Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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****2 WINNAHS HERE****


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

74- LORI T you win!! 
Please email me with subject line "TRICKORTREATARITA winnah"
and your snail mail addy please	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:57:16 UTC



Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

1- LINDA WEST you win!
please email me with subject line "CHANEL WINNAH"
and your snail mail address	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:58:48 UTC




Sistahs.. you readyyyyyyyy????   Ok.. Not gonna talk much today LOL.. I just have to tell you how much I LOVE LOVE LOVE the comments you have been placing…. puts a smile on my face or a tear in my eye.. THANK you for sharing your stories and memories…they are wonderful and just shows what 8 years ago I set up to create.   A SISTAHOOD.  Even though we are MILES part, it doesn’t change the fact that we are united in the craft, in our emotions and in our tears and happiness… Here’s to CYBER FRIENDSHIPS!

Ok meet the TRICKORTREAT-ARITAS… LOL.. yes I come up with these names ALL BY MESELF.. clever no?

They are adorable.. actually when you really look at their emotions and expressions it looks like the one on the right tickled the one on the left..LOL. she is just giving a whole hearted laugh..LOL.  They are goofy and having fun.. see?  age is just a numbah.. these stamps transcend age and just express emotion.. What do you think they are thinking? LOL  .. write it in the comments.. I love stories 🙂


And for the LAST image for this release (10 in total)… meet CHANEL (said SHHHanel) the CHEF… I went CRAZY for this quote.. LOL.. why are my thoughts always so FOOD CENTRIC?  hmph.  hence weight watchers first weigh in tomorrow..LOL


Well sistahs.. I hope you enjoyed the sneak peeks.. I SOOOO enjoyed our time togethah.. really truly I did.  I am hoping to keep blogging at least 3 times a week.  BUT.. I will not be sending out newsletters (Only for releases.. I don’t want to harass da sistahs).. so if you are interested in blog updates, please please subscribe to the right of this screen … then I know you are getting all da info.. you can also “like” stampingbella on FB for constant updates etc.. oh and INSTAGRAM and TWITTER @stampingbella (I really sound like an infomercial..LOL).. just want my sistahs covered.

OH and if you wanna win them?  leave a comment HERE!

Mwah to da sistahs who LOVE to eat and LOVE them some TREAT


OH SYLVIA… yes Micki… How do you call your LOVERBOY… OH LOVERBOY… SNEAK PEEK DAY 8!


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

73-LYNNE ATTIX you win!
please email me with subject line "SYLVIA WINNAH" and 
your snail mail address please!	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:54:56 UTC



Hiya sistahs,

I am SOOOO thrilled with the response to this release.  I am SO. VERY. PROUD. OF. IT.  I have been desperate for a line like this and finally met my “match” in Christine when we developed this one.  THEY ARE JUST PERFECT!! (to me anyway :))… Whenever I have a release, I always have butterflies in my tummy.. like will da sistahs love it as much as I do?  Will they appreciate the humor?  And if you have been with me for the last 8 years, then you totally will.. if you’re a new sistah, well then Welcome to da world of da bella … BWAHAHAHA. LOL.  Just as I anticipated, da sistahs pulled through and love this line as much as I do.. And I am grateful.  And I am hoping I ordered enough LOL.

So the release will be THIS FRIDAY… ya hear me?  THIS. FRIDAY.  Finally!  what we have been waiting for!

Meet SYLVIA.. she is airing her laundry without shame..LOL.. size and all.  And of course we share EVERYTHING with our besties don’t we?

Ok another little story.  Which is QUITE embarassing but I will tell it.  So I have nicknamed my darling, adorable, loveable delicious husband HAL.   From the movie SHALLOW HAL.  Have you seen that movie?  The gist (sp) of it is that there is this man (Jack Black) who is obssessed with looks and figures of women.. only Gorgeous SKINNY women were the ones for him.. until something happened.. not sure if it was a spell or a dare or something of the sort.. Anyway he then meets Gwyneth Paltrow and FALLS HARD for her.  totally in love with her.. and sees her as this beautiful, skinny, brilliant, gorgeous little thing.. but in reality.. she is very large.. everyone around him sees it but he doesn’t… they go shopping and she picks up a pair of underwear that he sees as this minuscule thong.. but in effect they are enormous queen size panties..LOL.   she dives in the pool and he sees a little splash, but in reality, she empties the pool of water.. anyway you get the point.  So that is how Ryan sees me… as this beautiful little thing where in effect I am Gwynethy (not the real Gwyneth)..LOL

So one day he was folding the laundry and he picks up my underwear to fold and I WANTED TO DIE.. although we have been married for 16 years, I still am quite shy about my intimates.. know what I mean sistahs? LOL.. and he holds them up to lay on the ground and fold them innocently.  Well I DOVE.. and I mean DOVE into the laundry pile to grab my less than mini skivvies and told him NEVAH to fold them again.  He had no idea what hit him, my little Hal.. but now you and I know the truth…. There is not much I WOULDN’T share with my Ryan.. except. folding. my. undies.

Meet Sylvia.. she has no shame.  She doesn’t really care.  She has gone through enough that she is ready and at a place to share EVERYTHING.

You know, some people ask me.. how many characters can you actually come up with?  Why don’t you have any flowers or trees or hearts like other companies do.  While I do have some generic stamps, my “thing” is da sistahood.. my thing is identifying with these characters.  Each one tells their own story.  Each one allows us to say “that reminds me of” and rekindle great memories.. or “she’s SO blabla”… When I hear those comments, I know I have accomplished what I have set out to accomplish.  Stamping is a social and magical journey.. and the more we “relate” to the images,the more amazing the stamping experience is.  That’s how I have always felt.

I urge you to read the comments on the seniorita’s .. every sistah has a story.. some brought tears of joy , and some brought on painful tears…. I applaud our sistahood for sharing their stories without fear .  BRAVO to my sistahs for continuously making my dreams come true.

Ok here’s Sylvia (and my undies LOL)


Christine wrote me a quick email telling me to tell all of you that she is reading all the comments and is so thrilled with the reception of these images.  She is in terrible pain so she couldn’t write but please know she is reading each and every comment.

WANNA WIN-A Sylvia?  Leave a comment here for a chance!

Mwah to da sistahs who have a HAL and a SYLVIA in their lives




Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

11-LAILA you win!
please email me with subject line "I WON A WANDA" 
and your snail mail address!	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:52:18 UTC


Hiya sistahs.. Now I don’t want you to think that WANDA is said in the same expression as MAGDA… Magda is more elegant.. Wanda is a bit of a screamer LOL.

When I saw this image I just about fainted… it took a few tries to get the pucker “just so”.  I have never ever seen a stamp like this one EVER.. she either makes you run with fright… or makes you wanna kiss her right back.  LOL.  I wanted to call her AUNT BUNNY… you know those relatives that just wanna squish you as a kid and all you see are ginormous lips coming at you? LOL

Wanda is by far one of my favorites.. How many friends do I have that I say I wish I could just give you a hug or a kiss but I am too far away.  Well if you made a card with wanda , I can GUARANTEE that the recipient will laugh and get the message.  You can almost “FEEL” her wet kiss no?

Meet Wanda.. she comes with 2 sentiments.. couldn’t resist one of them.. you will see why 😉


Wanna win a Wanda? (say that 8 times fast).. leave a comment here.

Would love to know what you think of her and how you would feel getting a card from this SQUISHY senior-ita (ps.  I think I have a moomoo like the one she is wearing.  hmph)


Sneaky PEEKY day 6-ee!


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

Please email me with the subject line "MILDRED AND MAUDE WINNAH"
along with your snail mail addy please!

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:49:16 UTC



Hiya sistahs!  So have you been enjoying the sneaky peeks so far?  I am so enjoying your responses.. It feels that all this hard work is paid off 🙂  Christine is also SO thrilled with the comments so keep them up!  Poor Christine has shingles and is moping and is in pain at home.. so leave her a comment here to make her feel bettah k?

Ok So without further ado….. meet MILDRED and MAUDE.. they are SO cool with their little purse and cell phone.. and the sentiment?  I mean REALLY.. that’s why I went to weight watchers LOL

So if you have a BFF that you love to make cards for.. how perfect are Mildred and Maude? I mean.. Stamping Bella is all about da SISTAHOOD.. Mildred and Maude represent! LOL


Mwah to da mildred’s  who are stuck to their “maude’s”


Release coming soon… you will see a post here and a newsletter if you are subscribed.

Wanna win the stampy?  Place a comment here for a chance to win Mildred and Maude


Oh HELLO Harriet… Sneaky Peeky DAY 5


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

9-- SHARON you win!  
Please email me with SUBJECT LINE "HARRIET WINNAH" and your
snail mail address please!	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:46:58 UTC


Hiya sistahs..

Happy Sunday.  I am off to the arena  (yes it begins again) to watch my goalie play.. have I mentioned how stressful it is to be a goalie mom?  hmph.

I just want to be like Harriet.. floating in a big tire with my little toe in the air and an EXTRA special bathing cap.. with not a worry in the world.

Meet Harriet  our newest “Senior-ita”.. coloured by the one and only Elaineabella.



Again please note.. these images are not available as of yet… I will advise and I promise it will be well worth DA wait!



*** WINNAH of our SENIORITA MAGDA stamp goes to…***

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

14--LINDA CARSON you win!  
please email me with subject line "SENIORITA MAGDA" stamp
and your snail mail address please!	

Timestamp: 2013-09-13 23:45:22 UTC



Hiya sistahs.. I just couldn’t resist a weekend sneak peek.. Ya I know I am mean LOL  but you LOOOOOOOOVE me anyway no?

Meet senior-ita MAGDA. I just love saying M-A-G-D-A… I know you’re all saying it out loud..LOL  MAGDAAAAAAAA

My mom is of Hungarian descent and I just remember her saying MAGGGGDAAA (ok I just wanted to say it again) alot… So I had to name this SENIOR-ITA  “you know what” (magda).. lol

I won’t take up much of your time today.. Nothing interesting to report aside from the fact that I washed and cut up red/yellow and orange peppers and celery an put them in nice transparent containers for me to munch on.  blech LOL.  I’m exciting right?

So here she is… MAGDA (hehehe) in ALLLL her glory.   I love the quote I paired with her too.  Did I ever tell you my story about my Kate Spade purse? Ok hold on a second.  I will tell it to you..


doesn’t she look like a Magda? LOL.. and her squooshy boobies?  LOL.   Thank you Elaineabella for your colouring WIZARDRY.. I mean really.

Ok so quick KATE SPADE story (not random.. it’s her quote above LOL)… So Ryan took me to New York many many years ago.. (Have I mentioned that my favorite place in the world is Manhattan?).. Anyway of course we are on the street and of course we were solicited by many vendors and of course we succumbed to temptation… I NEEDED THAT BLACK KATE SPADE PURSE!!!  So we bought it.  I know.. so bad.. feel terrible.. it’s so not the right thing to do.. I mean do you think MAGDA would buy a purse ON DA STREET in NYC?  I think not! LOL

ANYWAY… I get the purse and I am PREENING… thinking I am THE COOLEST SISTAH on the planet… flashing my Kate spade purse everywhere I had a chance to FLASH it.   So I show my friends my AUTHENTIC kate spade purse and they start laughing UNCONTROLLABLY.  First of all, the purse no longer had the Kate Spade label on it.. you know why?  cuz it UNSTUCK from the purse.. AND ended up on the sleeve of my jacket.  and guess what it REALLY said (the label)… Kate SPAT.  Can you believe it???? (omg I am actually laughing my head off writing this).   I walked around PREENING.. thinking I am so ALL THAT and a bag of FULL-FAT-NON-WEIGHT-WATCHER-CHIPS.. and the label.. on my bag.. said Kate SPAT.  HMPH.

Have a PHENOM rest of da WEEKEND sistahs.

and PLEASE PLEASE note.. these stamps are NOT YET available.  I am simply being CRUEL and MEAN and TORTUROUS.  But I promise you it will be all worth it for you in the end.  Trust da BELLA.

Don’t forget to leave a comment on this post or ANY of the other sneaky peeky posts for a chance to win M-A-G-D-A or any of the other Senioritas or Uptownie.

Mwah to da sistahs who feel so sorry for my purse and me.


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