Sistahs, been trying to post since 8 this morning. My Internet has been down and have a repairman coming Monday morning first thing.. Words cannot explain how frustrated I have been all week with my “teetering” Internet.
I will continue to try to post when and if I get a signal 🙁
Until then, please visit our babes’ blogs for their posts and our sistahood’s post will be up as soon as I can post it!
Mwah to da sistahs who thought I “forgotted”
Em … From her iPhone 5 with 3% battery (it’s how I seem to roll lately.. Lol)
and BABY it’s COLLLD outside… does it make sense that my BONES feel cold? hmph.
I decided because of the weather that we should at least FEEL warm and snuggly inside.. so let’s see some inspiration shall we?
Here are more entries from our SPLITCOAST challenge and a winnah! Get your cuppa joe and chill..LOL I mean REHEAT. (I kill me with my “kneesmackers”
Again the theme was A PICTURE IS A THOUSAND WORDS(no sentiment required)
amazing second batch of inspiration sistahs!
Elaineabella has already chosen a winnah… DRUMROLLLLLL PLEASEEEEEEEE
KATHI R! You Win!!! Please email me and I will send you your $20 vouchah!
and now for the next theme?
the theme is LOVEY DOVEY.. and you can find all the details HERE
just to tease you.. and tempt you…
here’s Elaineabella’s UPTOWN COUPLE EMILY AND RYAN in a lovey dovey card
soooo? you gonna participate???? Lots of stuff to do sistahs… Bellarific Friday sketch this week and the SCS challenge! If you participate I will feature your card here 🙂
mwah to da sistahs who need a little kick and shove to start creating! LOL
Hiya sistahs! How was your weekend? I’m telling you.. I don’t even know what day it is lately.. hmph.. been so busy and the weekend that just passed was a whirlwind…
This was my view pretty much for 3 days straight. hmph.. we were all WRECKS by Sunday night LOL.. That’s my BOY with the spider man helmet.. goalie of the stars..LOL. I honestly can’t complain as I REALLY enjoy watching him and cheering for the team.. it just takes the wind out of me… and the politics involved really drive me MAD! Any othAH sistahs involved in competitive sports? Would love to hear your stories..
Here’s another little tidbit of my life..LOL. I pick up the kidlets every afternoon.. and this is what greets me.. a little scary but soooo cute 🙂 Makes my heart sing! This little girl with the SMOOSHED window nose is a true “free spirit”..LOL.. sometimes a little hard to follow..LOL
Ok Enough about MEEEEEE… What’s going on with YOUUUUUUU?
Don’t forget to place a comment on BELLARIFIC FRIDAY post to possibly win $10 in bella bucks! Also don’t forget this week’s SKETCH due Thursday night! Come on and join us will ya?
This week’s theme was an ANYTHING goes theme.. Let’s see what everyone came up with shall we?
and for next week’s challenge?
I made some “PACKING TAPE TRANSFERS” with Jayden last week.. here’s her manicured fingers, showing you the technique
This is a great technique and VERY easy. I would like you to include a transfer in your art journaling page.. k? You with me? Here’s a link to a tutorial and it’s a phenom website to look through.. YUM.. you’ll thank me 🙂
On the radio today while driving my children to a program?
yup.. it occupied me for 10 minutes of my 1 hour laborious drive.. I sang SO loud I think the cars next to me heard me.. ECHHHH who cares what othahs think right? LOL
Mwah to da sistahs who sing with da tunes and will TRY AJ TOOSDAY NEXT TOOSDAY!
and WHAT A ROUNDUP! OMG! We have some new playahs… new sistahs in da sistahood and that makes my heart SING!
I am off to Tyler’s hockey tournament so I wanted to get Bellarific Friday in.. it’s gonna be a LONNNNG weekend… so if you wanna see what I am up to.. just join Instagram and find me @stampingbella and you will see all the gossip..LOL.
Without further “ADO”.. let’s discuss some winnahs from last week shall we?
Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
15- OLGA you win! please email me and I will send you your VOUCHAH!
Timestamp: 2013-01-18 14:47:40 UTC
And now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah! ($20 in bella bucks)
Here are your random numbers:
3- MARIA you win! please email me and will send your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2013-01-18 14:49:11 UTC
and now for this week’s challenge! it was an inspiration picture.. and you were able to interpret it as you wished as long as you used a bella stamp.
here’s the picture
Let’s goooooo!!!
Our amazing baberoonis came up with STUNNILICIOUS (oh i like that new word) cards.. here we go!
Are these inspiring or what? GORGEOUS! I love the pattern.. the colours.. yum!
Now for our DIVINE sistahood
now how’s DAT for inspiration? Wanna know what next week’s challenge is?
a sketchypoo!
don’t forget to email me your entry by next Thursday Jan. 24th..
also always remember if you post a comment on this post, you can win $10 in bella bucks! If you contribute you can win $20!
Mwah to da sistahs who feel bad for this hockey mom..LOL
We have created a brand new “BLINKIE”.. It’s stunning if I do say so myself.. makes me all warm and fuzzy
take a looky at it on the bottom left of the screen.
no not there.
a little lower…
YA RIGHT THERE! With da butterfly flying! LOL. If you read my blog and have a blog, would LOVE for you to share the love 🙂
It doesnt take much to make me excited obviously. hmph.
Now just to let you know that AJ TOOSDAY will be back in full swing next week! The theme is anything goes so splash, mark, paint, drip, tear, stick to your hearts content. Let it out sistahs!
If you have sent me an entry already, please email me the entry again if you don’t mind !
Here is one wood panel I have been working on.. just to inspire you a little 🙂
Mwah to da sistahs who love inspiration.. oh and blinkies 🙂
And I will leave you with one of my most FAVORITEST songs of all time… I heard it in the car while I was doing one of my daily drives for one of my children and was singing it at the top of my lungs!
What’s your favorite song?? I need some new ones on my playlist!
Hiya sistahs! I am typing under a ton of orders.. we are trying to get everything out ASAP!! so please bear with us 🙂
Now for some inspiration…
We have our bellaTASTIC challenge over at Splitcoast and hoping you will join us. We have GORGEOUS entries so far which I will share with you just to motivate you too! The winnah will receive $20 in bella bucks to spend.. how’s DAT for motivation?
this challenge is called “A PICTURE IS WORTH A THOUSAND WORDS”… NO sentiment.. let the image do the talking!
Let’s look at some entries shall we?
How fun are these??? i KNEW you would love them 🙂
If you would like info on this challenge you can just click here and go to our forum 🙂
Don’t forget Bellarific Friday this Friday using this inspiration sketch 🙂