Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s bellarific friday in Toronto.. oh and everywhere else..LOL- and an announcement!

Hiya sistahs!  whatcha doin?

My head is POUNDING.. I am sooo in tune with the’s terrible.. I woke up with a migraine and sure enough it’s dark and yucky and damp outside.  Does that ever happen to you?

What do you have planned for the weekend?  guess where I am gonna be this weekend?  Yep you guessed it.. in 2 arenas… BOTH my kids have hockey tournaments..  I had to call an S.o.S. to my Mother in Law from montreal to come and help me out and guess what?  she did :).. so she is at the arena with Jayden this morning since 7:10 (OMG she must love my kids).. and then one more this afternoon and tyler has one more this afternoon.. and then 2 tomorrow morning for Tyler and one in the afternoon for Jayden… SOMEBODY PLEASE ASK ME HOW I GOT MYSELF INTO THIS?????   wahhhhhhhhh!

Ok enough complaining.. Let’s get down to BIDNISS.

Some bellarific winnahs from last week!

Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ a card goes toooo ($20 in bella bucks)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

10-MARYANN you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:41:59 UTC

And now for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

4- Christine you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2012-11-23 14:43:01 UTC


Ok now for an announcement!   We have now closed our DT call and thank everyone for sending in their applications.  We SOOO appreciate it and treasure each one.  It was very difficult to decide!   We have 2 more DT members to welcome!  We are SOOO thrilled that they decided to join our little family and trust me when I say they fit right in!

Please go visit and say hello to ANGELABELLA Thomas .. her work is gorgeous and so bright and vivid.. her specialty is Tombow markers and it just opens a whole new world!  or reopens an old world LOL.. It’s so much fun to try new things!

Now again put your hands together and welcome AMANDABELLA Reed!  Her work is stunning and will compliment all of the drooly inspiration you see here every week.. so go and say hello will ya?

OK so this week’s theme was HOLIDAY WISHES

let’s see what da BABES came up with shall we?

Since we have two new ones starting next week, they decided to contribute this week so OF COURSE I have to feature them under the baberooni heading just for you to get a taste of their work!

Amandabella used JINGLE BELLS

Angelabella used POLLY PACKAGES


and of course our “INSIDE CARD SPECIALIST”s inside

Cathabella used Frostier (with some birch bark that she picked up on a nature walk.. I loved that 🙂 )

Danabella used FROSTIER

Elaineabella used FROSTIER

Marybella used WHOOOO MEEEE?


Regabella used the tree from our NATURE GRAFFITI set


Vickibella used UPTOWN GIRL WINONA

How’s DAT for inspiration hmmmmm?

Now for da SISTAHOOD!


How’s DAT for a bellarific friday?? hmmmmmm?

Don’t forget to put a comment so you have a chance to win $10 next week!

next week’s theme is a sketch

MWAH to da sistahs who love  BELLARIFIC FRIDAY!





Inspiration THURSDAY

Hiya sistahs!

I thought today was a good day to post some inspiring cards.. no?  Ya.. it’s that kinda day.  and tomorrow is Bellarific Friday!! Have you submitted your card yet?? hmmmmm?

ready? set?  here we gooooo!

Cathabella used UPTOWN GIRL POSH in her card
Carlabella used LITTLE BIRDIE JANE
Elaineabella used UPTOWN GIRL CHARLIE on her CHIMNEY
Marybella used WHAT'S COOKIN'
Paulineabella used THE HAPPY FAMILY\


Here's Regabella's card using JAVA SPILLS
Vickibella used OLIVIA in her card

I also picked a card from our SPLITCOAST gallery :).. Random and gorgeous using BRANCHING OUT OWLIES.. this is Pia’s card.  Pia if you are out there, please say hi!


gorgeous inspiration for a thursday no???

Ok off to workkkkk




it’s ART JOURNALING TOOSDAY-and some stories

Hiya sistahs!  How was your weekend?  (lol as if you’re gonna answer.. WELL YOU CAN IN DA COMMENTS YA KNOW)…  Mine was pretty good and I was able to squish in some time for FINGERPAINTING… woohoo!  nothing better than getting dirty!

But first… So Jayden had this HUGE infection in her ear (a staph infection).. that she had to get major antibiotics for.  So we go to the pharmacy and this young pharmacist starts making gagging noises and mumbling loud enough for us to hear that this medication smells HORRIBLE and TASTES EVEN WORSE!  So I look at him and say, “you don’t have children do you?”.. and he rolls his eyes at me and says “No, how did you know?”.. so I sayS (lol) “because NO ONE WITH A CHILD IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULD do what you just did!!”.. I hope I taught him a lesson.  hmph.  Sometimes I hate stupid people. So of course, it has been a struggle giving the medicine ever since… until I had to involve ICE CREAM.  Do you have any STUPID PEOPLE stories? LOL.  This one just took the cake in my opinion.  I was SOOO angry.  Ok enough venting about this.

Now I am going to vent about Dance moms.. LOL.  does anyone watch that?  (YES YOU CAN ANSWER ME IN THE COMMENT SECTION..LOL).. well I just watched 4 episodes that I taped (yes I still say TAPED and my kids say TAPED even though they don’t know what a TAPE is..LOL)..  I watched all 4 last night and I swear that clique is just SO UNBEARABLE.  What is WRONG with those women?  Ok. I’m done now.  LOL.

Now onto our regularly scheduled program.. AJ MONDAY on TOOSDAY.  I think I scared all DA SISTAHS with this FINGERPAINTING business.  LOL.  I LOVVVVE using my fingers in the process.  Don’t be scared!

Well we have 1 new sistah who joined us this week!

Here is Marti's page and she used JAVABELLAS

and that’s it for da SISTAHOOD!

and now I will show you how I use my fingers (I can’t show you how I use my fingers while I DRIVE..LOL  you can just imagine).. hehehe

Here is a mixed media MAJORLY layered and textured piece using paints, and inks and pastels… Used my fingers for most of it 🙂

And here is another mixed media piece in progress …Major mixed media background which will of course be calmed down and then my little bunnies in pastel which were SMUDGED with my fingers… nomnomnom

and here is where I am at.. I think they will be backwards bunnies.. my friend told me so LOL.  They were ALL painted in with my fingers :).  If I can do it.. so can you!!!

Ok.. next weeks theme…. ANYTHING GOES.  Just look around you and submit an INSPIRATION page.. what is inspiring you NOW? at this moment?

Mwah to da sistahs who feel INSPIRED!


today is ONE AMAZING BELLARIFIC FRIDAY.. and I’ll tell you why k?

So sistahs.. it’s been a great week behind DA SCENES in bella headquarters.  We have been active in all sorts of ways!  (aside from me getting off my a$$ and maybe taking a walk? LOL).. but active in all sorts of othA ways.. our facebook group is rockin’ (LOL I always wanted to say that without sounding like a loser).. and we are having a great time.  We are also adding more “family members” to our Design Team… Our call is now closed but thank you all for sending in your applications!

Before we announce one of our new team members, let’s discuss some winnahs from last week’s Bellarific Friday shall we?

Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ on last week’s post goes to….. ($10 vouchah)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

5- CAROL W you win!  please email me and I will send you your MOOLAH

Timestamp: 2012-11-16 14:00:02 UTC


Now for a CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella buckeroonis) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

2- KATE!  you win!  please email me and I will send you your VOUCHAH!

Timestamp: 2012-11-16 14:01:28 UTC


Ok now for an announcement and this week’s theme.

This week’s theme was a SKETCHYPOO

We have LOTS of entries this week so grab your favorite hot beverage (or cold but HOT BEVERAGE reminds me of Sheldon on BIG BANG THEORY and I LOVE sheldon)


I would like to announce KIM O’CONNELLABELLA to our team this week.  She is absolutely DELICIOUS and when she wrote me her email asking for a chance to be on our team, I absolutely could not resist!  It was FULL of humor,  a sense of loyalty, and just plain funny.  Who could resist an application like that?  Oh and did I mention she is UBER talented?  OMG!  Run.. I say RUN (said like foghorn leghorn-can you tell how giddy I am writing this post? LOL).. to her BLOG (linked above) as she is giving out some AMAZING blog candy!  Please give  her the usual amazing SISTAHOOD welcome k?  so we don’t scare her away.

Ok here is her card for this week celebrating her newbyness 🙂  Kim used UPTOWN GIRLS VICTORIA and JULIETTE for this card.. Don’t forget on our website, if you “CLICK FOR IDEAS” under an image, you should get some card samples pop up to inspire you 🙂



and of course the inside 🙂


Here’s Cathabella’s card using UPTOWN GIRL WINONA LOVES WINTER

Danabella used UPTOWN GIRL EVE under the MISTLETOE

and the inside.  (I LOVE how that just ties the whole card togethah!)

Elaineabella used JANE GIRL


Paulineabella used RAMONA LOVES TO GLIDE


Vickabella used FIXER BOY

Ok tell me your BEVERAGE is still hot?  It better not be because you stopped and ogled at each and every card above 🙂  Are they not GORGEOUS?

But WAIT… there’s MORE!  Let’s see what our STUPENDOUS SISTAHOOD came up with shall we?

Joann used BUBBLE TREE
here is Leslie's card using VICTORIA and JULIETTE
and the inside
Maryann submitted a second card using HAT AND MITTS


Honestly sistahs.. this post makes my heart sing.. such GORGEOUSARIFFIC (yes that is a word) entries.. the colour, the talent.. OMG.. I now wanna stop working and paint and stamp right now..LOL  THAT”S NOT GOOD.

Thank you for all your entries. I love them.  And don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win $10 in BELLA BUCKS next week!

Next week’s challenge? HOLIDAY WISHES!  Paper, bella stamps, holiday ribbon.. holiday colours.. you name it.. !

Mwah to da sistahs who count on BELLARIFIC FRIDAY 🙂 (ON FRIDAY LOL)

It’s amazing how

productive and focused I can be at times 🙂 (I am sure there are a few reading this saying.. EMILY?  FOCUSED? )  But it’s TROO!!! (i love how that’s spelled.. and WHY isn’t it spelled that way?)..  Anyway, one of my goals since closing bellaland was to really FOCUS.. focus on my job.. focusing on what I want to achieve.. focusing on marketing.. product.. and REUNITING da sistahood.  It’s been so long!  Since I owned the store, I felt torn into a kajillion pieces.  I was never able to FOCUS.. I was never able to do WHAT I WANTED TO DO.  That’s not to say that I didn’t LOVE my store..and the people surrounding me but I just wanted MORE.  More for my brand.. I wanted to get back to my real passion which was to be creative, to inspire and unite sistahs all around the world to chat about things in common.. to feel “normal”.. LOL. As I have mentioned a bajillion times here on my blog.. my “normal” friends have no clue what a high you can get sniffing beautiful paper and licking washi tape and HUFFING on a rubber stamp.  But my sistahs GET IT.  And that’s why I have wanted to create a “safe” (lol) environment where we are not judged but we embrace this sickness *ahem* PASSION that we all share.

Having said all of that I have accomplished having my stamps CLING MOUNTED… check! (which was one of my FOCUSES).. and now I am focusing on my sistahood, my DT and social media.  We have the most AMAZING DT out there (if I do say so myself).. Kind, loyal and amazingly talented sistahs who have helped me showcase my product throughout the years.  This DT is growing and making me so proud.

Elaineabella has taken on the responsibility to work closely with me (actually on her own but I want you to think i do SOMETHING around here..LOL)..on firing up our Splitcoast Forum by presenting challenges, blabbing and becoming as close to eachother as we can get!  So if there is anything, any topic, that you would like to see shared, please email us and we would love to have the forum grow!

If you would like to post your creations on our SPLITCOAST GALLERY.. we would LOVE to see them there!  I actually think I will be doing a weekly roundup with cards from the gallery.. so stay tuned if you would like to see your card or project featured here!

Elaineabella has also set up a fantastic FACEBOOK GROUP that I would love for all of you to join!  We will also have contests and giveaways etc..  would love to have you “LIKE” us

it’s called the STAMPING BELLA SISTAHOOD and you can find it right here

So am I PRODUCTIVE or WHAT?  hmmmmm?

Hope you can join us in all these venues.. would love to see you there!!

mwah to da sistahs who like the “LIKE” button


it’s AJ TOOSDAY on WENNNNSDAY and my favorite stores :)

Hiya sistahs,

Sorry I was MIA yesterday.. I decided to have a retail therapy day with my friend Mary (shhh don’t tell my BOSS).  We had SUCH an amazing day shopping for shtuff we both love and adore.  It’s so amazing to go with someone who doesn’t say “take your time, I’ll just be waiting in the car for you”… or “really?  you NEED this?”… LOL.. I have plenty of friends and a HUSBAND who does that to me all the time.. so it is refreshing to have friends who love the same things you do! I love supporting local businesses, so here goes.. if you are in the Toronto area, I DEFINITELY recommend these shops.   So this was our route.. we went to WOOLFITS art supplies .. we went to THE PAPER PLACE. they have GORGEOUS papers for collage, and little japanese doohickis that I LOVE.. and tools and paper and paper .. OMG and paper.  Just GORGE.  We also went to another amazing stationery store which has EVERYTHING under the sun called MIDOCO.  I absolutely LOVE that store as it reminds me of my youth.   Being born and bred in Montreal, we are so used to European brands, European style toys etc… and this store just transforms me back to my youth.. I literally felt like a kid again.  They have SOOO many goodies, from TOYS to ART SUPPLIES, to STATIONERY to OFFICE SUPPLIES… I definitely recommend a visit. In the middle of our shopping, the fire alarm went off and we were escorted out and had to wait to purchase our goodies.  The “ME” who has Type A, and no patience, just wandered around outside, had lunch, went to the dollar store and then returned when the alarm was deemed false.   THERE WAS NO WAY I WAS LEAVING MY BASKET OF GOODIES there..LOL.  Then we ended our day going to a sweet shop called HANJI on Bloor st West.. Catherine, the owner was a DOLL and has such a beautiful shop filled with papers, and korean stationery/stamps/ and goodies.  It was an amazing way to end our adventure (Oh did I mention that Mary almost ran over someone?  LOL  we will leave that for another day)..

so if you ever have a chance to visit the above stores, I TOTALLY recommend that you do.. they are my favorites 🙂

Stay tuned for PART DEUX with Mary…. bwahahaha


Only one contributor this week… where is everyone>??? HMMM?

well I decided to show a couple of pieces.  The theme this week is RUBONS.  Rubons are really an amazing easy thing to use in your work.  They add texture and dimension.. they fill gaps that may need a little “some’n some’n”.. they are great.  and I KNOW that everyone has to have SOME in their stash 🙂  from 600 years ago..LOL

I picked up some 5*7 canvas boards at michaels.. already gesso’d and pretty and a perfect size to send to someone.  I think of people like my mom who love the artwork on cards but then don’t know what to do with the cards..LOL… So I was thinking.. why not send a little piece of art to your friends or loved ones INSTEAD of a card?  This way they can stand it up in their studio, frame it and they have your inscription or message on the back of the board  from you to them.  I think that would be such a special gift.  NOW DON’T GET ME WRONG sistahs.. I LOVE  LOVE LOVE making cards.. and sending them to people who appreciate them.. But I also love my mixed media and stamps and using them in a different way.  I have people who ask me all the time for one of my pieces, and this is just an easy and FUN way to do it.  Doesn’t cost much to mail and really ready to hang up 🙂  What do you think?


So in this piece, I just painted and layered and glazed and smudged and had the bestest time.  I used CHRISTY TOMLINSON rubons I had as the scallop and the stitching element.  It’s still not finished but would be so much fun to receive no?

Here’s another one I did.. ALL WITH MY FINGERS.. my favorite way to paint and smudge.  It is quite “raw” and was intended to be that way.. I love the naivete of the marks and I was also able to incorporate some stamping on vintage speller paper.  I used the SQUARE FRAME from Teresa Mcfayden’s YOUVE BEEN FRAMED set and I also masked and used the butterfly from our NATURE SILHOUETTES set.. it became my focal point and I LOVE IT.  The saying came from my little bin of words I cut out from magazines.  *sigh*.. this piece incorporated my MARK MAKING, my PAINTING, and my COLLAGE passions.  It was fun.  Of course there had to be a little neon red in there for punch or it wouldn’t be ME! (oh and you will see the stitching and loopy rubons through the painting)

and Now Jennifer B made a beautiful page using our stamp IZZIE HAS A LETTAH lots of rubons and chipboard.. you can tell she had so much fun with this page!

Don’t forget to leave a comment on the last bellarific post for a chance to win $10 in bella bucks!

NEXT WEEK’S THEME:.. you ready?  I WANT YOU TO USE YOUR FINGERS.. finger paint, smoosh, draw and smudge.. water soluble oil pastels.. whatever.. just be free and use your hands


Mwah to da sistahs who aren’t scared.. LOL

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