productive and focused I can be at times 🙂 (I am sure there are a few reading this saying.. EMILY? FOCUSED? ) But it’s TROO!!! (i love how that’s spelled.. and WHY isn’t it spelled that way?).. Anyway, one of my goals since closing bellaland was to really FOCUS.. focus on my job.. focusing on what I want to achieve.. focusing on marketing.. product.. and REUNITING da sistahood. It’s been so long! Since I owned the store, I felt torn into a kajillion pieces. I was never able to FOCUS.. I was never able to do WHAT I WANTED TO DO. That’s not to say that I didn’t LOVE my store..and the people surrounding me but I just wanted MORE. More for my brand.. I wanted to get back to my real passion which was to be creative, to inspire and unite sistahs all around the world to chat about things in common.. to feel “normal”.. LOL. As I have mentioned a bajillion times here on my blog.. my “normal” friends have no clue what a high you can get sniffing beautiful paper and licking washi tape and HUFFING on a rubber stamp. But my sistahs GET IT. And that’s why I have wanted to create a “safe” (lol) environment where we are not judged but we embrace this sickness *ahem* PASSION that we all share.
Having said all of that I have accomplished having my stamps CLING MOUNTED… check! (which was one of my FOCUSES).. and now I am focusing on my sistahood, my DT and social media. We have the most AMAZING DT out there (if I do say so myself).. Kind, loyal and amazingly talented sistahs who have helped me showcase my product throughout the years. This DT is growing and making me so proud.
Elaineabella has taken on the responsibility to work closely with me (actually on her own but I want you to think i do SOMETHING around here..LOL)..on firing up our Splitcoast Forum by presenting challenges, blabbing and becoming as close to eachother as we can get! So if there is anything, any topic, that you would like to see shared, please email us and we would love to have the forum grow!
If you would like to post your creations on our SPLITCOAST GALLERY.. we would LOVE to see them there! I actually think I will be doing a weekly roundup with cards from the gallery.. so stay tuned if you would like to see your card or project featured here!
Elaineabella has also set up a fantastic FACEBOOK GROUP that I would love for all of you to join! We will also have contests and giveaways etc.. would love to have you “LIKE” us
it’s called the STAMPING BELLA SISTAHOOD and you can find it right here
So am I PRODUCTIVE or WHAT? hmmmmm?
Hope you can join us in all these venues.. would love to see you there!!
mwah to da sistahs who like the “LIKE” button
I’m already signed up on facebook and it’s cool 🙂
I’m a splitcoast member too but I find it a bit of a confusing forum so hopefully you and Elaine will make it all a bit clearer and a more fun place to hang out too. I’ll try and upload some of my bella cards to the gallery there later.
Well done! I’m so sad….went to the FB page, and it says it’s a closed group, and there was no ‘Like’ button. I’m feeling the need for therapy now that I’ve been all pumped up to joing the Bella’s at FB, and then my hopes were bashed…. Hmmm….retail therapy perhaps? When you have time, let me know what I’m doing wrong! Thanks 🙂
Hey Patti! see here
To join a group, click Join Group in the upper-right corner of the group’s page. You may have to wait for a group admin to approve your request. In some groups, you can also be added by someone who is already a member.
this should help
I will be heading over now! And ill be joining the group for sure!
I just joined so excited.
So happy that the cling mounted stamps got a check mark! My first “already mounted” stamps arrived today – yippee! no waiting around for ME to get around to mounting – which often takes MONTHS! Woo hoo!
Extremely productive! Going to check out Facebook page.