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AJ monday and feeling a bit

crabby and rotund.. LOL.. I love that word.

When you see my art journal page, you will notice it is not the usual me… my girls are usually sassy, a bit angry.. LOL.. and BRIGHT EYED.  My girl today is sad and wistful.  Not sure why she came out that way… Wait a minute.  I DO know why she came out that way…  There is one word that my friend Melissa and I text eachother EVERY SINGLE MONDAY MORNING… it could be as early as 6am.. and as late as 9am.. but it is usually within that window.  The word is “FRESSSSSHHHHHHHHH”.  What does fresh mean?  It is an ALL ENCOMPASSING word ya know.  We have been working hard at developing it’s meaning for the last 15 years of best friendship.  Fresh means, “without going into detail… TRUST me when I say…  THAT THE DIET STARTS AGAIN THIS MORNING..”..LOL.. we may or may not discuss the sordid details of what we did over the past coupla nights (because we get together every friday night, we kinda know WHY we need to be fresh).. This morning I had to confess to Melissa over text.  See our exchange below.  SEE??? the FRESH started at 7:48 this morning from her..LOL!  it actually had a SOOO in front of it.. THAT means.. that she was EXTRA bad..LOL (i’m the green girl)

and then my discussion of which diet to be on this week.. and what I need for the diet I was last on..LOL.  WHAT HAPPENED TO COMMITMENT???? hmph.  Yes, it’s back today.. FRESHHHH.. LOL (until next monday)…

Then I looked in the mirror and i honestly almost fainted.  My HAIR.  All of you with curly hair will comiserate.  My darling Jayden red handedly STOLE my conditioner from my shower.  Now a CURLY without CONDITIONER is like … is like… IS LIKE… HAM WITHOUT CHEESE!! LIKE PEANUT BUTTER WITHOUT JAM!!! LIKE POP without a TART!!!! (had to add that in..LOL)- why does everything have to revolve around food?

I had no choice but to wash my hair on Friday SANS conditioner.  IF I TELL YOU what I looked like this morning… OMG.. even my CHILDREN who love me NO MATTER WHAT.. EVEN FRANKIE was a little distant when he looked at me…were mortified.   It was a STRAW BEES NEST just like a CLUMP of hay.  LIKE SOMEONE DIED on my head.  I almost choked my daughter for stealing the above mentioned conditioner.  Actually Ryan went to buy me some more yesterday.. think that was a hint?  I had to SOAK my head in half a bottle this morning.

So along with the ROTUNDED-ness… MIXED with a BEEHIVE.. you will understand WHY this panic girl came out of my pencil…. LOL.  But I DID feel better after she “came out”…

I also have been taking a KAJILLION online courses… the most recent one is that of JOANNE SHARPE called LETTER LOVE.  It’s PHENOM!  It’s affordable, SO MUCH fun and so full of content.  Video instruction ever day in February!  how great is DAT?  Joanne is so down to earth.. you feel like you are in her living room. And if you join the Yahoo group, you will see that I already misbehaved and got a “what for”.. hmph…  I am only on the fourth lesson but having a blast and the classroom is open forever!  SO on my page you will see how I practiced a little lettering goodness..

ok before I DIVE head first into a depressing BLACK HOLE..LOL.. and make you join me..LOL.. let’s proceed with our AJ MONDAY shall we?

Here was the original inspiration of my girl.. I was attracted to her look since I saw the cover of one of my favorite mags

The theme this week was FABRIC.. but it doesn’t really matter.. it’s just a nudge.. you can enter WHATEVAH you want.. just wanna share!

I need to make a canvas with her.. I really do love her. Her dress is fabric and what's tucked under her head is a heart (my favorite shape) filled with LILLIES OF THE VALLEY.. my favorite flower. So my message to myself was to always keep my favorite things in the back of my mind when feeling glum... and PLEASE NOTE my fancy letters thankyouverymuch. (the quote I used was from a very valuable PDF of great words from Joanne).. did you sign up yet? LOL
Here is VIOLET'S PAGE! I am sure she is thrilled she has her computer back! we missed you Violet!
STEUBYBELLA joined in this week!
Lindabella's page
Paulabella's page
mary's page
Christy's page
guess who else is taking Joanne's class? Yup! COREY!! here's the cover of her Letter Love book!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love AJ mondays?  Have I mentioned FRESHHHHHH lately? (you must put a stress on the SHHHHHHHH and make it last a little longer.).. Don’t forget about SOOOOOO FRESHHHHHHHHH (when you were REALLY bad..LOL).. I bet you’re all saying it out loud now aren’t ya. hehehehe

OK next week’s theme… DRIPPAGE.. sounds gross but it really isn’t lol.  Spray ink on top of your page and watch it run down the page.. that is DRIPPAGE… if you want EXTRA drippage or NASCAR drippage (I am actually giggling at myself).. Spray your SPRAY with water.. and watch it drip even more and FASTER (hence the Nascar analogy)!  you don’t have to use ink spray.. put watered down paint, watercolor etc and spray with water and see what fun designs you can come up with.. so that is your background.. and anything goes on the foreground.


Tomorrow is Project Life TOOSDAY!  Send yours in!

Mwah to da sistahs who don’t need to be Fresh.  HMPH




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  1. i cant freeze our txt like you….however my exact words to you last night at 8:21pm were
    “all the time i cheat but i dont switch. For example right now i am eating a tub of icing, but will start dukan tomorrow”

  2. Em, your girl is Beautiful. I was chuckling at your post about Fresh after ingesting copious amounts of Birthday Cake yesterday… had to get it out of my Kitchen as the fluffy frosting was calling my name….opted for a protein shake instead. Can’t wait to see what you do with the letter love class. I’m way behind too, going to try to squeeze in lesson 3 and 4 today!

    Have a good one,


  3. I love your girl Em and I really love your lettering! I’m taking that class and loving it. I spent yesterday catching up with my ‘homework’. What a fun way to spend Sunday.

  4. I want this kind of homework too! I looked it up a couple weeks ago when a SCS poster, put it on a thread… I thought…hmmmmm. Then I hear some others are taking in a mm class I take, then Emily. I gotta do this and joined up today! woohoo!

  5. Ditto and ditto on what Paul said. This is also my fav girl of yours and I also signed up for the lettering class after seeing some phenom work by one of the gals in suzi’s chat last night

  6. I love your girl. She has a sweet face and you did a really good job. I don’t know how you have time to squeeze everything in. Busy lady!

  7. I also love your girl and the lettering. Sounds like a great class! I love the cover of Corey’s book. When I was teaching I was always trying out new fonts and markers when I made charts for my class…I always had my wall covered with bright, colourful charts. The kids probably never noticed, but it made me happy. LOL

  8. I gotta say I signed up for Joanne’s class the day it started….and I’m starting lesson 4 when I finish this commentation. This is the first time I really love what I put up for AJ Monday! I used my inked up muslim from a class I’m taking from Robin Marie (love that girl no wastige in her class). I used my inked up tissue definination Tim Holtz, and paper that I absoutely love called “The colorful Life stack” that I got at Stamping Bell ( I noticed that there is a 12×12 pack still in the store). It always surprises me that I loose track of time when Art journaling….it’s like meditation I just do….and whatever comes out …oh well! I’m in the moment…and that’s what counts. Always remember the ego lives in the past and projects in the future. Soo Deep!

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