Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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And the WINNER IS…

Here are your random numbers:


Timestamp: 2009-01-12 17:45:05 UTC

  1. Maureen Wong Says:
    You are gorgeous and should never change!! MWAH!!!

    LOVING the new images!!

Maureen you are the WINNAH! email me as soon as possible to collect your information and send your goodies!!

I wanted to thank everyone for their comments.. I laughed so hard at some of them.. not to be believed!

MWAH to da sistahs

wHOOOOOOO wantsta (LOL) see EYE candy to go with the RELEASE CANDY??  Check out what the marvelous and talented and skinny NICKABELLA  made!

how cute are these using the new spellbinders large curved rectangles?  kraft paper? mineral spirits? lyra colored pencils? YUMM-O
how cute are these using the new spellbinders large curved rectangles? kraft paper? mineral spirits? lyra colored pencils? YUMM-O
yummy big fat juicy buttons, lyras, Basic Grey Urban Prairie's patterned paper...YUMMMMMM
yummy big fat juicy buttons, lyras, Basic Grey Urban Prairie's patterned paper...YUMMMMMM
Lyra colors.. twitterpated PAPERS! and of course the I heart you sentiment!
Lyra colors.. twitterpated PAPERS! and of course the I heart you sentiment!
could you just EAT HER??????????????????? I mean, HONESTLY.
could you just EAT HER??????????????????? I mean, HONESTLY.
idn't it great to be different?  LOVE this card
idn't it great to be different? LOVE this card

and yet another set of zipper pulls, magnets, flatbacks or pinpacks 🙂  LOVE these things.. ADORE these things.. WANNA MARRY these things (sorry Ryan)

LOOOOVE. hmph.
LOOOOVE. hmph.

Lotsa new stamps being released tomorrow!!!!

SO who wants one of each stamp released?? hmmmmmm? who wants it????  There are LOTS being released and the retail value will be highhhhh…. (said in a teasy singsongy voice)

SO.  Here’s what you have to do.  WRITE A COMMENT. k? say hi. tell me how skinny I am (lol).. tell me how skinny YOU are.. I really don’t care what you say.. just SAY. K?

I will keep this contest going till sunday night.. This will also be the post that I update tomorrow with the new releases.

Mwah to da sistahs who write a comment about NUFFING  (that’s “nothing” for people who have just ‘met’ me).


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  1. I am so skinny that I was in all 3 rooms on the cruise at one time (couldn’t see me) …or maybe that would make me fat!!! And you are so skinny that the mud just slid off you after the jeep tour! But seriously, we are perfect!!! SAY girlfriend!

  2. Whoo Hoo! More Stamps!!!! The IRS will be after me at this rate. Love it!

    I can still fit into my college clothes… of course I gained weight in college so that may not be a good thing. LOL

    Hugs to you EM!

  3. I am SOOoOOO Excited. I have been waiting and waiting!!! I couldn’t think of nuffing to talk about .. so I found you these quotes :o)

    If nature had intended our skeletons to be visible it would have put them on the outside of our bodies. ~Elmer Rice

    Avoid any diet that discourages the use of hot fudge. ~Don Kardong

    I keep trying to lose weight… but it keeps finding me! ~Author Unknown

    I never worry about diets. The only carrots that interest me are the number you get in a diamond. ~Mae West

    I’ve been on a diet for two weeks and all I’ve lost is fourteen days. ~Totie Fields

    and last but not least:

    Food is like sex: when you abstain, even the worst stuff begins to look good. ~Beth McCollister

    Hope you get a kick out of these. Mwah to da sistahs dieting in da new year!!! Thanks Em, you are an inspiration.
    OK, now where are them goodies?!?! Did I mention I cant wait to see them?!?!

  4. Oh I so love bellas…almost as much as I love the thought of being thin, lol!! Good luck with this release!

  5. You want to know how skinny I used to be? Yeah I said used to be. Not that I’m big now; I’m just not small.

    I am a people magnet. . . (I hate people — haha) anyways one time at the movies, a woman sat on me. She had a jean jacket on and I was in her top pocket, yelling at her, etc. and she didn’t even know she was sitting on top of me. It never fails that there’s an empty theater and someone sits right next to me (or on me in this case).

  6. well, nothing may come from nothing, but something certainly comes from Em! Happy new year! And what a verra verra generous offer. Congrats on the skinny you! I’m working on it too. Was getting there and kinda fell off the wagon. Darn Walgreens and its nefarious 3/$3 milk duds special sales! Grrrrr! But it’s a new year and I’m back on board.

    *Raising a soy-milk-filled glass to everyone working toward a healthier them* Keep it up! Can we do it? Yes we can!

  7. We are skinny….We are skinny…. if we keep saying it then it will happen, right?? So excited for the new releases!!!

  8. I’m so skinny… I’ve gained the weight my brother lost! But here’s to a new year, exciting times and the desire to lose weight.

  9. Bella’s are always fun…but they are all soooo skinny! Any plans for Bella with a bit of a Butt? LOL!

  10. Happy New Year. I can’t wait to see the new releases. Did I tell you how skinny you look today?

  11. This is so neat…thank you!
    Now, skinny….we are talking about body things…hey, howza ’bout those Metts..??! Oh darn, we are just ending football season. LOL

    You are beautiful, lovely, kind (one of), and your adoring cult…er…fellow bella followers love you to pieces girl. You should know that by now.

    Take care and thanks for the opportunity to get some candy that will not make my butt look or grow any larger than it is. I like that kinda candy!!

  12. Oh – I’m sooo excited! Thanks so much for new stuff and a chance to win! And, by the way – “Now that food has replace Sex in my life, I can’t even get into my OWN pants!”
    Have fun!

  13. New stamps??! Where?? Sign me up and how.

    I would love and treasure the pieces out of these stamps if I won them.

  14. Gimme, gimme, gimme….can’t stand it…new bella stamps!

    (if this ends up being a dup…sorry..I have tried 3 times to post and each time I am forgetting something like adding the numbers, filling in my email, not spelling my name correctly…I know DUH) I am just too darn excited at the prospect of the new bellas!

  15. I’m very excited to see the new releases…but since the theme is more of a ‘pre valentine’s love-fest,’ I’ll tell you that besides being skinny, your hair is fabulous & your glasses are very hip! Mwah!

  16. Who needs to think of being skinny…I have my bellas. Don’t you know that all of us bella lovers live vicariously through our lovely bellas??

    Seriously Em, you are such a wonderful person. You are beautiful inside and out…don’t you forget that.

  17. Em,

    You are too funny! I finally lost lost the post-pregnancy wait last summer after 2 kids and four years! Not as skinny as Bella, but good enough for me:) Am getting excited for the new releases!

  18. GREAT! Thanks Em!!! Now I will not be able to sleep at all tonight!!!!!!!! UGH! Oh & you are amazing, talented, beautiful, & who needs skinny?
    Ok, I am so off to ryle (sp?) the fellow Bellaholics with your fun, exciting news! PS. I could soooooooooo use these!!!! I don’t even care what they are but since they come from you I know they will BE GRRRRRRR~ATE!!!!!!!!!!!!

  19. Oh boy, oh boy…new bella stamps. Can’t wait!

    You are way too cool and fabulous to describe girly! You are the best and we like you in all of your cool fabulosity!

  20. Wow new releases!! Yippee!! Can’t wait to see them alllllll !

    PS. I think we have an uncanny resemblance to ‘beachabella’ !!! LOL
    …… a bella can dream!

  21. I am swooning over the idea of some new bella stamps. Lord I am in trouble now. I am very excited. I will be blog stalking you tomorrow! And won’t be leaving my house either until the UPS man shows up with my bellas that I just ordered last week. I am going to be in bella heaven! 🙂 And you my dear Em are not only skinny but also one smokin’ hott Mama! And um me too. Or sumptin’ like that! Who ever coined the phrase “nothing tastes as good as thin feels” never indulged in some yummy chocolate! Cheers to da’ sistah’s who lovey chocolate and da bellas!

  22. MWAH to new Bellas; double MWAH to FREE Bellas!! I hold you accountable for my lack of sleep tonight. I’m just too gosh darn excited!!!

  23. I have to admit to being a Bella virgin…untill yesterday when 3 lovely ladies came home with me! I am a Bella holic!!!! I am loving these stamps and can’t wait to see what is coming!!!!

  24. I can’t wait to see the new releases! And Em, it doesn’t matter what size clothes you wear, your personality is huuuuuuuuuuuge and fuuuuuuuun and we lovey you! And your awesome stamps 😀 I would so love to meet you in person! Wanna come visit me in Japan? I’m in Okinawa…it’s a subtropical island…as in, green all year! (Don’t come in August though, everyone just about *melts* in August!)

  25. Being skinny is O-VER-RAY-TED!

    Remember those cruising days when it didnt’t matter what we looked like cause the waiter would bring us one of each desert any way and we couldn’t be rude and not eat them! Right!?

  26. Can’t wait to see what you’ve got coming out tomorrow! I’ll be back to check. I’ve even put it on my outlook calendar so it’s the first thing I do tomorrow morning.

  27. Woooo Hooo! I just discovered the Bellas, but I love, Love, LOVE them! I cannot wait to see the new releases!

    Speaking of skinny! I recently lost 200+ pounds, and I am now a stylin’ little Bella *grins~

    *grabbin’ a cup of coffee and waiting to see the new releases!


  28. I’ve been waiting all weekend for the release and now I still have a WHOLE day to go. My used to be super skinny, now not so skinny but small enough (though a bit squishier (is that even a word?)) but will have to find some chocolate to get me through it! Of course, if some brand spankin’ new bellas show up in my mailbox just cuz I’ll have to have chocolate to celebrate. Either way-bring on the chocolate!

  29. I’ve been watching and waiting for this release… it’s even managed to temporarily distract me from craving the foods I’m not eating while I kick my body into ‘weight loss’ mode 😉

  30. U crack me up. I am so eager to see the new releases. I have been getting caught up on the ‘old’ ones since I just discovered bella’s a few months ago. I love your designs.

  31. Lol!! love your post!!! I am so excited to see the new releases and cant wait to get my hands on them! We are all beautiful 🙂

  32. WOw Em, did you do sumink to your hair today it looks sooooooo bootiful! It shows of your skinny frame so well ;0)

    school run calling! gotta fly my big fat butt outa here!


  33. Hi Em!
    Happy New Year.
    Oh oh oh I can hardly wait for new stamps!!! Wouldn’t it be wonderful to win some! Gosh . . . . . .
    Well I can tell you this much – I was on a diet for a month and all I lost was 30 days!!!! :o(

  34. Can’t wait to see the new releases!!! I would love to win sight unseen though. I’m sure they will be marvelous.

    And skinny? Well…I am hungry at the moment. LOL

  35. ***HI!!!***

    You are the best looking stampmanufacturer I’ve ever seen. You are nice, warm and generous and the bestest friend somebody can wish (can’t say that for me LOL).

    It’s already morning over here and I haven’t sleep all night. It’s gonna bee a looooooooong day waithing for the new release. Please hurry Em. Upload them with your morning coffee (and food-supplement-diet-shake) in your hand.

  36. How much would i like to win all the stamps? Not much – i would loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooove to win all the stamps.
    In fact it would make my year!!
    How perfect is my world with stamping bella in it!!!! Yay for bella!!!!

  37. You are just too funny!
    I would love to win your stamps. My wallet would love it. My husband.. and it would make me PHAT! lol

  38. Can’t wait to see the new releases
    I was super skinny as I was doing the school run 3 times a day for 3 months until my little boy was full time but after the xmas festivities (lots of munching) I’m just skinny
    If Bella’s based on you, you sure must be skinny!!

  39. Looking forward to seeing the new stamps. Your stamps are definitely one of my favourites. The images are so much fun to colour from Bellas, to Fellas to Stellas. No stamper can go wrong buying any of your images. Love them.

  40. Again, I must say, I’m so glad the math problems you use on this comment place are in the first grade range—I might not be able to use it if not!!! Thanks for the chance to win some bella-beautiful~LOVE your stuff!!!

  41. I am soooooooooooooooooo excited to see the new releases!! Thanks for the chance to win!! Blessings and Hugs!!

  42. Oh How exciting! New releases~ Bellas are my favs!! 🙂
    Skinny shminny~ you are gawgeous and “perrty”fect just the way you are!
    hugs~ Lia

  43. Em, I know that you have been working so hard that if you turned sideways, you couldn’t be seen! Really you are perfect in every way, just the way you are. I loved you, Nikki, and Ryan on the cruise. You made it so much more fun! When’s the next one?

    And new stamps!! Bring them on! Thanks for the chance to win them too!!


  44. Hi, Em: I’m only skinny in my dreams, and pretty much the only aerobic activity I’m getting these days is stamping! I think you’re perfect just the way you are – don’t change a thing!

  45. I’m a Starbucks addict and normally drink their chai latte. Today I broadened my horizons and tried their new London Fog tea latte thingie ~ it has lavender in it and it’s quite good. The end.

    P.S. Can’t wait to see the new releases. I ordered from you before Christmas and I have to say the service was wunerful as always! Thank you!

  46. Wow I sure hope I win something I need to have some kind of new good luck. Been packing the house getting ready to move! Not much time for stamping but I took a lot of time yesterday and stamped up about 200 images so that whiloe things are packed I have images to work on! SSHHH! My family does not know!

    Denise Wells

  47. Hi Em – thanks for the chance at the AWESOME blog candy. I can’t wait to see the new releases; I am sure they are amazing. I have ordered from you several times in the past and have been so happy with the service; you are amazing! Thanks again. . .Hugs

  48. I’m very anxious for the new release! I wish that stamping was a good form of exercise. Then I might be thin!

  49. Em, of course you are oh so beautiful! You’re the Queen Bella!! I can’t wait to see what you’re going to come up with! I’ve been stalking your site all week! lol


    I am in great need of free new stuff 🙂

    You are da SKINNY gal…… hahahahaha



  51. In my head I am skinny, just wish my head and my body would decide to think the same one of these days, haha. Can’t wait to see the new stuff you have coming.


  52. Lets see….

    I am tired
    my kids are loud
    my chin is shinny
    I need coffee
    I would love some beautiful stamps

    who is looking a lot like Grumpabella (well Grumpabella with 30 lbs on her).

  53. EEEEEEEEE!!! *high pitch squeal of delight* New stamps!!! Can’t wait to see them! Getting my fix today as my order is out for delivery!!! EEEEHEHE!! Hmm… maybe I shouldn’t have had that double shot espresso this morning.. FAR to excited for 8:30am! Em, you’s the bestest!

  54. I Cant wait for the new Bella!!! Maybe….I can get on my treadmill instead of sitting her eating cheetoes?? lol I ttoo need to lose some poundage girlfriend…this is the year! I am gonna start out with, *gulp*, limiting my cola intake and fast food. I am hoping that will jump start me into getting healthy. I want to go out and play with my kids this summer instead of hiding inside. I am not gonna go by pounds, as I am gonna go by pant and bra size, lol.

    Okay okay, enough about that!! Let’s see some Bellas!!

  55. I’m ready to jump on my treadmill but somehow I just got stuck in “Bella-Land” ! Can’t wait to see what’s new . But if I want to see a new figure by March Break, I have to get on that treadmill.

  56. Ohboy, who can resist such a candy offer?! this is my kinda of candy, the one I prefer 🙂 Skinny is EASY, just don’t eat anything that contains white refined industrial white poison, sometimes also called sugar ;)…. once you start looking on packages, you’ll notice that nearly everything in the store has added sugar if you want it or not…. makes shopping rather easy 😉
    this may be extreme in thinking, but I really do like my loose size 4 LOL….

  57. I’m excited that holiday cards are over so I can go back to making some Bella cards! I’ll squeeze that in btw going to the gym, which I have not been to for over a month…. ugh….

  58. i’m really sick so i wanted to say cough cough and a hello cough cough will place my order on saturday wooooo hoooooo it’s a big one em

  59. Remember that commercial for shampoo where the woman would say “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful” — well, my sisters and I say that (jokingly) when we are fooling around or having minor disagreements. It always makes us laugh.
    Thumbs up for blog candy!! I really need a win!! Cannot wait for the new releases today. Don’t make us wait too long!! 🙂

  60. Mwah, Em! We are never skinny enough, are we? :sigh: If it makes you feel any better, I’m trying to lose weight before I go for my checkup. Stamping is WAY more fun that dieting!!! 😉

  61. Hey there, Skinnybella! Can’t wait to see you! And as you will see, I am definitely NOT skinny at the moment. *sigh* But maybe I can lose those pesky extra 20 between now and CHA… 😉

  62. Em, it’s release day now….where are dah goodies!!! Of course you know i love you, but today i just wanna see dah eye candy! I hear from my BFF that it’s gonna be fabulosity! 🙂

  63. I Love Em! You are a kick in the pants! I always laugh my A** off when I read your blog…so write more!!! I am excited to see the new goodies, MWAH to you!!

  64. Em – You are the bestest evah!!! (oooh and the skinniest too!) I love reading your blog and look forward to new posts every day! Keep up the good work 🙂

  65. OH YEAH, MORE BELLAS!!! Can’t wait to see what you have for us. I’m sure you’re having to buy a new wardrobe for your skinny self!!

  66. Hello – might I say that you are looking rather skinny today – of course I have always thought that you look skinny. Me on the other hand not skinny at all. I’m the kind of person you want to stand next too!! Also, I am the kind of person you want to pick to win blog candy!! Ya – hoooooo!

  67. Hi Em!

    Can’t wait to see the new releases! Made hubby buy me some bellas for Christmas! Just LOVE them! 🙂

  68. Well, I know I am not skinny anymore!! Hehe! After twins??? Ha! I am STILL working on that! So I KNOW you are WAY skinnier than me! I hope you and your family are well and I am SO excited to see what you have for us!!! Take care!!!

  69. I have figured out the perfect diet for this year! I am going to spend food money on your stamps!!!! The stamps are more fun and I never regret them… unlike chocolate cake, and cheesecake, and chips, and ice cream, and donuts, and….. yep, rather have the stamps, the fun lasts a lifetime!

  70. Bring on the new valentine’s stuff…Last week I bought all the old valentine stamps 😉
    Let’s stamp until we drop dead skinny!
    Pick me, pick me, pick me, pick me!!!! I want the blog candy, I never win anything!!! ;-(

  71. Skinny is over-rated. Give me chocolate any day. Like one of my favorite stamps says, “I am a key figure in the history of chocolate. If chocolate comes near me, it’s HISTORY!” Like my sister always reminds me, chocolate is a vegetable!

  72. Since I’m thinking of using one or two of your images for a wedding card for my son and future daughter-in-law (wedding to be Jan 17), this is a perfect time to let you know how much I love your images!

  73. OMG-I’m so excited to see what you have in store!!!! I’m hoping for an owlie stamp like the doo-hicky thingies you released earlier this week 😉 Didn’t make it out yesterday cuz of the weather, but am coming tomorrow!! Can’t wait, it’s the highlight of my week!!!

  74. Hi Em!
    Happy ’09! I am leaving a comment because I have made it my personal mission to win something this year. And what better thing to win than Bella ‘stuff’? Oh and did I mention how wonderful you look? Clearly you are wasting no time getting busy on that New Year’s Resolution. I too have had one good ‘legal’ day… but there is always tomorrow.

    I am about to move my stamp room up to the office. I am kicking the teenagers and Olivia to the basement! YeeHAW!! Why should I stamp in the dungeon? So, in my reorganizing today I will keep a place of honour for the new BELLAS!!!!

    your rambling bella,

  75. oh no………….I can’t even lie. Mind you it was Oct when I was in your store. A lot could have happened since then. Who am I kidding! LOL I am like Garfield…..”I am NOT fat; just undertall!”
    Actually there is a skinny person in us all…………….somewhere! LOL
    I can’t wait to see the new stamps. Christmas is old now…..time to spend a little loose change!

  76. oooooh I would love to have one of each, how fun, thanks for the opportunity, can’t wait to see them!

  77. Hi Em…how are things with your skinny self today? Me, not so skinny but hoping to work on it this year. Can’t wait to see the new releases that you have in store for us (so excited)!! Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous candy!!

  78. Blog Candy- who wouldn’t love it? Esp. bellas…can’t wait to see the new releases!
    I’m on my way to skinny- not there yet Lost 43 lbs since last April…only 25 more to go! Woohoo!
    Maybe soemday I can look like a bella! :0)

  79. What can I ramble on and on about? Took the baby to the peds today ond my 2 year old goes to the dentist. Lots of screaming… dont ya think I deserve a reward?

  80. Oh Em, I can’t wait to see the new releases! My sistah gave me a bella gift certificate for Christmas – that’s NOT nuffing!! I am excited to use it! I don’t want to talk about the skinny thing – cuz sadly I’m NOT!

  81. Hey Em, well I’m so skinny I can hide behind my own arse. He,hee. Don’tcha just love January. All the skinny people telling you how to get skinny. Hello, some of us would rather be hanging out stamping then running on a treadmill getting all sweaty! Well, thanks for the chance! Mwah!

  82. hi em
    i’m so excited to see the new stuff. i love your blog and your upbeat personality. you always leave me wanting are beautiful just being you so no one notices any thing other then that. love ya just the way you are.

  83. OOO, I can not wait to see the new release, and skinny is a ‘state of mind’. And ‘Ben and Jerry’ are just as good as ‘Jimmy Dean’ for breakfast!

  84. Looking forward to the new releases. Unfortunately my new years resolution was to stop feeding my habit of collecting stamping stuff! Oh well it was a good 8 days.

  85. I wanna see the releases! I miss Bellas!!!

    Everyone’s a size that they all are comfortable with and love with!

  86. ” I replaced sex with food and now I can’t get into my pants!”

    “I don’t drink water….fish have sex in it”

    I placed my first order right before Christmas and I am in LOVE. I made the cutest thank you cards with your images. Wanna see? Drop me a line and I will send you a pic.

    I hope I win because I need Bellas!!!!

  87. I love the constant stream of new releases!!!! So fun!!

    Enjoy life, don’t worry about your size as long as it’s not causing you health issues.

  88. the best diet and exercise on the planet is a new puppy…especially an english springer spaniel! That is the new addition to our home and there is no time to eat or sleep, just run run run with that dog!
    I got a TON of Bellas for Christmas and I am DYING to put ink on them! I can’t wait to see what you come out with next:)

  89. really one more sleep then the new releases?!?! What are you talking about losing weight you have always looked marvelous my friend

  90. You’re killing us here!! Release the newbies already would yah!
    And I say MWAH to the SISTAHS that have curves and LOVE them! Who want’s skinny?

  91. I would love to win this candy. I have so many of your stamps and it is like playing with dolls! My dh just lost his job after 20 years due to the economy here in the US. I can’t buy new toys now (insert sad face). I also am getting thinner – not a great way to lose weight though!

  92. Candy, did someone say candy? I like candy! Probably how my butt got so big. At least blog candy wont end up on my hips!

    Can’t wait to see what’s new. Any chance it’s a special ChiChi image I am very fond of???? I wanna see it in rubbah!

  93. These comments are cracking me up! But I’m not as clever!! 🙁 Can’t wait to see all the new goodies!! And I wish that someday I could meet you! You’re a hoot!

  94. Oh Em, you are the skinniest most beautiful lady EVAH!!!!!
    And I am old and fat, but happy!!!
    I hope someone nice wins this candy, because it’s surely awesome!!!
    Hugs to all y’all, and have a great weekend! 😀

  95. Love all the Bella stuff and all the new bling/goodies! Like every other year, this IS the year I will take it off – my skinny girl inside is just hollering to get out! That’s why I love your Bellas – we are all skinny bellas on the inside!

  96. I love chocolate. In any shape, form, or substance. Gotta have it. My favorites are Lindt’s milk chocolate truffles. Perhaps that’s why I have trouble zipping my pants! Who cares, I prefer sweat pants that tie anyway.

    Em, so excited about the new releases! Love the new Bellas no matter what they are. I miss them. And the new markers sound heavenly! I want them!

  97. Say anything? ooookay…ANYTHING! Anything to get those stamps!! I can’t WAIT to see ’em! WOOO HOOO!! 🙂

    As for skinny…you must be because I am not! LOL heh heh

    More Bellas! More Fellas! More everything!! 🙂

    You’re breaking my wallet here…heh heh 🙂

  98. We are healthy, therefore, we are thin!?!? Or how about the bellas’ are a replica of the stampingbella herself! Me? . . . Well . . . I am as skinny the use of my gym membership (LOL)! I can’t wait for the release!!!! I am going to click my heels 3X and say “I hope its me, I hope its ME, I HOPE ITS ME!! Thanks for the opportunity to win such fabulous stamps and more!

  99. Hi Emily, Here’s another quote for all of us dealing with weight issues. It’s not weight gain, it’s personal growth!…Love Ya.!

  100. My dear Em-you always look FAB-your joy and genuineness shines through and that sets you apart. And, compared to me you are invisible! …Cheers to being Skinny-cuz to me you are!

    Looking forward to see the new goodies tomorrow-lovin the new Huggabuggs and Jugglyabella.

  101. Hey Em, I’d love to have a little meat on my bones. My dad always said I had an athletic figure because I looked like a hockey stick turned sideways. But seriously now, who cares what’s on the outside as long as the inside is sweet & full of chocolate. Keep up the great work. Can’t wait to see the new releases.

  102. Em – here’s my message about “nuffing”. Hi! Well, I’ll write a little something. You look fabulous! I on the other hand took my measurements this morning and weighed my self at the doctor’s office yesterday to have a starting point for my “healthy eating and living” lifestyle change. Ugh. Thanks for the chance to win the stamps though. That would definitely perk me up. I can’t wait to see all the new releases. MWAH!

  103. Em,
    You have really outdone yourself this time. I am loving the Stamping Bug and Stella in the bathtub of hearts…way…tooo…stinking….adorable. I love them all. Good luck to the one that wins this batch.
    Hats off to you!

  104. If it’s the thought that counts, can’t we just imagine ourselves as skinny and have that be “nuff”? It just isn’t fair that stamping doesn’t burn more calories. But I’m not letting that stop me!

  105. Holy Smokes Em…what a haul! You have been busy girl. I am loving you releasing several different areas of your collection…you devil you! Now, I want them all….ALL I tell you! LOL

  106. Fat is the new Skinny, and fat is fabulous. If we can’t be happy with ourselves, than what is the point really? I would love to own more bellas and maybe some stella or some tiddly’s or some Chi Chi’s or some fabo embellies or, or, or, or……. you get the gist 🙂 That’s all I have to say.
    Mwah to the sistahs who love themselves and believe in the new skinny!

  107. I just wanted to tell you I am loving the new look of the site and really liking the ‘NEW’ words next to the really NEW product. Easy to spot and easy to get to but most of us that have been stalking can prolly tell you ….in order what you have where LOL!!

  108. Em, you and I are the skinniest, most beautiful bellas on the PLANET, not the Continent, not Canada or the US, the PLANET. LOL, I need to take off a few pounds of Christmas fudge and candy I got while playing the Driedle game my daughter learned at school, before I can say that. Either way, I am too excited to see what all is in store for us. I am loving all the releases I see so far, if this is any indication of how 2009 will be, I am definately gonna need a bigger piggy bank!

  109. Skinny?? Not happening very quickly….becoming fitter…more chance there for me. New Bellas are very exciting…must put in an order soon!!

  110. Ok, I’m here and going to say “SAY” and I can say you are skinny but sadly I can’t say I am. My daughter is does that count? LOL

  111. Oh there is nuffin to say about being skinny or not-so-skinneeee CAUSE we’re never happy where we are! AND I’m like 30 pound over that! bwahhaaahaahaaa!!
    Can’t wait to see what you gots! and I nopee you pickeeemeeeeeeeeeee!

  112. Can’t wait for tomorrow. Can’t wait to see the new stamps. Can’t wait to be skinny – (probably ain’t gonna happen) any time soon.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win – you are great!

  113. I just love your lingo. I had a hard time at first, but getting used to it. Now im starting to use it when i text message my contacts. But then when im at work doing “proffesional” talk, i always find myself hitting the BACKSPACE button cause im doing “bella talk” I hope to win ALL the highhhhhh retail price stamps. Thanks for the opportunity

  114. If skinny were a state of mind…..we all would be skinny. Just live life to the fullest and you will be SKINNY too!!!

    Thanks for all of the excitement….it is like going to Disneyland for the very first time (during the CHA of course).

    Here is NUFFIN back at ya

  115. I want stamps!! I like the new set up of the website. Much more organized and easier to navigate. And the gift ceritficates are easier to purchase so my family can stop calling the shop for them!

  116. You is one skinny tease!

    I am soooooooooooo not as skinny as you but I would be as excited as you if I was to win this give away ….

  117. OMG, the LOVEbeetle HUGGABUGG is 2 DIE for, I mean, come on…I Luvee it sooooo much!!! My bday is next month!!! LOL

  118. It’s always easy to say something about new stamps – how exciting. Can’t wait to see them, and certainly would love to win some freebies.

  119. We are ALL skinny!!!
    Love the new releases so far – they are absolutely ADORABLE!!!!! How I would love to have the collection!

  120. Well I would love the new Bella stamps being released and you are the skinniest girl in the whole wide world if it gets me stamps. I love the owls you showed they are adorable and I dont know why I am so into owls lately but yours are some of the cutest ones I’ve seen

  121. THANKS for all the new goodies Em!!!!!
    You would think that I would get used to your new releases by now, but I still get excited and giddy with each and every new stamp popping up as I refresh the what’s new….I am in stamp Heaven:-)

  122. Dear Em,
    The new releases that I have seen are absolutely adorable. I love everything that you have come out with and can’t wait to see what the New Year brings. Happy New Year!

  123. Will new rubbah help me stay on my new years diet??? I’m pretty sure it will!!! 😀 I’ll have to win and let ya know! LOL
    ~Lana B~

  124. Hi Em..I love new stuff & theres still ‘old’ stuff I want from your place! I cant wait to see all the new stuffs you have. OMGosh, I actually lost some weight recently so on my way to skinny, just like YOU!!!!

  125. Whattt How skinny am I well lets just say Not so much BUT I was a skinny little thing 10 years ago you couldn’t tell me NOTHING..! LOL I earned each pound and I have my 4 babies to prove it! 🙂

  126. Love all your goodies, but Bella stamps are my favorite! I love making Bella cards and it’s so hard for me to give them away. The person that receives one of my cards must be super special. Can’t wait to see what you have in store tomorrow!

  127. Em….you are the skinniest person I have eveh seen! Does that make me qualify to winn-y these fabby stamps? Purrdy plulees with sugar on top?
    Thanks for the chance to win!
    Hugs~ Kim

  128. I recently found your website and am in LOVE with all your goodies! I’d LOVE to start out my new collection with all these WONDERFUL new stamps!!!!!!!!!!!!!! KEEPING MY FINGERS CROSSED!!!!!!!!!

    Oh and you are just the SKINNIEST thing and I lost 40 lbs. this past year so I guess I can call myself skinny too…LOL!

  129. Never dieted and don’t intend to start now. I am what I am. Need to pop over to the store to get some new stamps. Can’t wait.

  130. I too am sooooo excited for some new Bellas!!!! Aren’t you the Bella model?!?!? You look as fabulous as she is!!!

  131. Im sure you are oodles skinnier then i am!

    cant wait to see the stamps! Winning them would be even better 🙂

  132. Em!!! I have missed you so much! I’ve been super sick since the beginning of the year and am just now getting to where I am back to my blog hoppin’! Winning these stamps would definitely cure me! LOL 🙂

  133. How exciting!! Em, you are talented, funny, fragrant and clever, not to mention fit and FABULOUS!!! I am glad you entered my world:) !!!!!! I think you run a cool company and I know you are going to succeed beyond your wildest dreams:)

    Today is my birthday January 8…. and if you comment before midnight, I am doing a giveaway for 8 gifts to celebrate!!!!!!! Wheeee, fun everywhere!

    Cheers, Shelagh

  134. I am absolutely head over heels for your line of stamps! Oh how I wish I could win the lottery so I could own every single one! Thanks for all of your inspiring creations!

  135. Just a note to say Hi. I just met you for the first time 2 weeks ago and I’m totally mezmerized by these wonderful stamps. Looking for a job so I can buy more

  136. so glad I found this site…and now not only are there cute stamps but you are giving away some of them…this can’t get any better…well I could be skinny like you too! That would be the best.

  137. Oh boy, new bellas!
    I’m sorry. I haven’t seen skinny for a while….let’s see maybe, 6 kids ago! But I’m aiming for healthy and less heavy! How’s that? And Em, you look mahvelous!

  138. Looking forward to the new release Em! Thanks for the chance to win! I am sitting here with our newly adopted shelter puppy. He is dreaming and his little paws are moving; he must be dreaming he is running. So cute!


  139. OH-MY-GOSH!!!!!!!! I am such a heart girl and I just love all the news stuff..especially Stella and the new Bella. Love the new bugs too… gotta go buy some new stuff!!!!!!!!!!

  140. LOVE the stamps. My husband is going to start giving me allowence so I stop buying so many bellas. I almost have all of them, hehehehehe, but tell him, I really do not think he even knows that one. LOL!!!!!!!

  141. I’m soooo happy to see a new BELLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yea!!!!! I’m trying to get skinny, at least a little bit!

  142. So, my very first order has been shipped and is scheduled to arrive on MONDAY!! I’m so excited, and so sad that I will hav eto wait till next weekend to play with them, LOL!! But can NOT WAIT!!!!!

    Oh, and you are skinny, and beautiful, and you are my fave person right now… next to my UPS man. 😀

  143. I am so curious to see what new Bellas and other creations may be coming!!!!!! As for weight, I am not discussing mine… my main form of exercise these days is the walk from the downstairs shelves, where I keep my Bellas, to the upstairs table where I make my cards. Creativity burns calories…right…?

  144. Em, I should be down the gym trying to shed some pounds, but instead here I am sitting looking at all the gorgeous Bellas and wondering who is going to come and play with me. My cart is growing by the minute – well better that than me – hahaha!!!!

  145. O – M – Goodness!!! They are all soooo cuuutteee!!! Love them! I wish I had them this weekend….looks like we will be snowed in again here in Michigan.

  146. Can’t wait, Em!!! I love all stamps!!! I hope to be skinny girl this year!!! 😉 and think I can because I will spend my time with new stamps, so I’ll forget to eat…
    Big kisses and hugs,
    Mayumi- a brazilian in Japan!

  147. Oh Golly! I loved reading through the other comments, too cute and sooo funny! And I would sooo love to have your new stamps!!

  148. Stamping makes me happy…if I’m happy stamping then it makes me skinny!!! I am moving excercising my arms…lol!! Does stamping count as exercising??? Em, you are a truly beautiful skinny person from the pics I have seen of you. You remind me of a skinny Emma Bella.

  149. Em,I took Nicky’s beautiful card class on Wednesday. (drove up during our mid-week snowstorm, nothing stops a Bellaholic!) Your new Huggabugs are so cute I need to have them all! (& the new Bella, Stella and all the rest!) And you beautiful lady, are so very skinny, I almost didn’t see you there 😉
    Thanx for the amazing stamps and the inspiration to be skinny like you!
    Luv Ya~Shelley

  150. Hmm….well, I’m definately not skinny. I’ve had 10 children and they say you gain 10 lbs. for each one of them. How fair is that?! They also say that you lose 10 percent of your brain cells for each child that you have. So…apparently I’m fat and DUMB…but I still love the bellas, so I’m hoping to get some more….!

  151. I’m so skinny that my kids like to jiggle my belly because it makes them laugh, my husband likes to cuddle me at night because I keep him warm (he has no meat on his bones!), people in stores are always asking me when I’m due (love that!), and my favorite is when my 8 yr old asked me why I wasn’t skinny like her friend’s mom.

    Needless to say, not so skinny! HA HA! But I did lose 27.2 lbs last fall and only put 10 of it back on over the holidays (Nov to Jan). I’m back on the wagon now though and I only chocolate on days that end in Y…after all, you can’t take away all the good stuff otherwise life wouldn’t be any fun!

    Thanks for the opp to win some Bellas…unlike me, the budget is on an incredible diet!

  152. Skinny! Who needs to be skinny? Maybe this will be the year. New bellas could keep me busy and out of the kitchen!

  153. Happy New Year Em!! Can’t wait ’til the new release!!
    All is well ‘cuz I’m skinny on the inside! 😀 (She said while eating a big bowl of rocky road ice cream with hot fudge sauce, whipped cream, sprinkles and a cherry)

  154. oh oh new bella’s Im so addicted to bella’s and how I would just love to win some, bella’s make you happy and makes you feel skinny oh how I love bella’s…lol

  155. Well, can’t say I’m skinny now, but I love to talk about the past when I was “high-school skinny”, which was unfortunately a looooong time ago. Can’t wait to see the new bellas!!!! I was spending some quality time with one of my preggers bellas last night while finishing shower invites.
    Here’s to the 2009 bellas!!!

  156. Happy New Year Em!! I just Looovvveeeeee the new releases!! They are just so wonderful!!! You are looking mighty fine, Em! Good luck on the skinny- thing. I must get motivated…. but why oh why is the only time to exercise seriously conflicting with the time my brain needs to sleep. Just ain’t right to be up before daylight on the treadmill 🙂

  157. what’s with makin us do math before we can type in a comment …. geeesh! Ya really needs to talks to the puter peeps …. instead of math have us match up bellas and fellas … like if Prezzibella married Professafella … she’d be Prezziprofessafellasbella. Ya. Dat’s a whole lot easier than math.

  158. Wow! New stamps! Can’t wait to see what they are!

    A comment about skinny…….I wish I were skinny! The holidays were too good to me…lol!!

  159. Say it isn’t so…New Bella, new stamps!! I’m loving ALL the new sets and since I can’t afford them all I’d love to have them given to me 🙂 Of course, we need more BELLA!!

    More Bella, More Bella, More Bella…Chanting!!

  160. Yippie!!! More stuff! I hope I win, it would make a wonderful 30th birthday gift:) I’ll be 30 in 4 short days:( Thirty, flirty and fabulous, isn’t that the line?

  161. Em– we are so thin it’s disgusting. Everyone is so amazed how we have miraculously become little rails! LOL! That was fun. I love the new releases that I have peeked at so far. Bedbugg Huggabugg is my absolute fav! I think you should make Stampah Huggabugg into a card back version as well. How cute would she be in a wee version. Mwah to the girls who dream they are thin!

  162. wow!!! 250 responses of 250 skinny sistahs!!!! wow!!!! one more skinny sistah signing up for the amazing and not so skinny BLOG CANDY!!!!! Looking forward to the reveal!

  163. Hi Em
    You are da skinniest evah!!!
    I was skinny once and didn’t like it. My brothers told me if I turned sideways and stuck out my tongue I looked like a zipper:(
    So I decided to put on a few pounds and they just kept coming. Now I wish I looked like a zipper…well, almost. A zipper with bumps I guess lol.

  164. Blog candy…yeah!!! It’s the only kind of candy you’ll find in my house:( Hubby & I went to see a dietician in May…well turns out I was prediabetic and we had to completely change the way we ate, for good. But…I hit my goal weight on Tuesday:) Have I told you how skinny you’re looking today Em??? Looking FABULOUS as always!!! PS…did I tell you how much I LOVE chocolate??? Blog candy, blog candy, blog candy….lol.

  165. Skinny – I am not – nor do I prefer to be cuz my hubby of 38 yrs luvs me just as I am! Lovin the new stamps – always do!!!

  166. OMG! My eleven year daughter and I are in LOVE LOVE LOVE with all of your stamps! Maybe I will lose weight stamping this year! The scale at the Dr’s office this morning LIED….I told myself NOT to look but dagnabbit…I couldn’t help myself. They should make Diet Dove Chocolate. Errrrr! But who cares (thats what I TRY to tell myself…) Can’t wait to see the new stamps. Bellas CURE depression! ProzacaBella! =)

  167. C

    (That should be a skinny comment but we will see if it works) Thanks for the chance to win some nonfattening candy!

  168. Great new releases, Em! I’m really loving all these ‘Bugs — who would have ever thought I’d say that??

  169. Pick me I dont have any bellas ,I want them so bad ,They are so cute ,I think you are skinny really skinny everyone has way to say skinny I think it all about how you feel about your self We are all skinny .Pick me please

  170. Just for Women!

    Skinny is only a Minnie,
    Curvy is sooooooooooooo Quite Nervy,
    Volumptuous is soo yumm-o-liciuosly scrumptuous,
    But Plump is perfect definition of our lovely lady lumps!

  171. I can’t say that I am skinny right now as I am 7 months pregnant but, I will be come April 🙂

    I can’t wait to see what the new releases will be.


  172. Oh my………why is it I come and look at the Bella’s but never found the blog?????? What is wrong with me???????
    I LOVE THIS!!! I love BELLA’s and EVERYTHING else on your site!!!!
    I also want to say that Ryan is the sweetest and gives the absolute best service ever!!!! I have passed it on too……….
    Love and Hugz to the Sistah’s!!!!!

  173. PICK ME! PICK ME!!! LOL! I just finished watching “Finding Nemo” and for some reason that saying is in my head!!! LOL! I am not skinny but that is my goal for this year….to get “healthy”actually, and not skinny! And if I am healthy, my goal is to hopefully get a BIG BELLY – full of a baby! LOL! So there, here is my comment. THANK YOU for all your wonderful stamp products, especially the BELLAS and the new HUGGABUGS, LOVE THEM!!!! Keep up the excellent work! Cheers!

  174. Hi Em! Just visited your blog for the first time. I am totally LOVING all the stamps! I don’t have any bella stamps, but might just have to change that soon! 🙂 The style of everything is sooo fun and cute! Love it!!!

  175. The new stamps are ADORABLE!!! I love ALL of them! Thanks for the chance to win these!!

    Oh yeah and can’t forget to mention the fact that……

    Em’s so skinny, she can hula hoop in a fruit loop


  176. Hi,happy new year from the west coast of ireland,.Can not wait to see new releases.You are too worried about diet,relax sit back and stamp instead………..Have loads of bellas and love them to bits.Philomena.

  177. I am the biggest bellafan in Germany at least. Other people collect phonecards, I collect bellas. They are so fantastic, different, I don´t know, I just have to have them and their friends too. So please, plehehease pick me.

    Greetinngs from Germany

  178. Hi, great post and fabulous rubber
    And keep in mind that you are so skinny as you feel, and believe me I feel skinny! 🙂

  179. Oh Em, not only are you so skinny but your hair is always amazing!! So perfectly bouncy and never a hair out of place. I can only hope to one day acheive your level of awesomeness!!!

  180. Hi Em:
    Usually when I have nothing to say I have lots and when it comes to stamping I never seem to stop whether its talking or asking questions. The new releases and Nicky’s cards are awesome – as always. Can’t wait to stop by and pick me up some. Skinny is a state of mind…..just think the more you stamp, the more energy required thus the skinnier you get. Hugs, Maria

  181. LOVE the Lovebeetle. SOOOOOOOO cute! Way too many cute ones. My wallet will be too skinny soon so I need them for free instead. 🙂 Thanks for the chance to win!

  182. Hi Em,
    Unbellalivable….they just keep getting sweeeeter! Unfortunately the only skinny thing around here is my wallet but I’mmm trying. Can’t wait to get into the store once I get rid of the cold. Kudo’s to NIcky…loooove the cards. Good luck to all.

  183. I love the owls, especially the one hanging upside down. That would be me because I’m soooooo skinny (not!) and spinny (is that a word?) from hunger.

  184. Hi Em

    Keep up the good work skinny minny I’m so proud that you can stick to your guns, my contribution, I’ll be very good and keep the chocolate fountain out of the bella boutique….LOL

    As for me I fgure that if I was made to be skinny I wouldn’t have to work so hard at it and since I love being a lady of leisure working hard is just not my style…I’ll be generous and take one for the team…..LMAO

    Happy New Year and I can’t wait to come in so that I can add all those huggabuggs to my collection (they’re all soooo cute I’m gonna die trying to choose}

  185. Wouldn’t this be a great way to break my “no candy winning” thing?!

    As for “skinny”, I think that’s a state of mind… seriously. Why are there so many good foods that make you fat if you’re not supposed to eat them? Pssh.

  186. Em, who needs skinny when you’ve got stamps? For those of us who sit and craft, padding on the tushy is essential for long periods of time. 😉 Luv the new goodies, so sweet and sassy! I’m not into eating bugs, but that ladybug is adoraaaable! 😀

  187. The cards are so beautiful Nicky!!! I can’t wait to get my hands on those huggabug stamps, they’re absolutely adorable!

  188. Em, you are soooo skinny! In fact, your arms look like any of the bellas’ arms!

    Looking forward to the new relases.


  189. oh man oh man, i want all the new releases!!! purty puh-leeeaaasee?!?!? you are the sweetest, bestest, most beautiful bella evah! Did that help? i heart you! hehe, totally need that sentiment. gosh those cards are too die for!

  190. Alright! You’re best arts and craft store in Richmond Hill! I saw it in the Richmond Hill Post. They really like Doncaster Ave.

  191. Em,
    This HAS to be your most spectaculah post yet….346 replies!!!! You are one loved bella.

    One thing I can say about you is that your HEART is not skinny. It is a big as whatevah you can think of as being big (I can’t think of a comparison…). To make the offer that you did just for us to say hello to you…You are amazing in what you do for us bella lovahs!

    Thank you so much!

  192. I’m skinny, you’re skinny, we’re all skinny…look at the big picture!! Wow, new releases. That’s awesome. When will we get a volleyballmomabella? That was a mouthful!!

  193. You mind reader you!! How did you know that I am on a skinny kick too!!!

    Skinny vibes to all of us! Love the new stamps!

  194. Ow woooooow, how cute stamps can be…:o)

    Ah well I think being skinny is way overrated, but good luck to all those who want to lose some extra weight this year!

    Inge xx

  195. I’m so skinny, that, when I turn sideways and stick out my tongue, people mistake me for a zipper! lol Thanks for a chance! Love those new stamps!

  196. I wish to be skinny! But, you sistah, are the skinniest of them all! Love Bella, need Bella………..Love your site!

  197. Hi…… from Australia

    Am new to stamping/card making and came across your blog. I just wanted to say i love your stamps and l haven’t anything them here Australia. You have given me some many ideas to make some cards.

    Thanks heaps


  198. Hi Em-you are the skinnest chick I’ve ever seen! 🙂

    I so love these new stamps, so need these new stamps! I just wish I could win because I never win anything 🙂

    This is Sooooo nice of you to offer such a great thing, you have such a huge heart!!—Luv ya for it!!

  199. Well girlfriend I’m not skinny but I do love STAMPING BELLA almost more than life itself… and I’m stuck in the house with MORE snow, we have already broken stinkin’ records this year! UGH! So I have nuthin to do but stamp, stamp, stamp…. must be rough, huh? ;o)
    Peace, Jenn

  200. guess what I failed math and lost my really really cute post the the math goddess
    guess what
    I LOVED your store so much last week when I was up there
    that I just might be up in Toronto with hubby tomorrow
    and well
    he has no choice but to swing by so I can see all your new things
    did I tell yah
    I love your stufff!!!!!

  201. OMG!!! I am loving the owls. I will be coming in sometime this week because I really need to get my hands on one of those. Tell Nicky she has done a beautiful job on the cards.

  202. Absolutely adorable cards. I wish Stamping Bella was like a Stampin Up company and I could be a Demo. I already share all my bellas and ideas and have placed orders for my friends in my weekly card making group. Happy New Year.

  203. Can’t wait to get the new releases – though it takes longer as I’m in ‘sunny old’ (not) England. Love the Owls – really want them!

  204. My hubby swears I’m skinny, that oughta count for sumpin!

    Love all the new additions, am going to go fill my cart up now while no one is watching over me. hehehehe

  205. You’re SO skinny………………(all together now – “How skinny is she????)

    When you turn sideways, you disappear!

    Those widdle owls are SO stinkin’ cute!

  206. Dear Emily,

    It’s late Sunday evening….bathed and put the kiddies to bed….and finally got the chance to sit down and peruse your very lovely website. I only recently discovered your webpage and store and I can’t get over how unique your products are. Your stamps are unbelievable! I just want to take this opportunity to tell you that you are a true inspiration to me. You’ve taken a huge risk in leaving a corporate job (and raising two children) to embark on a journey that you are so passionate about. I have to say that I’d love to be able to do what you do, accomplish what you have….and really enjoy creating : ) Your stamps are not only adorable but they are without a doubt designed to please and bring joy to all those who have the pleasure of viewing them. I only have a few so far but I’ve already used them to bring happiness and joy to others’ lives through simple cards. Thank you Emily, from the bottom of my heart……you truly are an inspiration : )

    Warmest Regards,


  207. Hi Emily,
    I know its not still Sunday, but I thought I would share this with you anyway since I finally got a very unhappy baby to sleep. My mother is a very religious woman and she always says “God never made anything fat-free” and that if he wanted you to eat like a rabbit, he would have made you one.

    You are awesome the way you are. The new stamps look fantabulous!!

  208. I’d rather be happy and ….. voluptuous, than skinny and hungry, ANYday!! Wouldn’t you???

    I had fun playing with Lattebella and one of your Chichiboulie’s over the weekend, so I can’t WAIT to see what’s new!!!!


  209. Loving these new releases and so excited to see what else you have in store for us EM! Yea for new stamps! =)

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