Here are your random numbers:
28-JENNIFER SCULL you win!! please email me and I will send you da stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-02-21 14:24:05 UTC
Hiya sistahs! OMG I am so excited for today’s image too! Another UPTOWNEEEEEEE…
And her name is MAYBELLINE loves MAIL. Another fond memory and it still happens to this day.. I love going to the mailbox and hoping to get a package or an actual letter from a friend ! (rarely happens LOL) Well it does happen and that will be for another blog post.
All I can tell you is that Maybelline is BEYOND excited to get a note from her bestie… Let’s keep the art of letter writing alive by sending a Maybelline to a friend .. P.S. you don’t know how difficult it is to come up with these names LOL. I LOVE the name MAYBELLINEEEEEE.. (aside from the makeup factor)
Ok enough blabla
Here she is…
Have I mentioned how much I love Daffodils ? Oh and poppies?
I hope you enjoy her as much as I do 🙂
Here’s Elaineabella’s card using her ..
Let me know what you think of her!
If you want to win her, place a comment here for a chance!
I am also trying to respond to some of the comments (well trying to respond to all LOL).. your stories and memories you share are so nice and I so appreciate you sharing them with me!
Mwah to da sistahs who REMEMBER.
Random Integer Generator
Here are your random numbers:
19-NOELIA you win! please email me and I will send you the stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-02-21 14:21:34 UTC
Timestamp: 2014-02-21 14:21:00 UTC
Hey sistahs.. I hope you are enjoying “the show”! LOL.. I am having so much fun and LOVE all the comments.. I read every single one and so does my daughter Jayden.. LOL.. she says “any comments today mom?”.. and I show her my phone and she goes WOOOOOW mom.. people really love you :)… and I say yes they do! and she quickly says “not as much as I do…” and I say OF COURSE NOT! Then she feels good again and proceeds to hum or sing 🙂 LOL
So part of my whole mantra, stamp line, creative process, design ideas all stem somehow from my childhood… Either I have a memory .. or things I wished I did as a child..they all come through in my stamps (My artists understand me so well and are so open to some of my crazy ideas).. the characters can be based on relatives I have (think SENIORITA WANDA LOL).. people I have met throughout my life.. or actually some of the characters are who I would like to be.. So each image worked on with my artists stem from the heart.. and when I hear my sistahs saying “OH SHE REMINDS ME OF..”.. or “OMG that is SOOOO ME”.. or “OH I USED TO DO THAT TOOO”.. it makes my heart sing and makes my little stamp company continue. Really. I want all my stamps to be “relate-able”.. Some images are just good solid generic images (which you will see soon).. but some just pull at my heart strings. The one I am showing you today does JUST that to me.. Every time I look at them. And the quote I paired with them? OMG.. makes me cry. Winnie the pooh is my favorite EVER.. my mom used to read it to me all the time. That simple bear was such a complex little one.
Ok enough blabla cuz I can go on and on LOL
Meet PAIGE and PEGGY Pour some tea
I ALWAYS had little tea parties when I was a little girl LOL.. And I ALWAYS had special guests… My little best friend if she was available and if she wasn’t.. I always had a reliable stand-in.. please see the middle guest in this image LOL. I want to have another tea party.. with little chairs and my besties.. and I wanna share secrets and giggle.
I SO hope you enjoy this image as much as I do 🙂
The image was coloured in by our very own Elaineabella
And here are some sample cards bringing them to life
I am sooo sorry sistahs to bore you with my little stories and anecdotes but I need to share LOL.. Ryan tunes me out when he hears me ranting about tea parties and teddy bears LOL.
Mwah to da sistahs who are excited for the 24th!
Don’t forget to leave a comment if you want a chance to win!!
xo EM
Here are your random numbers:
81-Laura says:
These are incredible! Can hardly wait to play
Timestamp: 2014-02-21 14:17:01 UTC
LAURA YOU WIN! please email me and I will send your goodies as soon as they come in****
Hiya sistahs.. I KNOW how much you love our Uptown girls as do I 🙂 and don’t you worry.. there are 5 more that will be sprinkled here and there to keep you going. BUT… it is my job to introduce new crafty concepts in stamping… new ideas.. new and fresh images… so here I go!!! ready?
Introducing “CLOSEUPS”… what I was thinking for this line was a “FOCUS” on special events, milestones and moments in our lives.. to zone in and actually see little snippets of life and blow them up into an image if that makes sense.. Sometimes what happens in my head doesn’t come out as well as I think it.. LOL. Again I love words and paired these up with what I think some amazing quotes 🙂
first I would like to introduce you to “THE RIGHT SHOES”.. every woman needs a pair no? But these shoes symbolize more than shoes.. they symbolize STRENGTH! Marilyn Monroe confirmed that one with me 😉 Coloured by our very own ELAINEABELLA
And now for BIG ROCK… LOL at the name.. I wasn’t feeling so creative when I named it. This image gives me a sense of the 50’s.. I am not sure why it just does. Also reminds me of Wilma Flintstone with the bracelet LOL. So sistahs imagine what you can do with this stamp in terms of SPARKLE and BLING and PERFECT PEARLS for her bracelet! ohh and some crystal laquer for da NAILS? this one is so plain and simple yet so able to be PIMPED UP! which I love LOL. This Closeup and sentiment celebrates engagement.. birthday.. any of the big moments in our lives… (also coloured by our very own Elaineabella)
Lots more closeups coming in future releases.. just wanted to introduce the concept and see how you like it!
Wanna win both of these?? Place a comment here for a chance! and let me know what you think!
mwah to da sistahs who love a good closeup as much as I do 🙂
Here are your random numbers:
68-JEN BLENDEN you win! please email me with your info :) CONGRATS!
Timestamp: 2014-02-21 14:13:50 UTC
hiya sistahs!
Our sneak peeks are beginning today! Get ready for daily emails from DA BELLA.. DON’T GET SICK OF ME! Please come back to these posts as I may be adding
So we have already shared UPTOWN GIRL JAYDEN loves to Journal.. but LET’S Share her again cuz I love her so much and my little kidlet’s name is Jayden 🙂 LOL
These stampies will be available on Monday FEB 24th if I can hold off that long LOL. If it’s sooner you will find out HERE or on facebook. Have you “liked” stamping bella on facebook yet? NO???? Well, there will be daily inspirations over there and lots of fun.. so please “like us” and make us the most popular brand around.. ya HEAR ME? LOL. Ok enough blabla.. more show show.
Here’s Jayden loves to Journal
and here’s the most DELISH Uptown girl PAISLEY has a PREZZIE
our Lesliebella has made a sample card using her
and Elaineabella made this card
and a THIRD yes.. THIRD uptownie named LILY.. who happens to love LAUNDRY 🙂
You likey what you SEE-Y? Leave a comment here for a chance to win all 3!
mwah to da sistahs who have butterflies in their tummies like I do when it’s release time 🙂
So sistahs? how has your week been? I promise to be posting more in the near future.. just stand by me and DON”T LEAVE ME.. I promise it will be worth it! I have been a sickie all week.. head cold, shivers, fever.. just blech.. and of course went to the arena last night which cannot be good for me .. so Ryan had to force me to stay home tonight :(. I also started another diet last friday.. went to weigh in today and lost 7 pounds! I have been on this roller coaster dieting ride for my whole life.. LOL.. let’s hope this time it clicks!
let’s discuss a winnah for participation in JANUARY shall we? a $50 voucher to spend! and with the new release coming and 23 BRAND NEW images.. I am sure you will find something to do with it *wink wink.. nudge nudge.. poke poke***
Winnah for contributing in January goes to……
Drumrolll please….
KAREN MOTZABELLA! you win! Jayden picked your name out of our hat 🙂
Email me and you will receive your vouchah 🙂 thank you so much for contributing!
Now for this week’s theme… an INSPIRATION PHOTO!
Let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shall we?
I LOVE seeing how photos can inspire someone.. makes me HAPPY (yet still SHNIFFLY)
Ok now for our amazing SISTAHOOD
Gorgeous???? OUI OUI!
Now for next week’s theme? A SKETCHYPOO. P.S. it’s valentines’ day next week.. I accept cards and chocolate. just sayin’. Ok not chocolate but maybe a heart shaped steak. LOL.
Mwah to da sistahs who are gonna be all STAMPALICIOUS this weekend and send me their cards!
Hiya sistahs! I don’t want you to think I am sitting here doing nothing LOL .. I’ve been quiet because I have been so BUSY!!! I am just finalizing a release date but of COURSE I need to TORTURE da sistahs no? I will definitely let you know when the release is and when the sneak peek marathon will begin.. K?
But for this warmer BELLARIFIC FRIDAY, I wanted to share…..
Uptown girl JAYDEN loves to JOURNAL. .. Now when I see the image and finalize it is when the hard work starts..LOL.. Finding the right WORDS to go with the image.. words that can work on their own too… It’s my favorite! So here’s BEEYOOOTIFUL Jayden.. Would love to know what you think!
Our amazing Elaineabella has coloured this image in. I feel SO much like Jayden right now….
I will be announcing our $50 GIFT VOUCHAH WINNAH for JANUARY next week! Don’t forget, every time you play, your name is entered into our draw to win the vouchah..
Ok let’s discuss this week’s challenge shall we?
Challenge was a SKETCHYPOOO
Let’s see what our BABEROONIS came up with!
Aren’t these SO inspiring??? hmph. They are so talented 🙂
And NOW for our talented sistahood!
and now for next week’s theme? a GORGEOUS inspiration photo!
Have fun! and stay tuned to the blog.. you may just see some more sneaky peekys *wink wink*
Let me know in the comments if you love JAYDEN as much as I do!