say that 12 times fast. The code for free shipping is splitcoastfreeshipping for all orders over $55 going anywhere in the world.. So if ya have your Christmas or Chanukah list ready, this is the time to take advantage 🙂
So how’s everybody been? I am a VEhErrY tired sistah. We just had Scrapfest this weekend (will tell more about it tomorrow) Ebru even surprised me with her Camera demoing ..hmph. But it really was a great surprise.. Helen was amazing as usual as was Isabelle-abella doing her demos.. but more about that tomorrow with some pictures 🙂 and some comments I received about the current videos..LOL. you will CRACK up.
So now let’s get down to bidniss.
Winnahs from last week’s Bellarific Friday which was ON a Friday..LOL
Winnah for commentaytin’ ($10 in bella buckeroonis)
Here are your random numbers:
8-Christine, you win! please email me and I will send you your bella buckeroonis! Timestamp: 2010-10-17 14: Now for da Contirbuting sistah ($20 in bella buckeroonis)
Here are your random numbers:
13-Robin M.. you win sistah!!! Email me and we will hook you up
Timestamp: 2010-10-17 14:51:57 UTC=-
Ok sistahs’ , the theme this week was KETTO. Anything KETTO. So let’s see what da BABEROONIS came up with!
Kimabella used ANISE ketto
Lindabella used Ketto’s SOLID TREE
Paulineabella used ANISE KETTO
Wendybella used MISSMATCH KETTO
Ebrubella used MISSMATCH KETTO
Paulabella used ANISE KETTO
Danabella used SUZETTE KETTO
Elaineabella used LUCY KETTO
Catherine Grodenabella used PHOEBE KETTO
Gorgeousness? omg YA.
Now let’s see wat da sistahood came up with… if I am missing your entry, please let me know and I will post as I am a bit of an airheadabella today!
How’s DAT for inspiRAtion? hmmmmmm?
Next week’s challenge is a sketch!
Hope you likey!
Don’t forget to place a comment here for a chance to win $10 in bella buckeroonis and to submit for next week’s challenge for $20 in Bella buckeroonis.
Mwah to da sistahs who will be CREATIVE today
See ya tomorrow
Pretty, pretty kettos!! Love the layouts ladies!!
excellent cards as always!!
looking forward to your new video Emily!! love them!! hope you can rest today!
I absolutely LOVED what tha babes have done. I love Kettos!
sweet line up! I love it
Lovely Ketto’s…..makes me want more!
LOL, could any more of us have picked Anise! Great minds think alike I guess! hehe They are gorjussss every one! Love the video too Ebru!
LOL, I know Paula, when I saw all the Anise cards you guys made I thought maybe I missed the memo :o) All the cards are so Kettolicious.Awesome job sistah’s.
Gorgeous cards from everyone!
Miss Ketto never looked so lovely! Great artwork ladies!
Amazing cards ladies they are all so beautiful.
Wow, gorgeous cards this week!!! (how could they NOT be gorgeous with lovely kettos?!!!)
Very nice cards, bella!
What a group of beautiful cards. Kettos make me smile!
Love the kettos! Ketto-rific!
Beautiful cards!! I love the Kettos!
Love the Kettos!! Gorgeous cards everyone!!
wow – those ketto cards are just beautiful. what a great set of cards.
very cute layouts =)