Hiya sistahs! Hope you had a great week
I have been working on our next release and its a DOOOOOOZY.. If I do say so myself 🙂 Stay tuned
Now for today’s inspiration!
I cannot resist the Mini Oddballs. The Oddballs were already one of my favourite stamp lines, but the Mini Oddballs are just so irresistible. Watch my Mini Oddball and His Frogs Copic Video below to see how this little guy came to life.
Stamps Used: Mini Oddball and His Frogs
Watch me colour this stamp in the video below. If you enjoy watching please do like the video and subscribe over on my YouTube channel.
Watch my Skating Gnomes Copic Video below to see how this joyful winter duo came to life.
Stamps Used: Skating Gnomes
Watch me colour this stamp in the video below. If you enjoy watching please do like the video and subscribe over on my YouTube channel.
So… in case you were wondering about my Covid results from last week…. they were… POSITIVE! OMG I have not been that sick in a lonnnnnng time. 3 Days in bed.. hard to breathe.. coughing.. throat burning.. don’t ask. I was pretty much OK by Monday but Im still dragging my arse a little.. coughing and tired… but aside from that… LOL
I hope you had a great week despite my Covid LOL
Let’s begin our Bellarific riday shall we?
Hiya sistahs, happy Thursday-with-Sandiebella 1