*** Winnah for ONE OF MY PEEPS is….
Here are your random numbers:
21- Christal you win! Please email me and I will send it to you!
Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:14:23 UTC
Hiya sistahs! I think this week’s challenge has stumped da SISTAHS LOL.. It was not an easy one :).. Who thinks these up anyway? LOL.. just kiddinK
Before we get into Bellarific Friday, I wanted to share another image with you..
I saw this sentiment somewhere and had to share it with our Christine.. and this was the image she came up with LOL.. I fell in love. This is an AMAZINK image for friends.. a group of friends (that you bowl with? play cards with? scrap with? STAMP with? a co worker? it’s endless) Each one of these “peeps has SUCH a personality LOL. They make me happy. Do they make you happy? Which one of the peeps are you? I think I am the middle one with the leg in the air LOLOL
Leave a comment and you can win this stamp.. to me, it’s a must have in ANY stamp collection 🙂
Seriously. Look at their heels. I mean COME ON.. can it get cuter? LOL
Ok now for Bellarific Friday…
here was our inspiration challenge
let’s see what our baberoonis came up with shall we?
and now for our sistahood 🙂
Now for next week’s theme?
a sketchypoo!
Mwah to da sistahs who will participate! And mwah to da sistahs who are ALL one of my peeps 🙂
Here are your random numbers:
39- Kathy Camps you win! Please email me and I will send you your stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:16:44 UTC
The best part of these sneak peeks are that even the BABEROONIs don’t know what’s comin’ hehehehe… I love the element of surprise!
So today I wanted to show you an UPTOWN COUPLE.
Meet BELLA and BARNEY have a BARBECUE.. I love how he’s swamped and overwhelmed with burgers and she’s noshing on a hot dog..LOL..
This image again was coloured by Elaineabelle.. hope you love them as much as I do!
Would love to hear some funny Spouse stories in the comments… Spouses that remind you of BARNEY.
Leave a comment for a chance to win the stampy!
Mwah sistahs!
*** Winnah of Girly Girl Candy goes to
Here are your random numbers:
29- JOAN VANCOURT you win! Please email me and I will send you your stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:18:49 UTC
a Mo image I just couldn’t resist LOL. She is just SOOOO pleased with herself. She did so well in something.. she pleased someone… What do you think she did to make her so happy? Let me know in the comments and YOU can WIN this dimpled pigtailed DELISH little girl :). I LOVE her. LOVE LOVE LOVE her. do you?
Here are your random numbers:
4- MARILYN S you win! Please email me and we will send you your stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:21:33 UTC
I just love these elves and when Christine showed them to me I almost fainted. They are SQUISHY and CUDDLY and MOOOOSHY. Just what an elf should be.
Leave a comment.. tell me you love them and you have a chance to win! LOL
Seriously. These elves are EDIBLE.
Winnah of TIFFANY loves to TEXT goes to…
Here are your random numbers:
3- GINA F you win! Please email me and I will send you your stamp!
Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:23:08 UTC
and our first sneak peek is an UPTOWN GIRL!
Her name is TIFFANY loves to TEXT 🙂
Hope you love her as much as I DO!
Release dates will be confirmed this week so stay tuned!
You likey? you lovey?
Leave a comment and you can win her when she comes out!
Mwah to da sistahs who love BAGUETTES and PHONES…
And stay tuned for Monday when I may.. I just may let you see one of the new releases… I will read your comments to see what our first new sneak peek should be.. so don’t forget to “talk to me” in the comments ok?
here are your choices
(1) Uptown girl
(2) Uptown COUPLE
(3) Downtown boy
(4) Seniorita
(5) Christmas image
(6) Miscellaneous
(7) MO
K? Let’s play.
First before we start our Bellarific Friday “session” lol I need to express my deepest and most sincere sympathies to Amanda Reed’s (AKA Amandabella) family. Amanda passed away suddenly yesterday morning and since hearing this news, I have been devastated. Amanda was so talented, so full of life, and was such an amazing part of our team a little while ago. I am so so so sad to hear this terrible news :(.
I know there will be a bit of a somber feeling to this post… let’s just commemorate Amanda with images that came to life through colouring.. just what she was so good at doing.
This week’s theme was a sketch
Let’s see how our baberoonis have interpreted this sketch shall we?
How’s that for an AMAZING roundup!
And now for our amazing sistahood! (small turnout but quality!)
next week’s theme? a REALLY cool inspiration photo 🙂
take the color.. the theme.. the spots.. the stripes.. whatevah makes the wheels turn