Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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39- Kathy Camps you win!  Please email me and I will send you your stamp!	

Timestamp: 2014-12-19 16:16:44 UTC


The best part of these sneak peeks are that even the BABEROONIs don’t know what’s comin’ hehehehe… I love the element of surprise!

So today I wanted to show you an UPTOWN COUPLE.

Meet BELLA and BARNEY have a BARBECUE.. I love how he’s swamped and overwhelmed with burgers and she’s noshing on a hot dog..LOL..

This image again was coloured by Elaineabelle.. hope you love them as much as I do!



Would love to hear some funny Spouse stories in the comments… Spouses that remind you of BARNEY.

Leave a comment for a chance to win the stampy!

Mwah sistahs!

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  1. My ex thought he was helping in the kitchen at xmas and he washed the turkey roasting pan before we had time to make the gravy. Couldn’t say anything since he thought he was a big help. lol.

    Love the new stamps.

  2. Em, These new releases are AWESOME!!!! However, I am the grill master and my soon to be spouse is the one saying, “delicious”…..

  3. My husband called me from the airport on his way to a very important business meeting to tell me that he had two different shoes on! He had left in the wee morning hours and dressed in the dark so as not to wake me. Now he was hoping I would drive to the airport with his shoes before the plane took off. No way, not enough time! He went to the meeting and sat with his briefcase between his legs so the men on each side of him only saw one shoe!

  4. My husband took our little girl to nursery dressed just with a jumper and socks ’cause he forgot to put her the dress. Fortunatelly she wasn’t old enough to feel embarrass, but he teacher did!!! Everyone could see the nappy.

  5. Another gorgeous stamp! I’m having a bbq tonight! 🙂 my hubby vs Barney? Oh there could be lots of stories 😉 my favourite one though is: I was coming back home one winter evening and called my hubby to make me some tea, so that the temperature would be just right to drink by the time I got home… I arrived home, all frozen. Hubby delighted with himself. “The tea is brewing!”. I go to the kitChen and find… a mug with hot water! He forgot to put the teabag in 😉

  6. OHHHH I love this one!!! So me and my hubby! He bbq’s and I quickly make the salads in the house then go out and bug him lol!

    Thanks for the chance to win this amazing stamp!

    Shari G.

  7. Bella and Barney with burgers galore,
    Have enticed me to want to see so much more…
    Although I don’t stamp, shade or add bling,
    Thank goodness you are a master of such things.
    So keep the cards coming as I can’t stand the wait
    For my first stamping class which will be really great

  8. Ah, love Bella and Barney. No story here. I do all the bbq-ing. Well, can you make the figures opposite? Like Bella overwhelmed with burgers? Maybe I can make this to show hubby what he should be doing. Lol.

  9. I have a BBQ story. When my husband opened up the lid of the BBQ at the first of the season, he found a squirrels nest with babies in a mound of straw.
    He left the lid open and the mother squirrel moved her little ones by the next day, thank goodness .
    PS. We threw out the briquettes.

  10. I do all the BBQ’ing and cooking in our house. Hubby hates cooking – but he does most of the housework so I no complaining here.

    Great stamp for the summer cards.

  11. Ridiculously cute stamp! My husband wishes this was us! Me standing back cool as a cucumber chow’in down some goodness…..NOT more like barking orders and interfering with his mastery of the bbq in general ha ha! In the end I always get over my little stress fest and everyone gets yummy food!

  12. Love the stamp set! My husband doesn’t cook…but he would love that many hamburgers…it’s his favorite thing to eat!

  13. My husband is much better at barbecuing then I am. I always burn the food. We would never have to cook as much as Barney has to though.

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