A little more inspiration for da sistahs??
First I like to introduce new places to visit if you want to learn more about Art Journaling… I am dying to find the time to make a video myself and I WILL just give me a little time K? LOL.. until then, I will direct you to great places to learn a little more about the process. I am constantly on the web looking, learning, finding and getting inspired for stampies :).. so if you have time to put on some headphones and ‘chill’.. take a look at Jennibellie’s YOUTUBE channel.. I just love her :).. and she has two nice long videos about journaling supplies that is PHENOM! so take a looky!
Do you have any favorite art journaling sites you go to for inspiration? (I have tons more .. will try to update my favorite blogs on my sidebar today)
Do you have any favorite SUPPLIES you cannot live without? Would love to hear more and I will share too 🙂
Ok now for AJ TOOSDAY on WENNSDAY.. Ready? The theme today was BIRDS…. (why do I always think of a horror movie when I say BIRDDDSSSSSS)
Aren’t they YUMMY? Now don’t be shy sistahs… Let loose.. go crazy on a piece of paper.. abuse the heck out of it.. have fun! I wanna see more sistahs letting loose and journaling.. it nourishes the soul. I promise.
Ok next week’s theme? ANIMALS.. your favorite animal (can be a drawing, a photo of your pet, a clipping, a cut out an abstract rendition of an animal).. you are free to do as you wish!
Mwah to da sistahs who aren’t getting sick of my blogging 🙂
Hiya sistahs..
just wanted to share some pictures of our VACAY.. I promise I won’t bore you to death.. And AJ TOOSDAY will come laytah.. promise!
So we went to Ogunquit, Maine, as I mentioned…. beach, hotel, LOBSTAH, great weathAH.. who could ask for more? On our way to Ogunquit, we stopped in Albany and in Boston… have I mentioned how much I LOOOVE Boston? But first a little bit about Albany..
We stayed at the holiday inn and When I saw the room key .. I said, this was meant to be.. I NEEDED that room key with me at all times!
I knew that only good things were to happen from there.. a little foreshadowing..
And now a little bit about Boston!
And now for Maine… I can’t explain how I feel when I go to Maine.. it brings back wonderful childhood memories.. the smell.. the shops.. the food.. I just feel like I “belong” there.. if that makes sense.
so that’s a little snapshot of our week!
Glad I could share with you 🙂
And I just wanted to end with this note.. just sayin’
oh oh and one more thing! I saw this in a store window and HAD to share
Hiya sistahs!! DIDJAMISSME????? hmmmm???? cuz I missed you! I tried to update facebook and instagram so I hope you got to see at least something! We had a DEEVINE time and will be making this our yearly vacay for sure! I will make sure to post some pictures tomorrow!
Ok for now, let’s discuss Bellarific Friday shall we?
Winnahs for last week are…
For COMMENTAYTIN ($10 in bella bucks) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
1-HEIDI you win! please email me and I will send you your moolah!
Timestamp: 2012-08-27 20:08:57 UTC
And now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella buckeroonis) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
7-PEGGY YOU WIN! please email me and I will send your voucher!!
Timestamp: 2012-08-27 20:11:06 UTC
Ok now for this week’s challenge!
it was a sketch!
Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with shalllll weeee?
Now is that BEAUTIFULNESS or what?
Don’t forget to leave a comment here
(a) cuz I wanna make sure you are alive..LOL
(b) cuz I want you to be able to win $10 in bella bucks!!
and (c) cuz I lOOOOOOOVE you 🙂
Next week’s theme is BACK TO SCHOOL (actually this friday’s)… so get crackin’ sistahs!
Mwah to da sistahs who are still lingering after my long break
I am using a time on the blog which doesn’t coincide with the time the blog says.. does that even make sense? Oh well we will see! So if you are late in submitting your card, you will have to wait til I get back from VACAY.. k? (vacay K.. LOL)
So let’s talk about what I have packed so far for my trip.. we are leaving tomorrow for our destination in Ogunquit Maine on Sunday.. we are stopping in Albany tomorrow, Boston on Saturday and Ogunquit on Sunday for the week… Please pray for me (or them RATHER) to not FLING my children out the window. LOL
If anyone has any tips, or advice, or restaurants to go to places to see, please feel free to post it on this entry! I love when da sistahs write me comments.. Have I mentioned that lately?
Ok here’s a picture of my…
Ok now down to BIDNISS.. let’s talk some WINNAHS from last week shall we?
Here are your random numbers:
28- Heather you win $10 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS! please email me and I will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2012-08-17 00:59:39 UTC
Now for a CONTRIBUTIN’ winna ($20 in bellarific buckeroonis) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
1-Lynn you win $20 in bucks! email me and I will send your VOUCHAH!!!
Timestamp: 2012-08-17 01:03:00 UTC
I also wanted to thank you so much for all your input for last week’s thoughts on my website.. I am keeping the contest open for another week so keep on thinkin’!
Ok now for this week’s challenge!
BIRTHDAY WISHES.. anything that has to do with birthday 🙂 stamp, background…
let’s see what the baberoonis have come up with
and now for da SISTAHOOD!
gorgeouliciousness no?
Anyway I am off like a prom dress and like I said, follow me on all social media and I will also try to update da BLOGGG as often as I can. Art JOurnal TOOSDAY will be postponed until the week after next
Place a comment here and you can win $10 in BELLA BUCKS!!
BEHAVE ok? lol
next week’s theme is a sketch!
Mwah to da sistahs AGAIN.
hiya sistahs..
As you know for the past while I have been hiding..LOL.. in my craftroom.. painting, experimenting.. stamping.. finding out who I am ‘artistically’.
I have been mixing styles.. coloring, painting.. misting.. collaging.. OMG.. i have been a mess.. but having fun.. trying to find ways to inspire you.. trying to find things that I would want to video and show you…
I am starting to LOVE and understand abstract art a bit more.. and fell in love with MAGALY OHIKA from the “Itsy Bitsy Spill”.. first of all that name made me melt and giggle at the same time..LOL. I ended up signing up for both of her classes.. her colours.. her freedom of lines.. that’s what I felt I needed.. no pressure in drawing because I know it is my weakness and MAJOR color.. and that is my passion… what a combo!
here is the piece that made me fall in love with her.. her rawness.. her innocence
So this was my interpretation of her art, using her techniques.. on a very messy juicy background.. now this may not be for everyone.. and I understand that but I just wanted to show you
(1) that I have no SHAME..LOL
(2) that it’s OK to love something not everyone else does 🙂
honestly, this was the best of all 3 of my worlds.. the stress freeNESS of the drawing portion.. the collage portion AND the yummalish sprayed and majorly “fondled” (Lol) background.. yum!
anyway.. that’s just what has been inspiring me of late 🙂
I have some cardZ to show off this week too of course!
Carlabella used CLIMB ON by RHEEA.. I LOVE how she finishes the card on the inside.. she just posted this today but I couldn’t wait to STEAL it and show it to you LOL if you haven’t visited her first
and the inside
here’s a card from KATHYBELLA
here she used LULU’S WEDDING CAKE.. gorgeous!
Paulineabella used UPTOWN GIRL CLAUDIA has a CANDY
Here’s Natashabella’s PAINTER MEG CARD
Cathabella used TURTLE TOTS SUMMER GIRLS.. look at da BLUSH!
can you tell I am going on vacation tomorrow?
I URGE my sistahs to follow me on Instagram.. I am LOVING posting there so I will keep you all inspired.. you can also follow me on twitter or facebook (not sure if it goes to my personal account there but I think so)… and we can stay “connected”.. like a TROO sistahood should (I like how ‘troo’ looks)..LOL
Ok I am acting like a FOO’ (also love how that looks)
I gotS-Ta-Go
Bellarific Friday should be up bright and early tomorrow if I don’t collapse.. or later tonight if I don’t know how to program my “timer”..LOL..
Mwah to da sistahs who STAY inspired ALWAYS
It means it’s ART JOURNALING TOOSDAY.. (on Toosday! lol)..
This week has been crazy (Im speaking as if it is friday..LOL.. it’s only day 2 of the week..sheesh!).. I’ve been arting and stamping all weekend.. it was DEEVINE!
I also read all of your input on my bloggypoo and so appreciate it! Have taken notes on all the goodies you would like to see and hopefully I can make it all happen! So yesterday I think I created the logo and the tagline for our “new look”.. I hope you won’t all be disappointed when you see it because when you do, you will see that Bella has grown up! LOL.. My vision for the website is to be clean and simple so that we can focus on the images.. which is what we are all about right? and the way we can inspire you… right? I love the meaning of the tag line and I love the way it looks.. but I can’t show you.. no no.. I cannot show you! LOL it’s a SURPRISE! But I will let you know who the winnah is on tomorrow’s post.. k?
A little Art Journaling NUGGET or website to take a look at. If you are a newbie and would like to learn more.. check out this website.. first of all it is BEEYOTIFUL.. and this couple is devoting their thursdays to art journaling. Last week was the basics.. I think you will love it and maybe less intimidating if you can ease yourselves into it.. right? I just discovered it through pinterest and it is a lovely site 🙂 it’s called EVERYDAY IS A HOLIDAY… I hope you enjoy it! Look for the AJ posts.
Ok now let’s get down to BIDnISS
This weeks theme for AJ was the concept of TIME…
SIGHHHHHHHHHH have I mentioned that I love AJ toosdays lately?
Ok next week’s theme is BIRDS…LOL now don’t think it is because of my other spread and that I will include that in next week’s entry… n’uh uh.. no way.. not me… ok well maybe if it’s getting a little late..LOL …
Ohhhh did I mention we were going away on vacation? I don’t think we have taken one in 5 years.. crazy AY? and you know what is even CRAZIER? that we are driving.. AND that our destination is 11 hours away..LOL.. with two kids who have NO IDEA re. concept of time!! i know.. I am crazy. Last weekend we were invited to a friend’s cottage about 1.5 hours away.. I am NOT joking when I say that 10 minutes into the drive what do you think I heard?…. “MOMMMMMMMMM are we almost there????”…. so imagine 11 hours. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME??? LOL
Mwah to da sistahs who understand ME.