I cleared my throat and had to explain that HE was a BOY.
I could go into the details of the birth..LOL. but I won’t. Just want to make a tribute to Ty.. who makes me proud every single day. It’s crazy to stare at someone who displays your traits both good and bad and sometimes I say, I can’t believe I created HIM. He is a super athlete, a conscientious student but MOST OF ALL.. he is a wonderful human being. He has a heart of gold and would never hurt a soul. So empathetic. he feels what other people feels.. it’s uncanny…. oh and did I mention his sense of humor and goofiness? LOL
Thank you to my sistahs for listening to my little personal stories :).. and reading 🙂
Mwah to my SON who is legally allowed to stay home alone (lol.. it’s so good to have a little scaredy cat)
and boy was I inspired! I had a weekend ALLL to myself for 3 days!! It was BLISSFUL! I painted (will show you painting tomorrow).. I journalled.. I stamped.. I hung out with my chicklet friends… *sigh*.. I think the kids and ryan have to go to camp weekly, no? LOL
Thank you for all your support on last week’s release.. it’s one of my favorites!
Now let’s talk Art journaling shall we? I am going to update my sidebar to include all my favorites that I look at all the time… If you are “scared” to art journal, please don’t be.. you will never be happier after you start! There are NO rules.. at all! It’s how you want it.. you’re the BOSS.. you decide what goes in there.. NOBODY else k? It’s a place where you can try out new art supplies.. scribble… doodle.. practice lettering… paint.. ink…STAMP!!! you name it! I know I repeat myself all the time but I really recommend it to everyone :0 Even my “regular” friends..who don’t understand what it’s like to sniff and lick rubbah cuz you love it so much..LOL.
Ok so the theme this week was to use your FAVORITE colors on a page…
and here is my page. I decided to use our new TERESA “IN MY ELEMENT” stamp set called “PIE CHARTS HAVE NO CALORIES..” LOL.. I had so much fun converting these elements into flowers! I got to color.. and shade. Teresa’s sets are AMAZING for this type of journaling.. they are sooo much fun! I tried to use my PITT PEN MARKERS for the background.. they are quite “streaky”.. but I like them for journals because they don’t bleed to the other side! so I get to color and eat my cake too..LOL.. I glued down the business cards from where I visited this weekend and wrote a blurb.. this was FUN!
I do hope that these posts inspire you.. make you want to try it… I am here for you if you have any questions!
next week’s theme is to use one of our stamps in your journal.. you can cut, color, paper piece.. write a story about what that stamp means to you etc..
Have fun with it, let loose and start a journal if you already haven’t!
Mwah to da sistahs who think I am bossy 🙂