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Marker Geek Monday: Copic Colouring Tiny Townie Dorothy PLUS Adding Sparkle with atyouSpica Pens

Happy Monday! Elaineabella here with the latest Marker Geek Monday post, albeit later in the day than intended.

Stamping Bella Marker Geek Monday - Copic Colouring Tiny Townie Dorothy & Adding Sparkle with Spica Glitter Pens

Adding Sparkle to Images:

Today I wanted to share a video I created while colouring an image for the latest round of Kathy Racoosin’s Daily Marker 30 Day Colouring Challenge (currently underway, and you can absolutely join in as and when you like throughout the 30 days, see Kathy’s blog HERE). After colouring the image using Copics, I did one of my favourite things – added sparkle to the skirt using atyouSpica glitter pens.

I was originally inspired to add sparkle using this method quite a while ago, after following an artist on Instagram – maxxstephen – he does amazing fan art using Copics, coloured pencils and atyouSpica glitter pens.

I have both of the 12 colour sets of atyouSpica pens (A & B). This gives me a really nice range of colours to use over my coloured images. I also use a Sakura Gelly Roll Classic pen in white to add white dot detail. By building up the sparkle using a dotting method, adding darker colour over shadow areas, and a few white dots here and there, you can get a gorgeous effect which suggests more texture and depth than simply adding a swipe of clear glitter. It can take a little time (less so on our smaller stamped images than on a large piece of artwork!), but the effect is worth it in my opinion, and the process can be quite therapeutic.

Here’s my video, which takes you through the Copic colouring and then on to the sparkle! Watch below or in HD over on YouTube.

Stamp Used: Tiny Townie Dorothy the Dreamer, Dragon Sentiment Set

Over To You!

If you try out the techniques shown in any of the posts with your Stamping Bella stamps, be sure to share! We would love to see the results and hear how you feel about them. Show off your creations in the comments below and even better, share your own favourite tips with us. Let’s talk colour!

If you are posting your images online, we would love to see them on Instagram and all the platforms mentioned above.  To make it easier for us to find you just use #markergeekmonday and/or #stampingbella as a hashtag. Even better tag me @markergeek and @stampingbella . We love it when you connect, so don’t be shy! Make sure you use the #SpotThisStampingBella hashtag on social media if you’re happy for me to feature your work in my Spotted On Sunday posts!

If you’re on Facebook join us in our private chat group Stamping Bella Sistahood to share your creations there and chat all things Stamping Bella related!

Until next time, HAPPY COLOURING!



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  1. I have glitter pens but I’ve never heard of atyouSpica glitter pens before. I had some glitter pens that I think are put out by Copic and I don’t like them. They started out as one color and they got darker, like they were a different color once I started using them. I had to store them only one way and some of them don’t work now even though the pens aren’t used up. They didn’t have a lot of glitter in them either and they were expensive. Then I saw some on Amazon and I have points from my credit card. Arteza and Color Technic are the ones I bought based on the reviews and I love them! They have a ton of glitter that never shows up when I scan anything but when I send it out, everyone loves the glitter. You can actually see your glitter!
    Great card and I will have to watch your video.

  2. Your coloring is so beautiful – I’m in awe. I’ve had a set of Atyou Spica glitter pens for about two years now and haven’t used them. You’ve inspired me to get them out and try this. Thank you!

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