Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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ok I did it.

you sistahs have BEEN SOOOO GOOOD that I decided to post bookwormabella.  Check out her worm and her glasses.. could you not just EAT her (if you click on the magnifying glass, you will see the 2 sentiments)?  I know I can.  Charms will be done tomorrow! and I am hoping to get some samples up… Having lotsa fun sistahs.  I hope you are on this crazy ride with me.. cuz I am really up to lotsa good….




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  1. OMG…You have totally out done it this time!!! I have to have her ASAP!!! We are a literacy based, title 1, AAA school (I know that means nothing to most of you) but she will be perfect for so many of my co-workers. I am so ordering like right now!!!! 😀 And I should have been in bed hours ago its back to work for me tomorrow.

  2. SO adorable! She is the perfect birthday gift for my close friend who is a librarian!! THank you Emily!!

  3. Ahhh!!! I think I just swooned! Love the sentiment and her glasses and the worm and all the books!!! She is fab!!!

  4. I loveeeeeee her i’m a designer pastry chef but i love love love books more of cooking for shhhhhurreee anyways and i had glasses i just got an operation laser eye surgery and that is why i haven;t bothered you with my questions but this time i have to wait because you are getting more stuff out there and i’m sooooo ennoying your e-mails your card samples the hula girl is great an perfect for my hula party and it’s a bella i know you mentioned so many people on your trip and that there are thounsand of different designers on stamps but to me you are the best there is nothing more me more a diva yu are bella well i’m a diva and to theses bellas are amazing so me me me and i know they are yours but they just represent so much of my life i can’t wait to use them well to buy them so i will wait 3 more weeks and that is it if not i will totally die with out them also my cart has increased to 760 dolars so i won’t be doing anything for about a month but who cares i’ll be making tons of bellas that month wow i can’t wait what other bellas are you getting out there, any mermaids, witches, movies or with dvd’s with a computer like a techbella with here ipod ad a mac of course it’s a better design than a pc well my point of view, any diet bella would be cool with her scale kinda like bridget jones oh yeah i kinda look like rene zellweger and all my friends that have seen bridget jones always say you what i saw a movie and it reminded me of you and i said which one??? always everytime it’s bridget.
    I wanted to thank you for all the bellas and i was wondering if i could send you some delicious cookies i make believe me they will have some bella on them or i could just take pictures of them hahaha some way i will send them to you i just want to make a bella mexican anyway i gess from now on i’ll call myself berrybella because my name is berenice or mexibella because i’m from mexico or designchefbella which is tooooo long better berrybella anyways love your products and i’m sooooo in love with lime green as well it’s just such a happy color and i bet you have a dress in that color !!! and look amazing oh yeah here is my web page so at least you can see some pictures of me an how crazy i am and i do mean nuts

  5. Okay Bere…How can I follow THAT?!? YOU are hysterical!! I was laughing the entire time I was reading your post! HaHa!!! I’m off to check out your site next…
    Sweet Em… I’ve been dreaming of bookabella! Now she’s happily in my cart, anxiously awaiting me to purchase her with her sweet lil sentiment. My hubby and I are both bookworms, and he always wants a Barnes & Noble gift card for his bday (which is next week, GASP!) along with a fishing trip… He’ll get fishafella on his card this year, but you can bet next year, he’ll have a sexy bookwormabella in his envelope with his gift card!
    LOVEY, LOVEY, LOVEY! YoU mAdE mY dAy BrIgHtEr!

  6. Oh Em, she’s PERFECT!! That is SO me…when I was a kid, my dad used to ground me from my bedroom and make me stay out in the living room for a couple of hours because I spent so much time in my room reading. She’s in my cart along with both the sentiments! You’re FABULOUS!!

  7. off to my cart she goes…love it..this is so perfect for so many bookabellas i know…me included!!! You NEVAH cease to amaze me with a new creating. Chris

  8. OHHHHHHHHHHH!! Absolutely LOVE her!! I totally agree…you have outdone yourself my dear. A big THANK YOU!

  9. Thanks alot Anjabella I have read your posts too and i think you are faboulous, so am i CRAZY or not did you get to see all the costumes if i add more which is a yeahhhhhh i’ll keep you posted thanks and yeah i’m histerical.
    Oh yeah i agree i’m not even a mother but a soccer mom cool idea will buy her too if she is out there or invent one with another bella

  10. OMG – I truly and absolutely adore her……but I am waiting on pins and needles for any more bella additions as my order is ready to go 🙂 But everytime I press send a new bella pops up for me to buy – so I am trying to make a preemptive strike here….. lol

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