Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Another day….

hello my sistahs

Did you EVAH wondAH what your creative style was?  I mean I have many styles but sometimes you just follow a certain path/style.. you are drawn to a certain “look”.. it may not be the “look” that everyone accepts (LOL) or loves but you just feel SOOO MUCH BETTAH after you put it down on paypah! Does that even make any sense?? Well, I feel like I have been in more of a “GRAPHIC” mood… more white space.. more linear… don’t know why I am heading this way and sometimes I so BADLY want to fill up the white space but I know it is bettah to leave it as is.. the one thing that has been consistent with me has been that I love an element of dimension.. a little “surprise” embellishment somewhere shall we say.. I love to layer buttons.. a little bow… ya get da PICTURE.. and of course not everything even steven.. just a little ‘off’ to add interest.. what’s your style? does it VARY?

so here’s my card using my CIRCLE SHADOW SET and our CUTESY ORNAMENTS (split them up).  How cute is the 1″ punch popped on top of the 1.25″ circle shadow stamp.. it’s what I call a “faux” layer! I also made a cluster of buttons in red with our PLATINUM DONUTS and PLATINUM DOTS and PEARL BAUBLES AND DIAMOND ICE baubles .. my images are a little BLURRRY but if you clicky to enlargy, you will see it clearly.

Hope you enjoy 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who have STYLE.  Their OWN UNIQUE style.


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  1. How odd is this…I am writing up a post for tonight and i am going on about how much I love graphic…but ain’t very good at it. I don’t hate the cards, but, I know a lonnnng list of crafty sistahs who make it look so simple! hehehe see ya SOON!

  2. Thank you for celebrating everyones unique style! That is one of the many, many reasons I love your company and your product; one can feel free to create what they see as beautiful and be celebreated for it!

  3. Love your style! I agree with all above… boring if all were the same. How would we learn so much from great stampers if we all were the same? hugs,

  4. Good morning, Emily! I really like this card. I agree with Jami as well. I love that everyone has a unique touch and we can learn something from each person.

    Have a great day everyone!

  5. Hi Em,
    It’s been far toooo long since I’ve popped in to say hello…busy, busy, busy! I am of the opinion that the “simple” cards are the best. They really appeal to my simple mind :). Your graphic style has a simplicity about it yet has that little ‘something extra’ that makes it POP! It has the cleanness about it that I love in simple layouts/cards.

    Simply love your style, Em. Thanks for all you do. I’m lovin’ my bellas…HAVE to get marchingbandabella since I now have a bandabella in my house to go with my soccermommabella…love my girls!

  6. i’m so totally a white space gal! i could make every stinking card with a cutsey tiny image mounted on white space! i don’t do it everyday cause i’m afraid i would bore people…but it is my personal fav!

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