Sistahs.. when I saw Parker the superpiggy I almost fainted. Literally. His smug little expression. Parker feels like he can do it all! He is great for masculine cards, children’s cards.. people who you think are just SUPER.. people who think they can’t achieve what they are striving for.. who need encouragement.. because if THIS little piggy CAN fly (which he can, by the way. I’ve seen him in ACTION).. then Anyone can achieve ANYTHING they set their hearts to achieve. This little pig says a lot. He is telling you to NEVER. SAY. NEVER. capiche? You listening to me sistahs?
Try NOT to faint when you see this little face and hooves, but if you do.. I totally get it. LOL
Coloured by our very own Elaineabella
I just look at him and giggle LOL.
I am gonna stamp him in my journal just to remind me NEVER to give up 🙂
So … you lovey him? Leave a comment here and you have a chance to win him.. leave a comment on ANY of the release images and you have a chance to win
Mwah to da sistahs who NEVAH say NEVAH
So sistahs? I am LOVING the response so far on the cutie patooties I have been introducing.. You are gonna FALL IN LOVE with this artist.. I promise… Not only is she SO talented but we have bonded beyond believe.. and a synergy like this = AMAZING creations… we are already working on our next one! Sigh.. I love art. I love illustrations.. this just makes me SO. Very. HAPPY. I hope it puts a smile to your face too 🙂
So you wanna win a HOT CHICK? A hot chick you ASKKKK? Well of course, everyone needs a HOT CHICK in their collection. Especially this one. I think we can all relate to her in one way or anothah *wink wink nudge nudge poke poke*…
Ok ready?
here she is in all her glory.. I don’t think she meant to post for this shot but our artist couldn’t resist sketching her without her seeing 😉 so don’t tell her that her photo may go VIRAL n’k? (i mean if she would have known, perhaps she woulda put on a cuter pair of undies? LOL)
Meet Helga the HOT CHICK
(image coloured by ELAINEABELLA)
Don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win her :).. you can post on any of the blog posts featuring a new image for a chance to win!
Mwah to da sistahs who don’t sweat the small stuff 🙂
here’s another sneaky peeky.. but don’t let it LEAKY.. ok you can tell your friends…
Since Stamping Bella is all about da SISTAHOOD.. celebrating and UNITING women all around the world, it is only NECESSARY to have a CHICK line.. no? LOL
Ok another sneak peek from our mystery artist who will be released soon…
hehehe.. GIRL POWER no? This would be a card to send to any friend.. to show them how strong they are or have been, to support them.. or just to say hello.
Wanna win her? For a chance, place a comment on this post and winners will be chosen on release day!
If you wanna win MIMI, place a comment on the post below for a chance
Mwah to da sistahs who consider themselves CHICKLETS
This image was coloured by our very own ELAINEABELLA
LOL… stay tuned…
And because I did not keep my promise of blogging more, I will show you one itty bitty image from our new release which should happen in the next week and a half or so…
you have to stay tooooned next week because I may just let a few more “slip”.. LOL
Ok this is a new artist who has become my BFF.. LOL. I LOOVE her but I am not sharing her name… not yet…. LOL..
meet MIMI the chicklet misses you… I LOVE LOVE LOVE this chick. LOVE. Would love to know what you think :).. and maybe if you place a comment on this post, I will give one of her away as soon as she is released.. HOW’S DAT for a bribe? LOL
I mean REALLY. look at that face.. that chin.. those glasses… I WANNA SQUISH her. dont you? let me know in the comments and you will have a chance to win her 🙂
Ok now down to BIDNISS. Let’s talk WINNAHS from last week shall we?
Winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ a card ($20 in bella bucks ) goes to….
Here are your random numbers:
2-Cindy you win! please email me and I will send your VOUCHER!
Timestamp: 2013-05-31 14:27:34 UTC
Now for da COMMENTAYTIN’ winnah ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
1-Lisa you win! please email me and I will send you your vouchah!
Timestamp: 2013-05-31 14:28:58 UTC
Now for this week :)… our theme was a SKETCHYPOOPOO (lol)
Let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shallll weeeeeee?
Now for da PHENOMALISH sistahood…
here we goooo!
How’s DAT for inspiration hmmmmmm?
next week’s theme you ask? “FOR DA SISTAHS”.. make a card with a friendship theme… that should be EASY PEASY sistahs! I expect lots of entries!! That’s what our whole stamp line is about.. DA SISTAHOOD 🙂
Ok don’t forget to leave a comment for a chance to win MIMI
don’t forget to leave a comment and let me know what you think of MIMI
*** please note. We are aware that there is an issue if you are on internet explorer 10. You will get to a black page. So please change browsers and it should work.. we are working through this issue***
mwah to da MIMI lovahs LOL
Ya that’s gotta go. I need to step that up a bit. I promise :0
the good news is that my release is put together, sent in for manufacture and will be for sale in about 2 weeks time.. I may just have to tease you til then… we have a brand new artist and her art makes me SOOOO happy. She is phenom.. a children’s illustrator with a fabby sense of humor. I promise this will be worth the wait .. I am SOOOO excited!!!
ok now let’s discuss some winnahs shall we?
Winnahs from last week’s Bellarific Friday..
for COMMENTAYTIN ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
9-HELEN you win! please email me and I will send your buckeroonis!
Timestamp: 2013-05-24 20:23:09 UTC
Now for da winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ ($20 in bella bucks) goes to…
PINKY UK you win! please email me for your MOOLAH!
Ok now for this week’s challenge. A STUNNINGLY GORGEOUS image to inspire us
and SISTAHS.. you are in for a treat today.. such GORGEOUS cards as always!
Now let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shall we?
Tell me these aren’t PHENOMALICIOUSLYSTUNNING… TELL ME … OMG.. I love them all!
Now for the phantasmagorical SISTAHOOD!
Just beautiful work sistahs.. beautiful. You made my day, my week in fact!
Now for next week’s theme… a sketchypoo! and I just LOVE a square card :). Remember, the sketches are open to interpretation !
i PROMISE next week I will be bettah :). if you have any mixed media projects to share, please email me and I will post next week too
mwah to da sistahs who STILL come and visit.. and who commenTATE