know what I’m talking about? hehehe it’s the event of the YEAR!
you can find all information HERE if you want to attend.. Angela Urbano and I will be hosting a class there.. well *ahem* Angela is actually teaching.. I will be there for entertainment..LOL :).. It is supposed to be an amazing event :).. anything that Catherine from SCT puts together is phenom.. so if you have not registered yet, might I suggest you do so ASAP? LOL
So lets discuss a little bit what the class Angela is teaching is about. First of all, if you dont know Angela, she is an AMAZING scrapbooker.. Life journaler.. her style is graphic and clean. Just gorgeous!
The class is called LIFEBOOK 101.. here’s a little excerpt of what the class is about:
“Are you one of those scrappers who can’t think of the right words to say on a layout? Do you hesitate when writing what you truly feel when you are in the moment? Do you suffer from JOURNALER’S BLOCK?
Conceived by Angela Urbano and Emily Block , Lifebooking is a new revolutionary way of looking at how we we scrapbook. Lifebooking is BOOKING LIFE not scraps..LOL. It’s time to track the little details of your life.. the simple facts to the most difficult emotions.. and the lightbulb to the Seinfeld moments we experience every day. A lifebook page doesn’t always start with a visual, a colour palette, a photo or pretty patterned paper.. Sometimes it’s the words that tell the story. Sometimes it’s the words that paint the picture. Sometimes it’s the words that capture the moment.
Angela will take you through “journaler’s block’ exercises to create a 12*12 double lifebook spread. Join us om our Lifebooking adventure. Check out our different lifebooking techniques which make us each unique as well as makes us one. We will arm you with tools needed to start capturing the words. They will arm you with the most POWERFUL TOOL needed. the power of YOUR WORDS. Lifebook THAT. ”
Angela and I have been hard at work developing a new concept. A concept that is extremely important for future generations. It’s called LIFEBOOK. It’s a verb.. ie. DO YOU LIFEBOOK? or OMG I HAVE TO LIFEBOOK this moment :)… it can also be a noun… I am a LIFEBOOK GEEK/NERD.. LOL ..
The foundation of lifebooking can be different for everyone… Angela loves to Lifebook on 12*12 pages.. I LOVE to lifebook in my journal.. you can lifebook on a napkin, toilet paper.. a bar coaster…
So what is a lifebook you ask? Well, it’s a place where you can document your every day musings, thoughts, events, conversations. A place to put random pictures that will be appreciated in years to come. How I can’t wait til my kids look back at my lifebooks and giggle.. cry.. and understand that their mom is more than a mom.. but a PERSON. Are you angry that you ate that MARS BAR? Stick the wrapper in your lifebook and write why you are angry about it and in 20 years, our kids won’t even know what a Mars bar is… in effect, it is creating your own history. Write the weather down.. your mood… what you REALLY felt this day or that day.. It’s your place to say it as it is.
Now along with the concept of LIFEBOOKING will come a series of PHENOM stamps that will be used in your lifebook.. whether it be on a 12*12 layout, your daily agenda, or your journal. These stamps will be a series of icons.. and prompts to help you get in the habit of lifebooking. They are the CUTEST things ever (if I do say so myself..LOL).. and they will be SO useful :). We will have a WHOLE series that you will NEED and WANT to collect.
I think the daily nonsense.. the daily grind is what scrapbooking is really about. Of course celebrating the loss of a tooth is an amazing feat.. but what about the tooth fairy.. how you explained her to your kids.. what about the PRIDE on your child’s face.. documenting what they felt.. documenting what you felt when your child lost that tooth… like OMG I KNOW this kid will need braces.. and how much is that gonna cost me! As TABOO as that sounds on a scrapbook layout, it’s OK to say that in your lifebook. Your kids will thank you for it. Trust me!
Wanna see a little sneaky peeky of the layout for the class? OHHH and there is a bonus single page layout and a card that will be taught in the class! And I will be doing make and takes with these new little stampies.
Can you see the stamps in this sneak peek? HMMMM? (that’s Angela looking very mysterious)
Trust me sistahs.. Join us in this journey. You will not regret it.
More to come
Lifebook a mwah, will ya?
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Two words for you….IN LOVE! Had so much fun yesterday!