Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Bellarific Friday in DA HOUSE! and triple bella bucks alert!

Hiya sistahs,  long time no SPEAKY.

Well, it’s that day again.. one of my FAVORITE days of the week.  Seeing our stamps come to life!  Literally.  You have no idea how tingly I get when I see all of your cards.  It is an honor, really!

Let’s discuss some WINNAHS from last week…

Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ (DOUBLE BUCKS at $20) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

17- Melissa C you win! please email me and I will send you your vouchah!
Now for da CONTRIBUTIN' winnah (double bucks- $40 in bella buckeroonis goes to...)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

5- Linda F you win!! what a way to welcome you back!

Timestamp: 2011-12-09 13:44:30 UTC

Ok now to this week’s challenge!  An All white card!  I was gonna contribute this week with a blank card..LOL but I decided against it ;)… Who woulda THUNK that such masterpieces would come out of this theme!  Just you WAIT   ‘ENERY IGGINS… JUST YOU WAIT…  (my fair lady)

Ok let’s see what da BABEROONIS came up with!

Ebrubella used IRMA AND VIENO

Lindabella used A SNOWMAN and a CARDINAL

Paulabella used UPTOWN GIRL QUINN and her BOOTS

Paulineabella used HOLLY IN JAR

Regabella (lol- too hard to say regaNabella) used CLOUDY HANGING BLOCK

Robinabella used EMMA LULU

Shannanabella used ECLECTIC BUTTERFLY on PRINT cut out

  Danabella is off this mumf

and Cathabella is suffering from Computer issues.. hmph.. Tell me how

STUNNING these cards are.. COME on… TELL ME!!!!!

Ok now for da SISTAHOODS’ masterpieces….

Here we gooooo






Makalah used PATSY PIXIE

Maria used GROUP HUG



Violet used one of the CUTESY ORNAMENTS

Gorgeous or WHAT?

Next week’s theme is a sketch!  last challenge til the new year!


Don’t forget to leave a comment to possibly win TRIPLE bella bucks.. WOOHOO!  $30 in Bella bucks

but WAIT, there’s MORE! LOL.. submit a card for next week’s challenge and you can ALSO win TRIPLE bella bucks.. $60 SMACKEROOS!  Trust me.. this will come in PRI-tty handy in the next few weeks.. just sayin’

Mwah to da sistahs who lovey da surprises



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  1. OMGosh these are gorgeous cards and neat techniques. I love them all! Such talented people! Thanks for sharing such special gifts.

  2. Wow – this was too much of a challenge for me but everyone else did just fabulous! I think that with all of this inspiration I might now be up to trying out last week’s challenge!

  3. Oh – I love all these white on white cards, I find them so hard to get right. The sketch looks super.
    Now all I have to do is work out is where to post it.


  4. These cards are stunning..just the all white..thks to all of u wonderful people’s for creating lov’em..

  5. i am trying to get my xmas cards made and am loving all of these. thanks for the inspiration. i am off to get my cards made and sent out before the 25th.

  6. wish I could just hide inside and just make cards until spring time. Like a card-making groundhog. this website is such an inspiration.

  7. Lovely and inspirational work by all the bellas and bella playmates. such fun when we get a chance to play:)

  8. oooooooohhhhh — stunning! wish I had had the time to play along this week, but alas, this Christmas season is in full force for me!!
    Maybe next week!!

  9. Hi Em ~~ I am totally passionate about this All-White Theme ~~ all the submissions this week are just SMOK’IN HOT ? Your DT ladies certainly knocked it out of the park today –Woot Woot !

  10. Love those white cards Emily. Thanks to the bella gals. Looking forward to winning some bella bucks. Lots to buy in the store.

  11. ooo a hint of another release? or a sale? or are you just referencing that some people may have to pay in for taxes starting in January? 😛

    Fun to see how everyone else did the white challenge – so many pretty white cards and yet still no snow outside (Hooray!).

  12. I do like the idea of starting a card (or scrapbook page) with just one colour in mind. Good for the brain cells to think about the stash we have on hand and how to use it effectively.

  13. Lovin the white examples….wonderful job ladies…and thanks for the sketch challenge, I have a few more Christmas cards to finish and that’s just what I needed was a sketch! thanks….

  14. White cards have always been one of my favourites and all of these are absolutely over the top. I would love to win some Bella Bucks and you are a real sweetheart to triple the bucks, Em.

  15. I love white cards and these were all just beautiful. Thanks for the inspiration ladies. Thanks for your time Emily.

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