Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Please read with an English accent. Thank you!
Every once in a while, I like to give the Copics a rest (I figured they deserve it.) and dig out the Pencils. (I used Polychromos here.) I love colouring with Pencils, (Sssssssh, don’t tell the Markers!) I enjoy how the resulting rough texture of Pencil on paper, is so different to the buttery smoothness you get from colouring with Copics. Ummm, mmm.

Anyhoo. Instead of just colouring with Pencils, I thought I’d play around with colouring in Pencil, on different coloured card and comparing the results. I know. Far out!

So, first things first. I used white card, (booooooring, in a coloured card experiment, I know, but, we need a base line, Peeps.) kraft card and black card.

In the case of the white and kraft cards, they both had a bit of tooth, or texture to them, which is great for Pencil work. The black card was lovely and thick, but it was smoother and so didn’t take as many layers of Pencil before the fibres broke down.

I used the exact same Pencils on each of the images, but, on the kraft and black card, I put down an initial layer of white Pencil First. Who said that was cheating?!

Alrighty then, here’s Tiny Townie Penelope has a Pencil on white card…

white small

Isn’t she adorbs? Luuuuurve her. Here she is again, this time on kraft card…

kraft small

Oh my, she’s sooooooo cute. Let’s just have another little peek at her…

black small

Did you notice how I stamped the image in different coloured inks on each coloured paper? Yep, I live life on the edge. Rock ‘n’ Roll, Baby!

So, you can’t have three Penelopes sitting on the desk with no party to go to. Better sort that out. Look, all the same, but different. Oooooooooh…

white completed

black completed

kraft completed

Thanks so much for stopping by today. Well done on keeping the English accent going all the way though! Have a great day. Hugs xx

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  1. I don’t think I get the accent right (I’m German) but I do love this comparison so much ? Thank you for this creative and funny inspiration post ?

  2. I fell in love with your stamps and pencil coloring a few years ago and I’m so happy you put away the copics and played with your pencils. It is so nice to see the comparisons – all are great. Must get back to my pencils! TFS

  3. You’ve convinced me that I need to give my pencils some love. That is when they stop laughing hysterically at my English accent.

  4. Pencils are my all time love… I LOVE the look of every one of these cards.. especially on the kraft paper.. and… never would have though of coloring on the black..
    time to get out of my same creative box and into another one..
    thanks for the inspiration.
    This image is just to darn cute…
    Judy K

  5. OMG! OMG! OMG! These are soooo cute! You color beautifully!!!!! Makes me want to grab my pencils and give this a try! Unbelieveably beautiful! …and yes, I used an English accent! 🙂

  6. I love my colored pencils and I used them today in my coloring book at my mom’s chiropractor appointment. I wasn’t to thrilled with the black one though. You couldn’t see the image enough and it looked kind of gray and fuzzy to me. However, I did love all you’re coloring. Your very good at it.
    As for the English accent, I’m really good at it. I became good at it in 1964 when I saw A Hard Day’s Night. When I went to England in the 80’s, because I never heard another American accent in England, my English one came through and I had an awfully hard time trying to convince a cab driver I wasn’t English. I did the English accent all the way through! Loved it!

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