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I’m alive

I am alive sistahs.. I am on the mend… I have never been that sick before in my life but I am hoping with a little R&R, I will be back to 100% soon.  I came into the office after not being here for almost 2 weeks!  I missed Denabella and Helenabella so much!

I wanted to just come on here to say hi.. and to say that I miss you 🙁  and to say that I will be MUCH more verbose in the next coupla weeks. 

I am working on a PHENOM new release .. and some other GREAT news coming your way!

Mwah to da sistahs who still come by and say hi


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  1. Glad to hear that you are starting to feel better. How did the move go? Is the new craft room all sorted yet? Ha Ha.
    Hope to see you in the store again soon.

  2. Ohh my dear Bella. I am so sorry to hear that you have been poo-poo. I wish I had a majic wand to make it all better. I hope the move went well and that your bed is all set up and you can just crawl under the covers again. Happy Hanukkah. I wish you much love, joy, and good health. Have a Bellalicious New Year my friend. Much Love, Pinky

  3. Happy Hanukkah Em, Ryan, Tyler and Jay!!! Glad to hear you are on the mend. I have MISSED YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!! Come back to life soon, can’t wait to see your new craft room and I think you need the organizing skills of Paula and I to get that room all orderly.

  4. Happy Christmas from across the pond – Hi Em – so pleased you are on the mend and ready to create again – soooooooo loved that BIG hug we had in Sept -wish I could give you another – since I would need arms 20,000 kls long, will have to be content with sending HUGE hugs and get well wishes – God Bless – Judy (P.S. – the way I am spreading and with the added Chirssie treats I am sure my belly will reach to Toronto)

  5. Great News to hear you are finally feeling better…just don’t rush back into the thick of it too fast….you are worth waiting for!

    Best wishes for the Holiday Season and an incredible 2012!

  6. I am so happy to hear you are feeling better Em, you have been missed very much my sweet friend !!! I can’t wait to see all the yummylicious surpasses you have up your sleeve for all of us.

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