Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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LAST DAY for FREEEE SHIPPING SISTAHS (oh and a new product)

HELLLO??? ANYBODY THERE????  Should I go back to addressing my posts to my 4 friends or do I have more?  hmmmmm????????? Well, if you are MY FRIEND, show me that you are here!! COME ON…… Ok, enough guilt

I just happened to “stumble” upon this product :).. Thank you Carrol!! (carrol is my source of new and upcoming things even though she doesn’t think so *winks*).  Ok, I am OBSSESSED with MANY things.. MANY things as you know and adhesive is one of the many.  I am always on the lookout for new items (so if anyone wants to share, write a comment..LOL)

Ok, so Carrol brought this in and I fell in love with it!  I am always looking for a great embellishment adhesive and this seems to be PHENOM

What Microdots is, is a sheet of teeny tiny weeny winy little PERMANENT adhesive dots!

you place your embellishment, whether pearl, bauble, bonbon, even shaped paper or punches and press it onto the teeny tiny weeny winy dots

once you “PEEL” your embellishment off, you are left with a “blank spot” on your adhesive sheet so you know EXACTLY what has been used!  Now is that BRILLIANT OR WHAT?

VOILA!  ooey gooey glooey.. WITHOUT the ooey gooey glooey!! ( If anyone heard me speak and DIDN”T KNOW ME?  they would NEVAH think I was university educated.. LOL.. )

Who likey’s DA GLOOEY??? HMMMMM-ey?

Mwah to da sistahs who WILL POST A COMMENT


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  1. I need these!! Since I have been cutting glue dots in half for my bella dots these would be PERFECT!!!

    Thanks for every thing you are the bestest!!!

  2. Brilliant! How big of a sheet is this? It doesn’t really say on your website. I see that there are 5 sheets in a package, but not how big/or small, the sheets are. They also say they are double sided…so is that like 10 sheets of adhesive. Tired of me asking questions yet???? *wink*

  3. Hi my friend!
    Are you feelin’ a little lonely? I will post a comment and say that I love da glooey – it is fabby!!! I wish that I had this genius kinda mind that would think of these things first and make meeelllllions of dollahs.

    Loved your post about dancin. Man…..I SO wish I was there with ya – shakin my groove makah – this mama looooves to dance – and for a white chick I gats da rhythm!

    I miss you tons and desperately want to jump in my wheels and come hang out at da boutique…stamp and groove, stamp and groove, stamp and groove….dis Pinky girl has got ta move!!

    Ah yes, da universaty got me an education too! Mwah.

  4. my oh my do I need these. How perfectly handy!!! While you and everyone else were cruising, I was recovering from surgery. It has taken a bit to get back on my feet and I only have email at work right now, so it is a bit difficult to post comments. Glad you had fun, glad I recovered. Mwah to the lonely Bella nad her four lonely friends!

  5. Sweet. I don’t know how many time I’ve had to rip and roll my glue dots to fit a bobble or bella dot. Perfect!

    the size of the sheet is 3.5″ * 5.5″ (have added the info to my website! thank you!
    Double sided means that when you press your bauble into one side of the adhesive, the other side is sticky.. so basically one sheet is one sheet!

  7. Not sure if you remember me… the two Deanna’s as Nicki’s last class. I was the crazy loud one not the shy one! I am a lurker also known as too lazy to post but I am here! haha

  8. Girl– – you are killing me here!! I’ve been trying to be sooooo good with buying and you keep offering this wonderful stamps, new products and free shipping!! I’m going to need to get a second job!! Off to finish my order!! Blessings and Hugs!!!

  9. You couldn’t have shown me these YESTERDAY, before I placed my order?! *sigh* You know I love ’em… And you have ANOTHER Carole (well, she does spell her name wrong, but still… she sounds the same) besides me?! I thought I was your only one… sniff! I guess I can’t resent her TOO much, though, if she keeps enabling you to enable the rest of us! 😉

  10. Hmmmmmm these have me VERY intrigued – I have so many adhesives but not THAT one – and it looks like it’s something I NEED!! Will hafta add it to my wishlist along with all the other new goodies!! Thank goodness Christmas is coming!!! 😉

  11. Ah – I am sorry for not responding – we luv ya. Order is in the cart will be sending soon. Keep the cuteness coming!

  12. Hello friend,

    I too have been cutting glue dots in half for baubles, dots etc. too bad I already placed my ordah, in my cart for next time though!

  13. Hi Pickle ~~ How brilliant are these *Micro Dots* ?!!? I wonder, have you tried layering the adhesive, to see if it will “stack-up”, like a pop-up dot, so it could be used as a dimensional adhesive? That would be SOooo AMAZING, as I can’t tell you how sick and tired I am of trying to peel little squares or circles off of the Pop-Up Dots. 🙁 Either way, these *Micro Dots* are a MUST HAVE 🙂

    P.S. ===>>Em, have you ever see or heard of a product (Repositionable Adhesive) called, “WackyTac”? I acquired some in a “Loot Bag” I won about a year ago, via EBay, and they are another D’Bomb!!! They are another neat & clean adhesive that you can stack and remove, and can be applied as thick or thin as you like. I’ve never seen them anywhere but would definitely purchase them again! 😉

    MWAH To All The Sticky-Fingers

  14. Can I be friend numbah 5???? I have this stuff and I am in love with it. Its not just for little things, I love that I can glue down one of my huge flowahs with these and get adhesive on all the petals without using 13 glue dots on it. I love this stuff, it is amazing. Plus I love that I can get all this great stuff in one place!

  15. hahaha, you crack me up em. I read every blog post you right (my blog lets me know everytime you update 🙂 ) but i dont always comment. But i’m always reading! Dying to get the new bellas. Unfortunately due to silly insurance not covering ANY of my recent pregnancy, i have to wait. BOO on THEM! Dont they know there are new bellas i NEED for my health!? I mean really, it should be covered in preventative care, right? I might die without them! 🙂

  16. Please add 0 and’s a good thing I took math..LOL!!

    These look FABULOUS! I am another one who has been cutting up mini glue dots for my small sized dots. This takes all the work out of it! I just *knew* there was a reason I didn’t submit my cart before the final day.

    Thanks Em for another great surprise! Looking forward to getting all of my goodies.

  17. Hey Em,

    Logged in at just right time. Of course I come on over and read your entries. Sometimes they are what makes me giggle to myself. I’m sure hubby has thought I have lost it. Keep those posts coming.

  18. I’m always here Em! I just might not leave a comment each time! Believe me, I check for new blog postings/new product many, many times a day!

  19. I NEED those and I want them too. Where or where can we find them! What a fabulous idea!! How great that will be for all the little odds and ends that always end up falling off the page because the adhesive that you used gave up. Where do I need to go to find these fabulous microdots?? Please do tell!

  20. For heaven’s sake Emily, you’ve resorted to begging for friends????? But I see that it worked, you’ve had tons of replies! I’m picking up that glue dot sheet thingy next time I’m in…which will be Saturday! Thanks for always finding us the latest & greatest!

  21. How did you get these so fast. I only showed them to you last Saturday. I think you are more obsessive then me about getting things I “need”.

  22. This stuff looks FABULOUS!! Looks like I have something else to add to the must-have pile!!

    I think that I still have cruise-lag!! (I still haven’t finished unpacking all the goodies you ladies gave us, or e-hem, some of the dirty laundry, but who wants to think about laundry when I could be learning about oh so much MORE TO BUY!!)

    Em, you totally cracked all of us wacky women from BC up SO much!! We ALL LOVE YOU (and hope you come west to show us all about the glitter!!)

    (And as soon as I find that OMS pen in my suitcase, I will e-mail you the deets)

  23. Em . . . we wouldn’t leave you! Geez. . . I wish you had these when I just placed that HUGE order! Guess I’m gonna have to wait but it’s gonna be hard! Hope you are well!

  24. Another product I now am not going to be able to live without! LOL I visit your blog and the Stamping Bella site several times a week…sometimes I get on spurts of visiting daily! I could so go for broke if I just let myself go wild on your site, but then I would be racked with late fees on all my bills the following month! Too bad Stamping Bella images can’t be used as cash to pay bills! LOL I lovey the new gluey gooey dot thing-a-ma-bobs! 🙂 Sending much love to you and the sistah’s from Illinois!

  25. These are great! I’ve seen something like this on QVC. But these are better. Can’t wait to try.

    Thanks for all the great products!


  26. Hi Em,
    It figures I read this a few days after I placed my order. Of course I would have ordered them this go round…maybe I can phone tomorrow and still catch my order before it goes out. It’s already too late tonight. That’ll learn we won’t it.

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