Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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and I don’t have an entry :(.. but I am wearing my BIG FAT COMFY BLACK pants.. does that count? My kids call it my “uniform”…

The theme for this week was to draw, write, collage about your favorite clothes.

Let’s see what our sistahs came up with!

here's Beth's page
here is Dolores' page (Doesn't have to fit the theme! you can send any entry you wish to da Bella!) AND Dolores is a new playah!
Here is Heather's page (anothah new playah!)
Pinky's PAGE1
Here is Violet's page

Are these not SO inspiring?  LOOOVE!

I want to thank you all for sharing your innermost thoughts and secrets with us :).. I am so honored.. oh and I hope your journals are now getting CRUNNNNNCHY!!!

Next week’s theme?  Write a letter to a loved one.. why you love them, how they make you feel.. etc.  you can embellish the page.. use a fountain pen to mix things up.. paint over it .. let it out.. all your choice.. OR do anything you please and send it ovah!

Mwah to da sistahs who journal!


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  1. now I remember why I wanted a rubber stamp with clothes IRON on it. I now hate ironing and hope it becomes obsolete and that would be the feature of the clothing journal page.

  2. LOVE that there are new playah’s!! Welcome ladies. Great to see everyone’s idea’s of a favorite outfit.
    Yes Emily. I gots’da’crunnnnnchy journal!! 🙂

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