Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s SNEAK PEEK day 5! for all da KITTY LOVAHS out there! Or STUFFIE lovahs :) AND A CHANCE TO WIN!




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Timestamp: 2015-11-02 02:28:27 UTC


Hiya sistahs!  Well we made it to day 5!  WOOHOO and you’re still sharing stories, leaving comments and making da bella OH SO HAPPY so please continue k?

Today we have 2 ADORABLE images to share again… I love them SOO SOO much. (Yes I say it all the time but it’s TRUE!!!!)

Ok brace yourselves.  I mean seriously. Have a seat.  I need you to meet someone VERY special.  She got all dressed up for the occasion.  Put on her Sunday’s Best (and today is sunday.. see? I’m NOT lying!! LOL)

The legs.. the feet.. the mary janes.. the BOW.  This would make ANYONE smile if they were a recipient of a card with MARMALADE on it.   At first she was named SWEET KITTY.  LOL.. IS that a BELLA-ish name?  I think NOT.  I looked at her and IMMEDIATELY named her Marmalade.  She LOOKS like a marmalade no?  Ok Ok without further ADO… MEET MY MARMALADE.. and her sentiment?  Amazing.  oui oui?


Here is ALICE WERTZABELLA’s card using MARMALADE (click to enlarge)


Here’s DANABELLA’s card using our little Marmalade (click to enlarge)



And the inside using the amazing sentiment! (click to enlarge)


And now for our next image.. His  name is Sanford.  I’m really not sure why I named him Sanford.. Maybe because he has so much stuff around him he reminds me of that old show Sanford and Sons? LOLOL (Yes I am THAT old)…  This sanford ALSO has a sidekick.. that face on the mousie I COULD SQUEEZE.  It’s always so difficult to find a perfect birthday boy card.. WELL THIS IS THE ONE!  Hope you love KING SANFORD as much as I do


Here’s SANDIEBELLA’s card using SANFORD 🙂 (click image to enlarge)



Leave a comment on this post.. say hi.. talk about your kitties if you have some.. you name it, I love to read your comments.  Each and EVERY one of them !

MWAH to da sistahs



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  1. Okay I have some crazy cat lovers in my family (including me) that I would love to make a card for them!!! So I hope, I hope I have a chance to win!! Big Hugs and thank you for taking the time to do this – so much fun looking at all these sneak peaks.

  2. So sweet. Wish I had Sanford for my Grandaughters birthday next week. You really have outdone yourself with this release.

  3. OMG….I love kitties….I have 5…mostly because I have such a soft heart for kitties with no home. The last one I started feeding was expecting babies….so….

    Anyway, I love Marmalade and Sanford….and I’m old enough, too. LOL Cute images and cute names you selected for them. Just adorable.

  4. Marmalade with mary janes- freakin adorable! Too cute! And Sanford- yes I remember the show also, is perfect for boy cards! I always have a need for anything I can put on boy cards- love the bow tie!

  5. LOVE these stuffies! They are soooooo cute! Love their names too! 🙂
    Marmalade is adorable in her Sunday best! Just look at those shoes! ????

    King Sandford’s stinkin’ adorable birthday scene is oh so squishable too! 🙂 Sandford reminds me a bit of the King Lion from Disney’s Bedknobs & Broomsticks! Love love love!!!!!! 🙂 ? ? ?

  6. Marmalade is absolutely adorable. I have many kittie loving friends who would love to receive cards made with Marmalade. Sanford would be perfect for some little boys in my life.

  7. I love these too! One of the things I like the most about Stamping Bella stamps is the wonderful sentiments that go with the image… they are always perfect and always make me stop and think.

  8. We have two kitties, my daughter named one Boo Boo and the other is Caperson. At one point we had 13 kitties. Yep, thirteen! I use to help rescue dogs and cats, We even took in a ferret one time…lol Marmalade and King Sanford are such sweeties.. They would brighten anyones day on a card or project!

  9. Have no kitty, I’m a dog person…but Sanford caught my heart…wonderful images, both of them…what will come next?

  10. Oh oh.. So cute, so cool and fun .. Thanks for the fabulous day 5. I have one cat- Marchello. Do you know who is Marchello? Marchello Mastroianni was film actor.. and my cat is a real actor!!

  11. That’s it…I’m on a cuteness overload,sugar high full of sweetness mood now! Can not handle much more!! I’m gonna explode!

  12. I grew up on a farm so our cats were barn cats and not particularly friendly. Except for one. Her name was cuddles and she was a nice grey and would purr and rub against our legs. Her friend was our dog Sasha. Cuddles was the only cat that Sasha would tolerate. I like Sanford. I could definitely use “boy” images.

  13. Lots of cat lovers in my family – LOVE that you added the mouse :o)
    They just have to go together don’t they?
    Two more fantastic images. I will have to buy them all if I can!
    Hugs, Candy

  14. I’m so glad I was able to get here from day 4. I couldn’t find your web address on the Facebook post. Sanford and Marmalade are the cutest. They remind of my mom’s cats Lucy and CC ( short for copycat ) who got his name because he would copy you he was the funniest little cat.

  15. These are so precious — I simply must have Marmalade and Sanford for my collection! I can’t resist cat stamps (I am a crazy chic cat lady) and these are just too irresistible! The whole release is just cuteness overload, but cute kitties, well, they take it over the top!

  16. Ooooo – Sanford is my favorite today! He reminds me of a big ole tomcat that lived in our garage when I was little. We named him Morris, cuz he looked like Morris in the commercials. 🙂

  17. ooohh, I love these kitties (and the cute mouse)! I have a fluffy, chubby boy cat just like Sanford but he’s white and grey (so I’d obviously have to colour it that way 🙂 My boys name is Indie (short for Indiana Jones), but he ended up being timid and not adventurous AT ALL! 🙂
    I just love your stamps, they’re all so cute!

  18. Loving all the new stamps being released for this series. They are all adorable and the projects using them have all been great!

  19. Marmalade is the perfect name for this. Sweetie. Love the Mary Janes . Sanford is perfect for a boy card. Thank you

  20. These are adorable! I’m on Stuffie overload but I adore them all so far! We have a very fat fluffy cat here, he’s about 30 pounds and insists on going to bed when I do every night. I shut the house down for the night and he follows me down the hall to hop in bed before I can. 🙂

  21. Dah kitties are adorable!! 🙂 Our kitties not so much. They routinely have kitty smack downs and one usually gets beats up ~ usually the larger of the two. lol

  22. They are all adorable, but i admit to being partial to bears and kittens. thanks so much for sharing your creativity with us.

  23. Hi Em! Marmalade and Sanford, what great names!! I could just see Marmalade colored in those gorgeous orange tones, and yes to the cute mousie face!! I don’t have a cat, only a small poodle who thinks he’s a cat! And a long time ago, growing up on a farm we had a barn cat that would walk up to the back of the house and cling midway up the screen door! My Dad swore he was not a cat person at all but we caught him feeding this cat all the time! I love how your images stir up all these great memories!

  24. Oh my gosh! These are adorable!! I’m in love. My son just rescued two little cuties that someone abandoned in a box. They were between 5-6 weeks old. I love to visit them. They are my grand kitties. ?

  25. These characters are really cute. I am drawn to the king lion as I have a mostly male world. I can see this being used in many different ways, but particularly birthdays. Details are really great on both of these kittens!

  26. Okay, can I say for a person who collects cats these are adorable? My nephew is 17 and I would make that lion card for him. I’d like to send the other one to Rick Springfield because we are buds (he told a crowd at the NY State Fair when we were both on stage that we’ve been friends since the 70’s) but I don’t have his address. He would love to see my art work. I would love to win all of these! They make me smile!

  27. Spam protection question almost derailed me here…LOL Guess I was still thinking about how cute the entire new “stuffies” line is!!! They all are happy and give me the warm fuzzies!!! These kitties are both wonderful!!

  28. Hello!! I love King Sanford, he’s wonderful and he can come and save me anytime. These stuffiness are so darn adorable. I have so many more things to order from my “I can’t live without list!” Thank you , Juanita

  29. OMG Marmalade and Sanford are the best, and yes I love Sanford & Sons. I don’t have any cats, being allergic and all, but I do have two grand-kitties that just LOVE me each time I visit. They love to pounce on me while I’m knitting so thank goodness for allergy pills lol. I did have a stuffed kitty, grey and very huggable, when I was younger…I’d forgotten about him until I saw Marmalade. Thanks for the memories today I needed them. Now I’ve gotta find a second job so I can bring all these adorable stuffies home asap!

  30. Oh I Love these!!!! Yes, I seem to be saying that to all of them! Marmalade is soooooo cute! Love the Mary Janes!!! And Sanford is adorable….love the mouse, and yes, I could just squeeze his little cheeks! We lost our kitty about a year ago….her name was Patches. She was such a great cat, and soooo funny. She got along well with our do, Jiff. They were pals, but she loved to tease him so! She would sit up on her hind legs in front of him and just SMACK him with first her left and then her right!!!! It was so funny to watch! SMACK, SMACK, SMACK, SMACK! LOL! Jiffy would just look at her like “what are you doing????” Then the chase was on through the house! We just rolled with laughter how she would hide from him and when he went by, would jump out and start smacking him again! LOL! Oh how I miss that! Hugs for bringing such good memories back! 🙂

  31. Awwwwwwwww. My kitty is in kitty heaven now, and I miss her SO much. Marmalade is super adorable, and makes me want to pick her up and cuddle her!

  32. Just got home from daughter’s house. She has two kitties. We call the one that hides Basement kitty. Anyway, her boiler died. She sold her house and before she could close, her boiler dies. So much for making a profit on her house.

  33. Please have some dog characters for the dog lovers…..I love Marmalade…..but eye brows will be raised when I send out a non dog card!!! AND, when will Marmalade be ready for purchase??
    Thanks so much!
    I have Stage 4 breast cancer……I am making cards for the women at my chemo clinic where I go every month. I make them cute and funny with an upbeat sentiment inside. I typed a few sentences about myself and that I make cards as a way to reduce my stress and I hope that my card makes them smile for a little while. My cards are anonymous….no names. I have thought of trying to get a group together because I could have many more cards to take for the patients. We are fighting a horrible disease…..the fear and stress never go away. My goal is to make these people smile and know they aren’t alone. Any ideas on how to get the word out there to have more cards made?
    Your stamps make ME smile!!! Keep up the good work… make me want to make more cards for these women………Diane

  34. Wow.. these lil kitties are a must have! I am so happy to see one that can be used for a boy. They are both adorable! I can’t wait to buy these to add to my stamp room.

  35. Although I have the cutest cat named Lilly, she is not as lovable as these 2 adorable kitties. But I couldn’t imagine not having Lilly in our lives. She is certainly a character. Nice job Stamping Bella?

  36. I’m not a cat fan, but the little mouse is too cute. One of my girls brought the class rat home. She graduated, went off to college and I it became my rat. All furry little creatures can be lovable.

  37. I haven´t a cat, but I love them…. My syster have a black cat named Mulan…. Mulan is an adorable cat….

    Thank you for this opportunity…



  38. I love the kitties. My BFF is going to be over joyed to see these stamps. They will be a fun addition to her kitty collection. I will definitely have to get them for her.

  39. I have that person that changed my life my friend and surgeon I definitely will make this card for him, without him I would not be here today

  40. I AM a kitty lover, I have a beautiful funny Persian, she is 14 yrs old and going strong, act’s lke a typically Persian, she is always making us laugh. She is a BIG camera ham, and I have thousands of pic’s over the yr’s ,these stamps would be so cute on some of her pages. I would love to use this on my cards I send to a dear friend of the family that is 98 and loves her little kittie. Thank You.

  41. I LOVE KITTIES – why? I have 4… Listed by oldest:

    New York, Coco, Penelope and Wizzy. 2 boys, 2 girls. The two boys and my wee dogger Toby are best buds.

    I love these stamps, and Marmalade with her red MJ’s is just the best.

  42. LOVE kitties but I’m allergic to them. However, I can stamp them without sneezing! Such precious images today. Thank you for making me smile.

  43. MARMALADE is so adorable. I would love to win this set, as I have the perfect cat-lover friend that I could make a card for. Thanks offering for a chance to win. They are ALL so cute!

  44. Love these two…I must have Sanford to make a card for my nephew in December. Thanks for the chance to win such awesome stamps!

  45. Oh my goodness you’re killing me!!!!! Trying so hard not to buy any more stamps this close to Christmas but I doubt I’ll be able to wait for Santa to bring it!!!!

  46. Eeeekkkkk…..I have such a soft spot for kitty stamps! I absolutely adore both of these stamps. Amazing job on the cards!

  47. I am loving all the stamps in the new release! I can’t wait to start making some cards with them all!! THANK YOU!

  48. Ok, now I have the theme song to the show running through my head. But Sanford is a great name for that guy! My handsome kitty is 16 years old and reminds me of Sanford. His name is Clyde. But when my daughter was in preschool, the teacher asked what her kitty’s name was and she proudly said, “Clyde Kitty Vinciguerra”. Guess she thought his name needed a little bit more!

  49. Such sweet kitties! We have a rescue cat who was abused. He still gets scared even though he’s been with us for years. He’s a good kitty. I just wish we had him from the beginning so he wouldn’t have had to go through the abuse. We also have a wiener dog named Frankfurter! I would LOVE to see a wiener dog stamp. I know it would be fabulous coming from you!!

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