Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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it’s a new year.. it’s a new little word chosen to represent my year, and a surprise!

Happy new year to my sistahs!  I think it is now 5 years I have been blogging… OMG.. when I think about it, I realize how quickly time passes… Crazy I tell ya!

So it’s a new year… 2012.. I always wonder what it is in store for us.. so far the last 3 days were pretty good..LOL.. (it’s so good that I make myself giggle..LOL)

So last year I talked about my one little word for the year.. (i just had to look it up.. that’s how seriously I took it.. that’s how quickly it was forgotten.. 🙁 ).  The word for last year was COMMITMENT.  Guess what?  Without even THINKING about last year’s word, I told my girlfriends that this years word is COMMIT…LOL.  So clearly I need to focus on this no?  YES.

This year I have a LOT of goals to COMMIT to.  I want a NEW word next year LOL so I have to conquer this one.

this is in NO particular order cuz ALL of them have to get done 🙂

(1)  I am turning 40 in June.  I need to lose weight.  I need to focus on myself again.  When I see grey in my hair, I can’t wait for Paulabella to visit lol.. I need to take care of MY needs.. make time for me to COMMIT to MYSELF

(2)  I will COMMIT to the DUKAN diet.  I have seen all my friends around me melt away.  I wanna melt too.  I am COMMITTING to melt!

(3)  EXERCISE.. slowly.. I hate it with a passion.. but I remember how I felt when I COMMITTED to exercising and never felt better

(4) MINIMIZE.. I need to commit to NOT overindulge.  To enjoy what I HAVE. and USE what I have and to be HAPPY.

(5)  PURGE.. I need to PURGE what I don’t need… not “oh.. I will use this some time”.. if I haven’t used it in 5 years, I think it is time to part ways

(6) SPEND MORE QUALITY TIME WITH MY FAMILY… COMMIT to them.. not to my laptop..LOL.  Be more ACTIVE with them

(7) TAKE MORE PICTURES.. REMEMBER THE LITTLE MOMENTS.. I look back.. and I don’t have as many pictures as I would like to have..

(8)  JOURNAL MORE.. be more honest with my family.. with myself.

(9)  COMMIT to PROJECT LIFE..  Commit myself to sit 1 night a week and document the week’s activities, nonsense, laughs, cries, feelings.. cuz ya know what?  I want my family to look back and see what we accomplished.. to laugh at the memories.. to read my honest journaling.  to smile.

(10) Focus on LIFEBOOK this year.. similar concept to Project life but DIFFERENT.. stay tuned for Angela and I.. and what we come up with!

(11) ARE YOU BORED YET?  just checking cuz I am not done.. LOL.. I am COMMITTED to this list.




(15)  CREATE AMAZING NEW THINGS for my sistahs.. we already have something REVOLUTIONARY in stamping in the works.. you will FAINT!

(16)  CREATE, CREATE CREATE.. PAINT more..have the GUTS to call myself an ARTIST.

(17) BLOG MORE.. maybe even VIDEO more to make it more personal 🙂

(18)  LEARN more.. from classes, from other people.. suck it up like a sponge.. always keep my brain working

(19)  FOCUS


I think that’s it.. actually I am SURE that there are a million more things but I think I have to tackle this list first.


now for the surprise!  Well we tried a forum on our website and it didn’t really work because we couldn’t focus on the upkeep of it.. no one had the time to take care of it and watch it and COMMIT to it to blossom SOOOOO….

Stamping Bella is back at SPLITCOAST STAMPERS!  This is an amazing website with lots of information, stamping advice, galleries etc.  And we will have our own member forum there AGAIN (we were one of the founding member companies there)  so we can chat and blab about releases, diets, commitments, lifebooking etc… I know many sistahs who have developed very close friendships from my last forum and that is my goal here.  To find crafty friends that don’t look at you weird when you sniff a piece of paper with happiness LOL (I have done that in front of my REGULAR friends and I don’t want to tell you what they thought of me..).  So won’t you join us there?  Start a thread.. let’s blab!  I love the interaction.. I will be there all the time.. cuz that is another one of my COMMITMENTS.

if you check out our banner on Splitcoast, you may just see some new images.. new uptownies.. just sayin’.  And if you stop by there, please just say hi. k?

Ok.. I think I have bored you enough

I’d love to hear what your resolutions are.. what your one little word is.

MWAH (that’s one little word, no?)


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  1. I’m so excited…just love your stamps! The uptown girls are so darling…looking forward to seeing what is up your sleeve!

  2. My word (again) this year is TRANSFORM. I want to transform my body, my way of thinking about certain things, and the way I feel about certain things… I want to let go of the negative and embrace the positive! Many of the things on my list are just like yours, Em! I wish you all the best in the new year. I have been with you since the beginning… but I just kinda stay in the background. But that is something I want to change this year too. I am going to push myself to get out there more, make new friends, enter challenges, etc…
    Can’t wait to see what you have in store for us in Bellaland this year!

  3. My word would be slow down…well that’s 2 words. But I need them both. I find this past year I’ve taken on way too much. I need to slow down enjoy all the new things in my life, my house, my puppy and especially the baby who will grace us with his/her presence in 4 weeks or sooner if I’m lucky. Then hopefully I’ll be able to make more time for my hobbies…scrapbooking & card making! There’s nothing more relaxing then sitting in front of the tv watching a funny show & colouring.

  4. My word is FOCUS. Kinda like commit…

    Focus on goals, focus on happiness, focus on what I want and how to get there… and stop wasting time doing silly things like watching TV or arguing when I could be focusing on something good!

  5. My word for this year is to Embrace. I just want to take in and absorb everything life has to offer. I also need to learn a little more about Splitcoast stampers :o) btw Em, if you are wondering who Papatya is,it’s me. I just edited my signature :o)
    Missed ya and can’t wait to do more videos again !!!

  6. Oh my heck…I am SO excited ya’ll are back on SCS!!! I have missed having ya’ll there! Yay!!! =)
    I’ve never done the word for the year thing, I don’t even know which word I would pick…a few come to my mind…Health, Balance, Passion.

  7. SLOW DOWN, ENJOY and GRATEFUL…. I have 3 words for the year!! LOL My kiddos are growing so fast and I really just want to remember everything… Enjoy your coming year and continued success to you and yours… We just love Stamping Bella in our family!

  8. Aw, Em…I turn 40 in June, too. I have so many changes I want and need to make by that time, and little time to reflect on how to get there. I think I need the word “regroup.” I have always been a good planner, but I feel like things started snowballing and I haven’t been able to get the horse back in front of the cart in a long while. Thanks for your inspiration. Hope to see you on the SCS board.

  9. Great to see you are heading back to splitcoast. I have missed you there. Also can’t wait to see what you are planning for art journaling. If I can be of any help please let me know!

  10. ACCOMPLISH is my word of the year, and since I am a planner next years word is going to be CELEBRATE so I can celebrate what I accomplished this year, just saying’…

  11. I just love reading your blogs, you always make me laugh. I also really like your list. I had not put much thought into resolutions, but your numbers 9,12 and 13 are real good and also things I need to focus or commit to as well (plus many others).
    So, for now I am stealing your list when I need a reminder of what I need to be doing:)

    You are also definitely an artist and I can’t wait to faint when you share what is new and revolutionary in stamping!!!

    I will also be checking things out on SCS!!

  12. Anxious to see more info on Lifebook …. I am doing Project Life again this year. Love it!! Is Lifebook something that will work with project life? Looking forward to some how-to videos too Emily !

  13. Great to read about your resoulation to commit…my word this year….well I forgot it…lol:)….but really it has something to do with being in the moment….I feel pulled in many directions several times a day and I find I answer questions without hearing the real question, so I will take the time to focus on the moment and responde to the moment as it happens, I will work on getting my kids to love each other…how will I do this I’m not sure, cause it seems like they fight allllllll the time….but I will lock them all in a room till they are hugging…lol:) no I won’t but i’ve thought about it!
    Good Luck Em….with your “word”……see you soon

  14. While I don’t really make resolutions, I think my word this year would be PATIENCE – it would be more of a mindset than a resolution. Patience with my special needs preschoolers, patience with my elderly father-in-law, patience with my daughter while I’m helping her with her homework, and especially, patience with myself, especially when I expect my aging body to do stay up late to get those nagging items off my to do list and expect it to wake up bright and early and ready for the next day’s challenges.

  15. hi dear….i’m from Malaysia… your website and also all things you’re doing….how i wish i can do all that….this is my hobby!! Keep it up, and keep on posting….I’m doing chocolate…how i wish my chocolate box is designed like these…..marvellous!

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