Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Oh boy sistahs.. this release was over the top awesome!  Thank you all for staying tuned and playing along with me.  I think this is one of our best releases yet! (I think I say that about every one).. make sure you check out our WHAT’S NEW section if you haven’t seen the new goodies.  ENJOY!

And now for Christine!

‘Bonnie was getting ready for a night out with the love of her life.  Now as Bonnie is a very modern girl – and believes in equality in all things – she’s decided to declare her love and give her heart to her man.  Of course, for this occasion she had to wear THE RIGHT dress to impress him…  and decided on her fabulous PINK party frock – finished off with the most wonderful bow in her hair – the pink would set off her complexion best!  Then she had to have her glittered petticoat underneath her dress.. she wouldn’t feel right without some gorgeous sparkle.  She decided to put a lush polka dot bow around her heart too. I hope her man appreciated all the effort she’d gone to when she told him of her undying love…..   ‘

Stamp Used: Stamping Bella Tiny Townie Bonnie loves Bows (coordinating cut it out die set also available).

Christine has a way of making our stamps come to life.. in more ways than one ;).. I also see them as all having their own personalities etc… do you?

and now for the completed card

how could ANYONE say “NO” to Bonnie?


Spotlight On: January 2017 Stamp of The Month Thinkingofyouabella

Hey everyone! Elaineabella here. Now all the new release previews are done and the release has been, well, released, I’m back with the big spotlight showing off some inspiration for  January’s Stamp of the Month (our first Stamp of The Month offer for 2017 whee!). Click through to get all the info and inspiration.

Spotlight On Thinkingofyouabella at Stamping Bella!

It’s release day sistahs! WOOHOO IT’S RELEASE DAY!

Hiya sistahs!

Finally everything is ready to purchase!  WOOHOOOOO!

I can’t believe we are finally here!  I didn’t even announce it yet and my emails were going cuckoo at midnight LOL.. that means you LOVE this release ALMMMOOOST as much as I do! 😉

We have received many requests to have an option to “BUY IT ALL” for the Danielle collection.. We have done this PLUS gave a 15% discount if you buy all 10 images.

You can find the I WANT IT ALL Danielle collection HERE





we have also received requests to “bundle” up our tiny townie GARDEN GIRL images.. so we listened 🙂

you can find them including a 15% discount for the bundle of stamps HERE

If you scroll through the previous 7 BLOG POSTS, you will see the amazing samples used with our amazing new stamps.. They are honestly SO inspiring… I encourage you to do the recap 🙂

If you’re ready to shop shop shop.. take a look at our WHAT’S NEW SECTION… all of our new stamps, dies and bundles are listed there…

if you click on “CLICK FOR MORE IDEAS” when you get to the image, you will see the samples made for those images.

Remember that if you would like the corresponding DIE to go with your stamp, now is the time to buy a BUNDLE, as it will save you 15% when you buy them together as a set!

so much blabla.. so little time

grab your favorite beverage, and I encourage you to scroll through our posts just to get some inspiration, to put a smile on your face and to make you feel inspired.

There is SO MUCH MORE to come sistahs

and I want to leave you with a BIG SMOOCHIE (smoochie squidgy.. I can’t resist her)  for hanging out with me this week.  I had a BLAST.  I look forward to this so much!






Winner of our $25 voucher for this post goes to….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

156- LORI MORENCY you win!  Please email me ( for me to send you your $25 vouchah!  Congratulations!

Timestamp: 2017-01-16 04:26:18 UTC




Hiya sistahs!  We’ve made it!  1 more sleep and then you can all go CUH-RAZY k?

We have 1 more day of Danielle Donaldson releases.. I am SO excited with these images and I can tell you .. so is Danielle et al.  Wait til you see what she’s up to!

So today we have 5 more whimsical, magical superheroes..

Here they are!

We have


Stamping Bella rubber stamps featuring the Danielle Donaldson collection-ALTOGETHEREVELYN rubber stamp

and here’s another sample by Sandiebella.. this time she made a beautifully simple card 🙂

Stamping Bella rubber stamps featuring the Danielle Donaldson collection-ALTOGETHEREVELYN card by Sandie Dunne

here is Elaineabella’s coloured up version… everyone needs a glittery apron no?  I need one.

Stamping Bella rubber stamps featuring the Danielle Donaldson collection-ALTOGETHEREVELYN sample made by Elaine Hughes


and we have


Stamping Bella rubber stamps featuring the Danielle Donaldson collection-OFTENAGNES rubber stamp

here is Elaine’s coloured up version.. I just love to see the different mediums and the different looks we can achieve with these images.. look at the watercolor and the copics!  LOVE BOTH so much!

Stamping Bella rubber stamps featuring the Danielle Donaldson collection-OFTENAGNES sample by Elaine Hughes

we have untilolive

Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella-UNTILOLIVE

here’s a sample by Paulabella (who has been fortunate enough to take LIVE classes with Danielle!) using UNTILOLIVE

Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella-UNTILOLIVE card by Paula Williamson

and Elaineabella’s sample.. look at the pencils by paula and the copics by elaine!  LOVE BOTH so much!

Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella-UNTILOLIVE sample by Elaine Hughes



Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella-UTTERLYVIOLET

and here’s Elaineabella’s sample

Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella-UTTERLYVIOLET

and meet veryhazel


so whimsical.. so thoughtful!

and Elaineabella’s sample

Danielle Donaldson Rubber Stamps by Stamping Bella- VERYHAZEL sample by Elaine Hughes


Seriously I can’t even with Danielle.  LOVE!

Leave a comment on THIS POST for a chance to win a $25 gift voucher to our shop!

I SO hope you enjoyed this week’s journey with me.  I hope I triggered some fun memories, and I hope we will make new ones using our stamps 🙂


Winners will be announced at the top of each post later tonight!









It’s sneak peek day 6! WOO HOOO almost there sistahs- AND OF COURSE a chance to WIN!


Winner of our $25 voucher for this post goes to….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

9-LIZ ROBINSON you win!  PLease email me @ in order for me to send you your vouchah!  Congratulations!

Timestamp: 2017-01-16 04:22:26 UTC





Today we have a treat.  This is not a usual Bella style but it is a very special style designed by an extremely special artist.  I have been an admirer of Danielle Donaldson’s work for about 3-4 years now.. Have been stalking her LOL (I know that shocks you) for us to work together.  She was tied up in certain commitments and once those were over .. I WAS ALL OVER HER and wouldn’t take no for an answer!  Danielle is one of the most brilliant water colorists around.  Her style is ethereal.. dreamy.. I just can’t explain it.  And her sense of humor?  OVER THE TOP.  You will love her.   I have taken every one of Danielle’s classes at Jeanne Oliver’s site .  Danielle is a wonderful teacher.. and her collage style and just her whole vibe is so awesome and cool. Trust da BELLA.

Here is a little bio on Danielle.. isn’t she adorable?

Danielle Donaldson Watercolor artist-NEW RUBBER STAMP LINE with STAMPING BELLA

Artist Danielle Donaldson has walked a creative path for as long as she can remember. Her love of art began, as most young souls do, with a big box of crayons and a stack of coloring books. Over time, she focused her artistic efforts in watercolor and graphite drawing techniques and eventually received her degree in Graphic Design. Her love of fine art paired with her skills as a graphic designer have provided her with a an uncommon pairing of intuition and practicality. Her use of big color palettes and delicately drawn details allow her to spin the ordinary into imaginative and balanced compositions. She continues to grow as an artist by fully embracing the creative process in all she does and with each story she tells. She thoroughly enjoys sharing her process and imagination through online classes, in-person workshops, social media and in her book, creativeGIRL: Mixed Media Techniques for an artful life.

I am so so proud to have her with us!

I am stamping all of her stamps all over my planner.. depending on my moods..  on cards.. frames for gifts.. her words and her images are so dreamy.  We have 10 in total.. and I can tell you we will be working a lot with them.    Danielle even promised an online class on how she plays with them!  WOOHOO.

Danielle’s first line with stamping bella are her SUPERHERO girls.. While they may not look like superheroes, you would be surprised at the powers they wield.  Like REALLY surprised.

In every package of Danielle’s stamps there is a little story describing the exact powers that each of these girls have.  Each of these have their own story.. LIKE WE DO.  Funny how our lives can parallel a line of stamps 🙂  I told you .. I feel like my stamps are HUMAN.. and clearly so does Danielle :)..

I will show you one example of the little “note” that is included in the package.. the rest will be a cute little surprise that you can take and put in your planners to remind yourselves that you too can have these special powers.  Ready?  Here we go!

You will notice that ALL these images have been colored in by Danielle Donaldson herself 🙂

Danielle’s vision was to have a larger image.. a smaller one facing her and 2 sentiments.. both depicting a superpower and mood.   Just like the stamps do. LOVE!



meet almostella

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA

and here’s the little treat you will find in your package describing her powers :)… I like to call them “POWERCARDS”

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella- POWERCARD

Isn’t Danielle brilliant and hilarious like we all are?  me thinks yes!

Now let’s see Sandiebella’s sample using  almostella.. A frame!  Honestly if I had this on my desk, I would stare at it all day and it would inspire me and just make me happy.. HINT HINT SANDIE!  Copics, watercolors, paint.. whatever your preference, I think these stamps are awesome to try different techniques!

these girls are odd.. are whimsical.. I think they are at the same level of how I feel about unicorns LOL..  Magical!

Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA frame by SANDIE DUNNE

Elaineabella has been busy coloring!  Here’s Elaineabella’s AlmostELLA

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-ALMOSTELLA colored by ELAINE Hughes

we have justmaisie

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- justmaisie


and Elaineabella’s justmaisie

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-justmaisie colored by ELAINE Hughes


and everanne

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA-everanne

and Elaineabella’s everanne

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-everanne colored by ELAINE Hughes


Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- mostlynaomi

Here’s Paulabella’s card using Mostlynaomi

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA- mostlynaomi card by Paula Williamson

and Elaineabella’s copic mostlynaomi

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-mostlynaomi colored by ELAINE Hughes


and onlygretchen

Danielle Donaldson new range of rubber stamps by STAMPINGBELLA-onlygretchen

and here’s Elaineabella’s amazing coloring of onlygretchen

 Danielle Donaldson rubber stamps for Stamping Bella-onlygretchen colored by ELAINE Hughes




OK that’s the end of today’s sneaky peeky!  We will see you tomorrow with more from Danielle!!

Leave a comment on THIS POST for a chance to win a $25 gift voucher to our shop!










it’s Stamping Bella’s release sneak peek day 5 sistahs!! Almost at the finish line!- Oh and a chance to win!


Winner of our $25 voucher for this post goes to….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

241-Mary Froehlich you WIN!  Please email me ( in order for me to send you your VOUCHAH!  Congratulations!	

Timestamp: 2017-01-16 04:18:17 UTC



still with me?  inspiration overload?  Is that even possible?  I NEVER have enough.. I’m like a bottomless pit LOL.    Well this is the tail end of the release.  Tomorrow we feature a BRAND NEW ARTIST who joined our group.. An artist you may already know?  or you may not… only time will tell.  All’s (lol) I can tell you is that I am IN LOVE with her and her style.  I’ll blabla more about her tomorrow.

FOCUS EMILY…. (getting flashbacks from when my mom used to say that to me LOL)

Ok. I’m focused now. at least for this minute.  Let’s talk about today’s release.  Of course I am IN LOVE with all the images as will you be.. We gots a few SQUIDGIESSS.. we gots a couple of flower girls… and a Petunia.

Stamping Bella January 2017 Release Peeks Day 5 - Click through for the full post!

Ready?… Set?… HERE WE GO!… click below to get to the next page 🙂

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