Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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back to life…. back to REA-LITY.. back to the here and NOW….Bellarific Friday late.. but NEVER LATE AGAIN!!

LOL.. Ok.  I am BACK.. I am REJUICED.. I am REJOOVED (just made that up and I think I like it..LOL).. and I am in a MESS of a disaster in my basement..LOL.. need to REORGANIZE… need to PAINT.. need to make samples.. and NEED TO VIDEO!  You are in for some great weeks ahead sistahs.. so stay tooned.  Also.. SNEAK PEEKS BEGIN TOMORROW for the new release.. you will FAINT when you see these new images.. I did 🙂 LOL

Ok now for some winnahs for the last bellarific Friday

winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ last week ($10 in bella bucks) goes to….

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

15- BRIT you win!  please email me and I will send your VOUCHAH!

Timestamp: 2013-09-03 14:54:21 UTC


Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ WINNAH! ($20 in bella buckeroonis) goes to


Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

2- LYNN you win again!!  you're RICH! LOL..  please email me and I will send your VOUCHAH!

Timestamp: 2013-09-03 14:56:29 UTC

Ok now down to BIDNISS…


today’s challenge was FLOWAH POWAH.. let’s see what our babes came up with shall we??

Angelabella used FLOWER BOTTLES
Angelabella used FLOWER BOTTLES
Cathabella used SCRIBBLE GARDEN
Cathabella used SCRIBBLE GARDEN
Danabella used Em'S DANCING DAFFODIL'S
Danabella used Em’S DANCING DAFFODIL’S
Marybella used UPTOWN GIRLS VICTORIA AND JULIETTE.. is it wrong that I never get sick of the Uptownies? LOL
Regabella used FLOWER GARDEN
Regabella used FLOWER GARDEN

This is Vickabella’s last card as a Baberooni.  I wanted to shout out how much I LOVVVVE her and thank her for representing us so well.  Vicki and I go WAY BACK and she is a true gem.  I love you Vickabella.. oh and you will always be Vickabella to me!! Mwah!

Vickabella used HEARTY GRASS
Vickabella used HEARTY GRASS

And now for da sistahood!



how’s that for DELICIOUSNESS?  HMM?  Now that september is here.. I expect more sistahs to participate and have fun with us!!

Ok  now for THIS FRIDAY’S BELLARIFIC FRIDAY THEME… A Sketch! (please ignore date on it.. it’s the right one LOL)


now get crackin’!  Holiday is OVAH 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who are still here with me


p.s. don’t forget to place a comment here for a chance to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!











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  1. Uptown Girls made me fall ‘headoverbella’ for SB images (that was for you Em). My friends are always asking when I’ll be making a card with a “new” UG!

  2. can’t wait to see what’s in the new release…. hoping there’s lots of new uptown girls… they are my favorites for sure!!!!

  3. Love, Love, Love the Uptown Girls! They are my favorites. Of course along the with all the Bellas! These are some great cards. I can’t wait to try out the sketch. THANKS!

  4. What a perfect “addition” to the Uptown Girls! Love it and definitely want to add it to my collection. Good job!

  5. Lovin’ all the fabulous cards this week! Maybe I’ll get in gear and get something made for the next challenge!

  6. Love these – hope I can start contributing again – I miss it 🙁 Thank you for updating Facebook with your posts – everything is just a click away!

  7. I love all the cards again this week. Kids are back in school, weather is cooling down and I can open my windows and enjoy the fresh air. I like September

  8. I can’t believe nor will I accept the summer is over! I’m sorry I didn’t get to play along with the flowers theme…I love flowers but I’ll be back for next Friday!

  9. I haven’t been on your blog for years, life took over, MAN there is some great new stuff. My stamps are vintage, time to upgrade! 🙂

  10. It’s not right, I want all of them….(whine) I do, I do….. How can I pick just one????? Its like children, they are all cute and all my favorite…. You have out done yourself on the new stamps…. they are just the most adorable and funny stamps yet… WTG on the set… I love, love, love them all SMOOCHES

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