Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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and an ice storm in Toronto!  What the heck is going on here?  The weather is yuckadoodle.. how is the weather where you are?  Well this week passed in a blur… And sistahs I am addicted to the game CANDY CRUSH… anybody else out there addicted?  my friends and I kind of have a silent competition and I am losing :(… I have been on level 50 for 5 days now.. any hints? LOL.. anybody else out there in the same predicament? LOL

ok enough Candy Crush chatter.. let’s discuss some winnahs from last week shall we?

Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ on da blog ($10 in bella bucks) goes to…

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

6	-PINKY you win!  please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2013-04-12 20:58:35 UTC


Now for da CONTRIBUTIN’ winnah ($20 in bella bucks) goes to

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

1- Christine you win!! please email me and I will send your vouchah!

Timestamp: 2013-04-12 20:59:46 UTC

And now for this week’s theme!  ALL ABOUT SPRING! (clearly didn’t prompt any spring like weather here..LOL hmph)

Let’s see what da baberoonis came up with

Angela used RAMONA and her WAGON
Danabella used UPTOWN GIRL LOLLY and her BROLLY
Kimabella used SPROUT
Paulineabella used SADIE
Regabella used IZZIE has a DAISY

*sigh*… looks like spring but FEEEELS like wintah!

now for da sistahood!

Denise used RAMONA and her WAGON
Halle used POSIE PIXIE
Violet used IVY KETTO

now for next week’s theme?

a sketchypoo!

Dont’ forget to leave a comment here for a chance to win $10 in bella buckeroonis!  And if you contribute, a chance to win $20 in bella bucks 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who are NOT stuck on candy crush



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  1. It was rainy and icey all day (in Alliston). I am glad the temperatures are finally above freezing and the ice is coming off everything. Some of my trees didn’t fare so well. The cards are all lovely and I really hope some warmer weather is around the corner.

  2. I agree with Halley – perfect weather for card-making! Here in Duluth, MN, we had 4 inches of snow today. When will spring come? It’s so nice to springy fun cards – great job, DT!

  3. Our season is spring and the weather sucks! Grey skies, wet, windy 🙁 Sorry don’t play candy crush so can’t help. Whoop whoop I see I am the winning commenter, lovely jubbly! Loving all the inspiration again this week. Must try to play along. Off to email you.

  4. We have feet and feet and feet of snow still here in Saskatchewan and the forecast is for 10cm tomorrow! For some reason we just aren’t warming up here and everyone is crabby!

    Lovely cards though, glad to see a few glimpses of spring even if I can’t see anything like it out my window!

  5. Overcast and a bit rainy here in Chatham but no snow or ice.

    I’ve been playing Candy Crush on my new IPad2 but I got to the point where they want $$ for me to continue. Sorry not going to happen!

    I’ve been sick all week and the warm weather can’t get here soon enough to suit me.

  6. Freezing rain all day here in Ottawa. Soooo ready for Ole Man Winter to take a hike!!! Nice Spring cards from all the Sistahs to get us ready for the warmer temps.
    Congratulations to the other Pinky for winning the BellaBucks. For a second I thought “hey lucky me” and then I remembered there are two of us Pinky’s. 🙂

  7. Ha, I get stuck on Candy Crush all the time… Drives me crazy! I’m not at level 50 yet though so no advice. 🙁 Must be the day for MN girls to comment, I’m another one, lol. I’m hating the snow here. We’re in a Winter Storm Watch until early Monday morning. Congrats to the winners! Everyone did fabulous! 🙂

  8. Denimo – Emma has missed posting my cards numerous time – just re-email them to her. This week my card from last week was reposted and I had to resend this weeks – LOL. She keeps us on our toes, that’s for sure.

  9. The weather here in Kingston is starting to look up a bit but clearly a later start to our “normal” spring weather.
    Loving the babes’ cards and hope I can find time to play again .

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