Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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our first guest designer… guess who it is?  come on.. guess?  K. GIVE UP?????? It’s my sistah SHANNAN TEUBNER.. people may know her as “steuby” which is what I call her… I LOVEY HER AND HER WORK!!!  Her constant support and her talent are unsurpassed.  I have never really wanted a ‘design team’ per se but I do think it is important to acknowledge some of the important sistahs in da HOOD.. of course there are SOOOOO MANY (all of you actually) but I had to start somewhere and Shannan was da perfect choice 🙂

I know many people who organize bloghops, but I think Shannan has a blog- hop-skip- and a jump to be different.. Nicky has worked very closely with Shannan so I really don’t know what they have up their sleeves!!

Happy scouting sistahs!

p.s. I wanted to thank everyone who emailed me regarding my health… everythin is AOK right now and have recovered beautifully!  Thanks sistahs for your constant care and support

mwah to da sistahs who need a skip-and-a-jump


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  1. What a great addition to your team! Shannan is awesome, and her designs are always delightful and inspiring. Can’t wait to see what she does!

    Feel that? That’s me kipping and jumping in MA!

  2. Hi Em – glad you are feeling better 🙂

    What a great choice you have made to have Shannan as your 1st guest designer – she is da bomb designah – love her talent – I drool every time I see a new post by her. Congrat’s Sistah Shannan – can’t wait to see what is up da’ sistah’s sleeve!

  3. I am so glad that you are feeling better Em!! Shannan!! Woot!! I’ve know Shannan for a LONG time and LOVEE her. Congrats sweetie!! I can’t wait to see what you’ve got up your sleeve.

  4. So exciting, you know I adore shannan – and you too! Can’t wait to hop skip and jump along! Sounds fun, hey any excuse for extra stamping, count me IN!! ((((hugs))))

  5. Em, glad you are feeling better! You have to be completely healthy for the cruise & it is only a few weeks away. 🙂

    And a guest designer-WOW! I can’t wait. I’m right here waiting to hop, skip & jump along.

  6. Congratulations Shannan! Emily, you couldn’t have chosen a better Sistah as your first Guest Designer. I love all things Shannan-she is truly fabulous at all she does. Can’t wait to see her new creations.

    So glad that you are feeling better. It was great to see you today at the Boutique.

  7. Wow!! Lots to say but I will keep it simple. Glad you are doing better Em. It sucks being sick especially with two little ones – no time for you. As for your guest designer, congratulations to Shannan. I was turned on to her blog from yours and I love the things she does. I log on everyday to see what you fabulous women have in store for the rest of us. I have yet to be dissapointed. I’m sure that everything you have to share with us will be fantastic.

  8. hey there bella sistahs
    visited shannons site……………awesome!!!!!!! nice pic……..
    so i am a baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaadddddddddddddd sistah……sorry em i did not know you were not well……………hope all is better now…………but like the song says “slow down you move too fast”…………back to the 70’s again (I tink)…………not so sure…………’s all a blur
    take care of urself……..promise!!!!!!!!!

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