Hiya sistahs,
I hope you are enjoying the release! I just love it and it is obvious you do too 🙂 so thank you!
Now for AJ monday on TOOSDAY on WEDNESDAY LOL
The theme this week was COLOUR… so let’s see what our sistajournalhood came up with shall we?
So for next week’s theme let’s document our week this week .. basically collect stuff from eveywhere you go.. starbucks, michaels, gas station.. and glue it in your journal and write about it.
LOVE aj toosday.. LOVE my sistahood
Love releases
Beautiful pages and project everyone!
Great theme for next week I see business cards from restaurants, store receipts, shopping lists etc.
Love them all. I’m not the best at collaging/collecting stuff – I tend to wad and throw it – yikes! I will try though.