Hey everyone! Elaineabella here with another SPOTTED ON SUNDAY treat for you.
This week’s Spotted on Sunday star is:
How fab is this scene?
Stamp Set Used: Stamping Bella Rosie & Bernie in Hawaii
Thank you for sharing your gorgeous card, Michela!
We love to see what you’ve all been up to with your Stamping Bella stamps, and there are lots of ways to share with us.
If you want to be “Spotted On Sunday” make sure you tag us with #SpotThisStampingBella so we know you give permission for your makes to be shared here on the blog! We will be featuring things we’ve spotted from all over the place, but by using the hashtag you’ll make it much easier for us to know you don’t mind us sharing.
Stamping Bella on Instagram: @StampingBella
Stamping Bella Facebook Page: Stamping Bella on Facebook
Stamping Bella Facebook Group: Stamping Bella Sistahood Chat Group
Happy FRI-YAY! Today’s post is so much fun.. I hope you get as inspired as I am 🙂 I am also SO excited for our new release coming! Mark your planners.. Sneaky Peekies start on June 18th! Our baberoonis have been so hard at work making the most AMAZING samples you have ever seen! I am so excited!
OK enough BLABLA
Let’s talk about Bellarific Friday shall we?
Christineabella used UPTOWN GIRL LOLLY and her BROLLY
Hiya sistahs!
We have another beautiful sample and video from Julia! Julia used CELEBRATING SQUIDGY on her card. This image is so versatile.. Birthday, promotion, retirement.. new years.. the list goes on and on! I love images that can be used for multiple occasions don’t you ? 🙂
Hey hey! Elaineabella here with my usual Spotlight Tuesday post, except this week it’s CRAZY TUESDAY! Not only that, it’s DOUBLE CRAZY TUESDAY because we missed last month’s offers.
That means there are SIX stamps and “CUT IT OUT” DIES on offer at Crazy Tuesday prices today and only for today! Check out the inspiration below to see why you need them, then click on over to the store to grab them before the prices return to normal! (by midnight tonight!)
I hope your week is off to a good start! I’ve got a little more “no line” colouring fun to share with you today, so keep reading!