Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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3 Sneaky Peekies and AJ monday coming SOON to a theatre near you! LOL

I am back from Niagara and had a PHENOM time with GREAT friends.. can I go back yet? 🙁

Today I wanted to introduce you to one of our new artists named RHEEA.  She is from Singapore and she is a delight.  When I saw her artwork, I was mesmerized.  The “sketchiness” of it.. the “rawness” of it.. I dunno.. I can’t explain it but it evoked so many emotions for me.. so I thought to myself.. I can’t be the only one feeling this.. I gots TA share it with da sistahs!  These images are paired with incredible quotes.  They don’t necessarily need to be colored in as I think they make their point in crisp black and white.. or you can play with background techniques and stamp the image over it as well as many other techniques which would be phenom with this style.  Another reason I love these images is because not only are they amazing for cards but they are great for journaling too.. sometimes you don’t want to write in your journal.. you want to find the perfect image to dispell how you are feeling.. and I really think these images do the job.. so vintage.. so retro.. so current…  I could be CUH-RAZY because I have never seen this before in our industry but sometimes, you gotta work with your gut and instinct (*ahem* which I really do all the time)..  you will meet her main characters NINA and NONO (little girl and her Dachsund).. they are in most of the images and they just happily celebrate life together…

Meet RHEEA all the way from SINGAPORE!  Is she not deelish?  If she was in front of me I would SQUISH and hug her right now… (I may break her in half.. but that’s another story.. hmph)

and here is a little bit about her

‘Dollgift is a peek into the whimsical mind of illustrator, Rheea. Featuring free spirited creations that are both nostalgic and timeless, Dollgift is about Art, about simple Joy and always, about Love…”

She is a little pipsqueak.. LOL.. with a LOT of SOUL.. someone I would love to hang around with 🙂

Ok  enough already… you ready?

how many days did I miss?  2?  plus today? 3?  Ok so I shall sneak peek 3 images…!


The name of this stamp is SIMPLE JOY.. and that’s what it is :).. when I look at this image, I get giddy happy 🙂

3 more inspirational ones coming this week!  LOOOVE my Rheea!

Now how about one more UPTOWNIE?

Meet uptown girl PIPPA who loves to plant!

our very own CATHABELLA who is heavily involved in her own garden at the mo’  brought PIPPA to life!  I wanna look like PIPPA!

Ok that’s it for now!  Hope you love RHEEA as much as I do… Hope you love the new uptownies too!

Will be back later with AJ MONDAY on this very post.. so check back

and please let me know what you think!  I read every single comment and may surprise you once in a while with a comment right back..LOL

mwah mwah mwah


And HERE’S AJ MONDAY!  Our theme this week was SHAPES..  let’s see what da sistahood came up with

Here's CINDY'S page
my page
MARY'S page
Here's Lorie's page

next week’s theme… use your FAVORITE colors on your page!  Explain how it makes you feel






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  1. Love them all! Those images would be super simple to turn into a card and that’s just what I need sometimes. I really, really love Pippa!!!

  2. Yeah ! Three new sneakies just made my day. Rheea’s sketches are extremely unique and different ~ L ? V E them! Great eye Em.

  3. Four words…I want them all! Great sneakies, these gals are SO uber-talented! Hmmm…..Maybe Rheea should come to the states and be my dear DIL! lol…. it would be fun to have an artist in the family 🙂

  4. Thanks for going with your gut. Cannot wait to see more of Rheea’s images. I really love that they come with such great verses. Patience is a virtue that I’m in short supply of when it comes to the sneak peeks. I can’t wait to see more!

  5. Everyone did a wonderful job on the art journals. Love the sneak peek of the new stamps. Can’t. Wait to see more!!!

  6. OMG! I love the art journal pages! They are really wonderful! I love Rheea’s images…they are so GREAT! I want them both! Did I tell you that my dad wanted me to play the accordian? I was ten….they put this big honking thing in my lap, and I cried! It was a far cry from a piano…that’s what I wanted to play!

  7. Oh! That image of Mo’s is so much like Emily’s Jayden…I could not believe it, however, this image fits with my daughter at her age too!

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