Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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a few things to say (lol.. as if you are surprised) and some BLOG CANDY!

Hiya sistahs!!

first a reminder to send your Bellarific Friday submissions by tomorrow morning 🙂 (send to  I am not loading until the afternoon cuz my little Tyler is receiving an award in school that we have to attend.. a reward for the most adjusted in a new school.  I am so thrilled for my little one!

We are VERY busy in Bellaland these days trying to prepare for our upcoming show at the CREATIV FESTIVAL and the NATIONAL WOMEN’s SHOW.  It’s our first jaunt on the road and are so excited!! So won’t you join us from near and far and in between?  will you? huh? huh? will you?  Our booth is built.. our make and takes are prepared (Paulabella and Lindabella will be demoing all day Saturday October 17th) How exciting is THAT?  so if you don’t really want to visit Ryan, Dena, Helen and I.. then at least come say hi to Paula and Linda..LOL! (just kidding.. WHO IN THEIR RIGHT MIND WOULDN”T WANNA SEE RYAN?? ).. we have other great make and takes being planned.. one different one on each day!

2 of these (actually a different one for the second one) will be greeting you at the booth too!  She is life size and even gives autographs! LOL

Another piece of news in Bellaland is that we have a brand new stamping teacher!  She is so talented, innovative, current and just a joy to be around!  You will LOVEY her! I PROMISE!!!  She has already led some Java Wednesdays at the store and everybody fell in love with her! Her Name is Shelley!

This is Shelley hard at work for the show assembling our brand new DOT mixes that will be featured at the show! You will love them AND her!

Can you tell we are excited!?

Another yummy thing is that as you all know we have been working on developing .  Well, it’s finally in the final development stages!  Go take a look there and tell me what you think of our little sample of our new design!

Ok now for another little funny story…

Note the lip gloss lodged in this “potted plant” (these little paper flowers  will be giveaways at the show that our Shelley made for us).. This little lip gloss looks innocent right?

how cute is this pot?  at the center of each flower is a bella pin :)
how cute is this pot? at the center of each flower is a bella pin 🙂
its there its there
its there its there.. see it with the JK?

So this is the scoop on the lip gloss.  I went to target in Buffalo and I am always in the makeup department… and almost always lost in the lip gloss department.  I am ADDICTED to lipgloss.. but it has to look natural.. it can’t be sticky (MAC) cuz if it is sticky then my hair gets stuck to it.. then i walk around with hair on my cheek.. you get the picture.. it ain’t PURTY.  So this lip gloss called out my name.  I read the box it came in and it said that it was clear when applied and then promised to “react” with your skin and assume your lip tone.. so basically it promised to enhance the NATURAL tone of my lip.  It also promised to not be sticky.  WHAT MORE could a sistah want?? a stickiless, neutral shiny yummy lipgloss right?

So I bought it and put it in my purse.  One day at the office I found it in my purse and decided to put it on. So I slathered it on.  Felt minty and yummy and STICKY FREE  on my lips. AND I FORGOT ABOUT IT. Sure enough our lovely Laurie P. came in the store to shop (Hi Laurie!) and all I hear is “WHOOOOAAAA BABBBBBBY”.  I stared at her a little puzzled, I must say and asked her what was wrong?!  She says to me, ” YOUR LIPS!!!!” and I casually say.. “it’s the NEW LIPGLOSS “.. ” ISN”T it GREAT?”  Laurie says.. “YA” (but did NOT sound convincing).  So I quietly snuck to the bathroom to take a looksy and what do I see?  THESE FLORESCENT PURPLE SMACKERS staring at me in the face.  OMG OMG OMG.  I was MORTIFIED!! I took toilet paper and WIPED it off promptly and was so embarassed to re-enter bellaland.  But I did.. with my head hanging low.. LOL and of course WITHOUT the PERFECT lipgloss.

So here’s your chance at some BLOG CANDY ($25 in blog candy) to buy WHATEVER you would like! Do you have any funny makeup stories?   Any products that promised one thing but didn’t come out exactly as promised??  If so, leave a comment with the story to make the sistahs laugh.  I will close this contest next Tuesday Oct. 6th

Mwah to da sistahs who lovey da NEUTRAL lipgloss 🙂


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  1. Well Em, you could be my sister or at least related…. I though stuff like that only happened to me.

    Ok… I have a funny story – think back to High School, when you are first allowed to wear make up… one of my relatives liked Merle Norman. I was 14. Well, I went and got a makeover… and by the time I got home, my whole head looked like a pumpkin… yep – for whatever reason, I was allergic. Thank God I was not on my way to school or something.

    I love lipgloss, try philosophy. If they don’t sell it there, tell me and I’ll pick some up at Sephora. It’s wonderful!

    I could tell you stories about bad self-tanners, and blue eye shadow and lots of other horror stories since I started wearing makeup in the 70’s…. hahaha

  2. I don’t wear a lot of makeup and never have. It takes too much time in the morning. I have been trying to wear a little bit of it when working, but for school, I am too tired to do anything. Well, a couple of months ago on a road trip with some girlfriends, we went to Saphora. I decided that what I was missing was a good foundation or base or whatever it is that makes you seem all one color and not red which is my normal coloring. I had the girl help me out and she told me to try Bare Minerals. She even put it on me. It evened me out and looked great when I looked, but I must have not had my glasses on. It wasn’t until I got the photos back that I realized it washed me out and with my rosey lips and goofy grin, I looked like the joker. Don’t believe me, check it out here”
    good thing I didn’t actually buy it. I realized that my rosey self is just fine!

  3. Darlink’, you are always worth a giggle and somehow I can just picture this story!!! LOL I am sure purple is a stunning color on you (I mean, it is your NATURAL tone, yeah????)….
    LOVE YA!!! 🙂

  4. Your stories always crack me up! :)…the main bad beauty experience that comes to mind is when I was 13 and getting ready for my brother’s wedding when my evil stepfather yelled down the stairs that “we’re leaving NOW” and I only had half my head curled and had to go to the wedding with the right side of my head nicely poofed and “feathered”…(it was 1984…lol) and the left side poker straight…evil stepfather :(…its ok, I’m not bitter anymore…bahahahahaa

  5. Well, I don’t wear makeup at all. Ever. I tried once and it was a disaster 🙁
    I only wear a ton of it when I’m a clown for a carnival.

  6. Lol, omg that is too funny!!!

    I rarely wear makeup so I only have ONE story!! When I was younger, probably about 12, I decided to do my makeup. My mom is also not much of a makeup wearer so she never “taught” me how to apply. So, I come downstairs to show off my masterpiece and my mom says that I look really pretty but I’m wearing too much blush. I tried saying something but she just kept interrupting saying that I needed to wipe it off, yada yada yada, and came over and starting to sort of rub my cheeks. I finally had to yell at her that I WASN’T wearing any blush! Lol. I have naturally rosy cheeks…but not RED cheeks or anything…but I’m sure that I was probably a little nervous about the makeup so I was blushing. Lol

  7. This is not really about makeup but …… I was running late for work one morning and quickly showered and blew my hair dry then back to my bedroom to get dressed. Now this is back in the 80’s where aersol was product of choice and grabbed the can sitting on my dresser. Started spraying my underarms and OMG………..the burning pain was unbelievable. I looked at the can and seen that I accidently grabbed the hair spray. I run to the bathroom to wash and figure it should be fine. However, all day at work with body heat my underarms are burning. I get home and check to see and they were flaming red. Needless to say as the next few days passed I lost layers of skin, were extremely sensitive and could not even wear deodorent.

    This is the type of antics that happen to me weekly that between my family, friends/co-workers they are now labelled Brenda…isms”. They assure me I would have a Number 1 Best Seller if I were to ever write a book on all the …ism’s I have.

  8. Ha!!! Here is a good one!!!! This happened about (no I won’t go into years) that is way too embarassing! So, when perms were fashionable…….I always had the curly shaggy perm, which of course is a little hard on the hair. So I go to the then Ben & Gerry’s drug store to get a conditioner….unbeknowst to me I am in the section for African American Hair products…..yes there was one section specifically but not well marked!!!!! So I pick up a product and think this will be great!!!! I go home, use 3/4 of the jar and paste all over my head……leave on for 20 minutes……rinse off……OH MY GOD!!!!!!!! NO RINSIE……….it is like candle wax all over my head… water penetration whatsoever!!!!! I call my hairdresser….drive over wrapped in a towel….walk in the salon and all start to “WHOOOOOOOOAAAAA”. So Suzie (my stylist at the time) tries everything she can find……she even goes as far as visiting the restaurant in the plaza to get vinegar…………..NO GO!!!! This stuff is pasted to my head……….I go back to Ben & Gerry’s with this glossy waxy lump stuck to the top of my head and ask them “WHAT THE H…..IS THIS STUFF…..??? Well too late now the company that makes it is closed for the day!!!!! OMG…..OMG…….I have to work the next day…..and really don’t want to shave my head!!!! They give me a big bottle of sunlight dish detergent…..try to hold back their giggles (sure they laughed their a’s off once I had left the store, and probably said “how stupid is that chicki”)…….and sent me on my way!!!!! The product I had used was the shine stuff that is not a leave in conditioner but the stuff you rub a little between your fingers and smooth through your hair to make it shiny……it was pretty much pure beeswax…………..and there was almost a full jar in my hair……………one big waxy…shiny….clump stuck to the top of my head……………well I washed my hair about 200 times using the big bottle of sunlight……………..a jug of vinegar….alternating…soaking…..crying…..lauging……laughing….crying…..cursing myself for being such a dummo…….and worked on my hair until about 12:00 that night…………perserverance….key word…………..I thought a couple of times to just shave my head….salons were closed….thank the lord!!!!!!!!! End of story I did get that gunk out….but my hair was even more fried by the time I finished!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Motto of the story………………………….”READ YOUR LABELS”……save the hair stuff for someone that knows what they are doing!!!! Oh and I forgot to mention …… dosen’t my husband come home from afternoon shift in the middle of my “de-waxing” program…………..look at me with these great big eyes………and I won’t say what he said……I leave that up to your imagination!!!!!!!!!
    Laurie VF

  9. Oooopssie! Ben & Gerry is ice cream…… is only 6:58 in the morning and maybe I should have that for breakfast…………………so, I cannot remember the name of the drugstore (I was tramatized)….but it was a something & something that is no longer around………….help me out people it was in pickering on hwy #2 around valleyfarm rd in a plaza…….
    Laurie VF

  10. I love make-up woopsies since I have had a few myself.

    Back in the late 1980’s, I had started a new job. I just loved all my new co-workers & one night after work, we planned on having a BBQ at the home of one of them. It was all going so well – the food, the drinks, the fun. Then it clouded over & started to drizzle. OK, we could all stand a little drizzle. But then it started to pour, so that ended the BBQ & we all ran to pack up our lawn chairs & coolers etc. By the time I got to my vehicle & opened up the back to put everything in, it was a torrential downpour. As I was giving a co-worker (who became a very good friend), a lift home, we had to stop at her place & take out her chair & cooler in the pouring rain. By this time, clothes were somewhat clingy. What I didn’t realize was this: I was still wearing my make-up from the office & my hair doesn’t do very well in damp or wet weather. So by the time I got home, it had stopped raining but as I was telling my husband what a wonderful time I had, I couldn’t figure out why he was falling down laughing. All he could sputter out was “go look in the mirror”. OMG, I nearly died. My mascara was running down my face in rivers, my hair looked like someone had put dynamite in it & lit the fuse & my shorts & T-shirt were stuck to me. All I could think of was thank goodness I didn’t get stopped by any traffic cops on the way home (yes, I was speeding) & asked to provide my driver’s licence because I did not look like the person in the picture. The charges would have been a fine for going over the posted limit & loss of points for looking absolutely hideous.

    The moral of this story is this: NEVER, EVER drive anywhere without checking yourself in the mirror first.


  11. i am not a make up junkie, so i don’t have any funny stories to tell, but i gotta say I just broke the silence here at work with a LOL…like a good hearty chuckle, when I read this. My neighbors probably want in on the joke!

  12. My hair once turned GREEN from using over-the-counter hair dyes to dye my light brown hair blonde. I had to cut off about 8-10 inches of my hair, sobbing the entire time. I have gone to salons for my hair coloring needs ever since!

  13. The life-sized Bella is SO cute! Your story was SO funny! 🙂

    I used to wear some tinted chapstick stuff from Avon and one day my mother asked me if she could use some. I handed the tube to her and walked away for a moment. Apparently her FACE was chapped because she applied it like bozo the clown and had put chapstick all over her lips and mouth! LOL I laughed hysterically and had her go look at herself in the mirror. LOL It was a funny moment. 🙂

  14. Gee, Em, I really didn’t think you looked that bad – if anyone can carry off purple lips, it’s YOU, baby! I don’t wear any makeup on my face since nothing I’ve ever found hides freckles, and I’ve given up on mascara since it always runs and makes me look like I’m REALLY tired with dark circles under my eyes (probably stamping till the wee hours – heehee!). I haven’t given up on lip gloss, though, and never go anywhere without something on my lips. Purple is a shade I must say I haven’t tried, though….
    It was great seeing you today in bustling Bellaland.

  15. This isn’t really my story but more my sister. She’s a total makeup diva and loves anything connected to makeup. I hosted one of those home makeup companies at my home. Unfortunately, we didn’t know my sister is allergic to collegen at the time. She’d slathered her entire face and chest with the moisterizer containing collegen. Within a few moments, she was bright red and within 10 minutes she had welts all over her face. We gave her a benadryl and she took a quick shower and all was well. Thank goodness it was not more serious.

    However, the best part is, after all this drama, the makeup consultant still insisted on meeting with her to see what she would buy and kept pushing the moisterizer that made her breakout. Yikes!!

  16. I have to confess I rarely wear makeup and there was a long stretch, when my kids were really little (I have 5 and have fostered 16) that I never did. Just didn’t have time. I was stinkin’ lucky if I managed to shower and get dressed everyday, if ya know what I mean?!?! Anyway long story short the hubby and I had to go to a wedding or Christmas party or some such occasion that I actually needed to take the time to put makeup on for and when I was ready to go my second son said in the most shocked voice, “MAMA what did you do to your face!”. LOL I had to run back in the bathroom to double check that I hadn’t look like a little kid playing with her mama’s makeup. I asked him about it the next day and he told me that he didn’t know I had eyelashes.

  17. I let my best friend do my makup for my wedding and did not have time for a mirror check. OMG – that crazy girl (who is still my partner in crime) had me in powder blue 70’s eyeshadow and pink blush (I am a redhead – coral is my color!). I wondered why my guy kept looking at me funny during the ceremony – I thought it was just the jitters!

    I finally discovered my new look when I took a bathroom break and I just busted out laughing! Sometimes you just have to roll with the punches! My husband and I still laugh over our wedding pictures!

  18. These stories are too funny! My most recent makeup disaster was at a business meeting. I was representing my company (a Fortune 500 one in a relatively conservative industry) at a forum where 12-15 other companies participate. It’s the same people who attend each quarter, so I knew the participants well. The meeting was held at a hotel, so after getting up and getting ready, I headed to the meeting room. I thought some of the others were looking at me strangely, but didn’t think too much of it. At lunch break, I went back to my room to make some phone calls and discovered that I had put on my eyelash primer but no mascara. The primer is WHITE! I looked like a total freak! I’m in my 40s, but my hair is dark.

    The primer was from Clinique, and I do recommend it if you have thinning or short lashes. Just remember to cover with mascara or it’s a VERY interesting look. LOL.

  19. Bahahaha! These stories are hilarious!
    I TOTALLY know what you mean about the sticky lipgloss- who looks good eating their own hair?
    I have a friend that rarely wore makeup, that started selling Mary Kay. Odd, no? Anyway, trying to be the supportive friend- did the home party thing- and she said I HAD to try the mascara. Now, I have issues with mascara. I actually love how it looks- until I laugh, smile, etc. Apparently my cheekbones must be freakishly high, so I ALWAYS end up with the black gunk below them. Not so hot-looking. ANYwho… I try the proclaimed fab stuff- probably lasted not more than 3 minutes before my eyes felt like they were burning right outta my sockets! OUCH! I had to wash all the freshly applied makeup off- and still took a bit to recover! No sale on the mascara.
    Oh- and I started wearing makeup in the early 80’s- anybody remember the Cindy Lauper stripes? Yep. Did ’em. Not sure anybody but Cindy could REALLY pull those off! Ha!!

  20. These stories are hilarious! I needed a laugh since my son woke me up at 5:22 on the one morning I get to get a little extra sleep!
    I have many makeup debacles in my time but my most recent one involved some new anti-wrinkle cream. Now I have to tell you I’m a sucker for packaging that promises results (yes I have many unused types of make-up, and skin care stuff I have thrown away becuase it didn’t follow through on it promises) I saw it and thought “self you need to try this on your neck because its going south”. So off I go with my wrinkle cream thinking in a couple of weeks insteading of seeing the beginning of crepeyness (is that a word?) I would see the beautiful neck I thought I had. Well I start using it on my neck, and of course it says you can use it on your face as well for those fine lines. So once again I think “Huh, worth a try.” Well that stuff was a nightmare. My skin rebeled against me and I woke up with these big red super dry blothes everywhere I put that cream. So my neck and parts of my face look horrible and for the first couple of days, and they burned like fire everytime I put moisturizer on them. It took almost two weeks of no makeup and tons of moisturizer to get those patches to go away. Thats the last time I try that! LOL

  21. I wear very little makeup takes too much time and too much effort because I’m too lazy 🙂

    I do have one small story.. My BIL and his girlfriend and her dog were taking a road trip and the car died right in the middle of cow country. So they called my hubby and asked if he could pick them up. We weren’t doing anything so of course we said sure!

    They had a room for that night and told us when we got there they’d have a room waiting for us. We had to leave right away so I packed very little and we headed out there. The next day I look in my makeup bag and I see I’ve forgotten my eyeliner. Well, instead of just doing without I decide to use my brow shadow as eye liner.

    Got everyone home and settled, car stayed in cow country and come home and see that my eyes are all raccoon like 🙁 Told my husband and he says Yeah, I thought you’d wipe it off if you saw yourself in the mirror. I told him next time tell me to go wipe it off!! LOL


  22. Not makeup, exactly, but hair coloring. When I was a teenager (long, long ago) my friend and I decided to use a temporary (thank goodness) rinse to change our hair color. We were both blond. I wanted to go lighter and she had always wanted BLACK hair. Well, my rinse did nothing for me, but her hair turned GREEN! She was not phased in the least (this was the late 60’s after all). She put on a green dress, and out we went!

    Many years and much hair coloring later, I decided to try a different brand than what I normally used, and opted for an ash blond color. It came out with a definitely PURPLE tint! Not so fun, even though purple is my favorite color. Back to the drugstore I went (with a kerchief on)!

  23. For my sister’s wedding, my mom did my make up. She must’ve been distracted because after all the wedding pictures were said and done and my sister got them back, I looked dead – like a vampire! It was awful. My sister and I were laughing at how bad I looked in all the pictures and decided to photoshop some make up on me. We did eyeliner and eye shadow and it ended up looking way better.

  24. I don’t have a make-up story eaither, but I did bleach my hair once at home and turned out to be this almost canary yellow… I halived with it for a while… good thing I had short hair… Thanks for the great giveaway.

  25. This is a story about my mom. My mom used to streak her hair, wigs, colours, perms, rollers, curling iron, hair dryer that sat on your head. In the 70’s, she used to have auburn hair, and would do it up like Tammy Wynette. You get the picture – BIG country singing star hair we’re talking here. Well after all the stuff she’d done to it over the years, it was a little dry. Her hair dresser use to put a COLOURLESS henna on it to soften it up. Late one evening after a long day at work, she decides to henna her own, but she only has an auburn henna. How hard could it be…..It was supposed to stay on for about 30 minutes. She sat on her bed with a towel around her hair and tried to read the paper….(cue Jaws music)….Next morning about 7:00, as I’m getting ready for school, I hear this blood curdling scream…Sobs…Despair…Agony…. She just woke up…Her hair was done…..ORANGE….Minka’s Hair Salon does do emergency openings..Good Thing. PS – her hair was very soft. 🙂

  26. So I have this cat see who hates to travel so we have to give him soothing time meds to travel and put him in his kitty carrier…anyhow back to the makeup, I used to love wearing high gloss lip gloss used to is the key word! We were on our way to our vacation destination and unbeknownst to me PuddinTing puked his soothing time meds. My son noticed he acting strangely. I asked my eldest who was sitting next to PuddinTing to see what was going on and naturally. being the nine year old she is she opened the cage! That darned cat shot out l like the Tasmanian devil and needless to say I was no longer driving in my best form and of course the state patrol had nothing better to do than to investigate my erratic driving! I couldn’t roll down the window right away and the State Trooper stood back and watched as my kids and I scrambled to captured PuddinTing, finally cramming him back into his kitty carrier. When I was able to roll down the window I was mortified by all the cat hair floating out, we conversed he let me off with a big chuckle and a warning. Back to the lip Gloss before we restarted toward our destination I looked in the rear view mirror to see the state trooper shaking his head as he got into his car then checked myself apparently I was too numb to notice all the cat hair that had stuck to my lips!

    OK I admit none of this is true, I don’t wear makeup and I don’t own a cat but I wanted in on the fun! Beth aka BR-T

  27. I am sure the purple lip gloss looked fabulous, enhanced your naturally purple lips I guess 🙂 No fun stories here, just bad flashbacks to the 80’s with pinky white lip gloss and funky eyeliner

  28. 99% of the time I only use carmex on my lips, or any one of 10 or so different chapstick-like tubes, and of course my kids are all over that, so I share with them regularly. Then one time, my sneaky little daughter, who was 3 at the time, came out of the bathroom and acted like nothing had happened. But this time it actually WAS wipstick, and she had a huge, gut-bustingly funny Bozo-the-clown-like red circle around her mouth. Of course when I asked her what she had done in the bathroom, her answer was the classic, “Nuffing!”

  29. I think the funniest thing about makeup is how everyone wants to be cool and wear all the latest makeup trends. Then we look back at photos of ourselves and say “what the heck was I thinking?” I had one of these moments recently when I saw a photo of myself in high school. It had to be 1993 and I’m sure you all remember the trend then- matte brown lipstick! I looked at my husband and said “what the heck was I thinking?- I look like I ate s**t!” LOL!!! 😀

  30. Ok. So i have never really had any problems with makeup until this day.

    After a rainy drizzly day, i decided to have a bath.

    After the bath my skin felt pretty dry – so I borrowed my mom’s face cream. It was great – full of moisture. So i put some in my hands rubbed them a bit then lathered it on my face. WELL….this is where the story turns scary.

    I woke up the next morning all refreshed and feelin great. Then i looked in the mirror – apprently when the cream bottle says “glow” it has self tanner in it. Not only did my face look like a pumpkin but my hands did too.

    So I had to go to work that day – i scrubbed but i still looked pretty orange – well didn’t the whole office errupt in laughter when i told. by this time i was laughing too.

    So I will never ever borrow my mom’s cream ever again. She’s pretty happy about that.

  31. Oh my gosh, I LOVE make-up. I’m a total girly girl, but the one thing I had never done was pluck my eyebrows. Well, my husband’s in the Air Force and had been gone for several weeks and I was rather bored one night and decided I was tired of my thick eyebrows. I wanted to thin them out and have a pretty arch. Well, I wore glasses at the time and couldn’t see very well without them, I sat (and still do out of habit) in the sink to do my make-up. So, there I was…sitting in the sink, plucking my brows, making them nice and thin and putting a pretty arch in them. I put my glasses on to admire my work…and no eyebrows! With my glasses on you see that I had them, they were so thin, OMG:( The next day someone at work says “don’t you know you’re never suppose to pluck above the brow?” Well, I do now!

  32. Before my husband and I got married, we had engagement pictures done. I went and had my makeup professionally done, and the woman put it on really dark, and insisted that otherwise the lights would wash me out. Well, it looked horrid in every picture. There was no need to worry about the lights washing it out, it was so bright! Needless to say, I don’t EVER look at our engagement photos!!

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