Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s DT (design team) Thursday!

Hiya sistahs.. every Thursday, Our DT baberoonis will contribute to my blog by making projects to inspire you!  I hope you LOVE DT Thursday as much as I do 🙂




Hi everyone!  Michele here. Today I’m sharing tips for adding dimension to our images.  It’s easy with two or three extra stamp impressions, a bit of foam tape and a sharp pair of scissors.

Photo 1

In looking at Stamping Bella’s lovely new Uptown Girl, Melanie the Modern Bride. I decided to pop up the bottom portion of her dress as well as her bouquet.

Photo 2

I first stamped a full image onto X-Press It Blending Card. On a second panel, I stamped the bouquet portion and then the skirt portion of the dress.

Photo 3

On the full image, I colored her hair, skin and skirt. When I pop up portions of an image, I always color the bottom layer as sometimes that portion can still be seen along the edges, beneath the raised area. Here, it probably isn’t as important because the area is basically white. I used this opportunity to shade in some pleats and to ensure that’s what I wanted to show on the top layer. (Consider it “practice.”)  J

Once I was satisfied with the shading, I colored the separate partial/skirt image the same way.

Photo 4

Next, I did the same thing with the flowers. I colored the flowers on the full image, then the smaller portion to be cut out later. My first intention was to cut out the hanging ribbons as well but then I decided that was insane and only used a portion of that piece (which you will see in a bit).

Photo 5

Once the extra pieces were colored, I carefully cut out each using sharp scissors, cutting right up to the line. Notice that I left a portion of the flowers at the top of the cut out skirt. By including a bit of that area, I avoid cut lines showing once the smaller flower image is adhered over top. I also nipped off the hanging ribbons from the bouquet, leaving the loops to pop up along with the flowers and the ribbons to hang below.

Photo 6

For a realistic look, I wanted the bottom edge of the skirt popped up with the top edge adhered flat.  So on the back side of the skirt along the bottom edge, I placed pieces of X-Press It ½” foam tape, and I applied liquid glue at the waistline. A piece of foam tape was adhered to the back of the flowers as well.

Photo 7

Aligning the top and bottom edges, I carefully adhered the skirt, applying pressure to the top portion to secure the liquid glue.

Photo 8

I adhered the flowers, carefully aligning with the flowers below.

Photo 9

I die-cut an oval frame from Blending Card, embossed the dotted lattice design then added foam tape around the back and adhered over the image.  (I used Blending Card instead of card stock for the oval panel so that the whites would be a perfect match.)

You can add loads of interest to your work by popping up areas of the design, small or large. I hope you’ll give it a try!

Thanks so much for visiting!

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  1. This is very pretty. A friend of my niece Isabella is getting married and she would love to make a card like this. I don’t have this stamp but someone gave me some beautiful wedding stickers so she will make a card with those. Some of those stickers are dimensional like what you did so she can kind of get something like you did with the stickers. Beautiful job Michelle!

  2. Thank you so much for sharing! I love the look of the added dimension! It really makes the card special! I’ve tried this once, but your tutorial gives me better directions! Thanks again for sharing! 🙂

  3. Nice tutorial. I love the way it makes the dress look. Practicing on pleats was a good idea. I need to do that. Really pretty card.

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