Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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along with many other things..

this is why we have been so QUIET..

meet FRANKIE.. our new mascot in Bellaland

He is SIMPLY deelish. and SOOOO good.

Will update more Monday!!!!

don’t forget a polkadotty card for next friday!!

mwah to da sistahs who think he is DEELISH


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  1. OMG …. he is gorgeous!! the brand new papers have meet wanting to take a trip there but now, meeting this wee guy will bring me out for sure!!

  2. So this adorable pup will be the Main Fella of Bella Land! He is truly a DEELISH cutie! LOL!!! Keep posting pics so we can watch him grow up!

  3. Frankie is just the cutest little thing. I see he will be a spoiled pup, but that goes with the territory. Who gets to take him for his walkies?

  4. awwwwwwwwwwwwwww again, dixit Melissa.
    Might pop in tomorrow with Meli (she’s not well). She WANTS one like that now..
    isa x

  5. ok,ok…I carried him allaround the store…he is the sweetest little pup I’ve ever seen…next to my own. Lovey the little white whisps o’hair.

  6. I just discovered that you are now on Doncaster, I am so excited, I can’t wait to see your store! I think it’s fabulous you have a doggie at the store I always wanted to take my dog scrapbooking. I think animals bring a great calmness to an environment. Although cats maybe not so much although I love my foster cat I don’t enjoy her “help”, which she gives by sitting on my work!

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