hiya sistahs! It’s a dreary day over her in Toronto.. blah..
but I have something so INSPIRING to show you and we are taking preorders now! Denabella designed it with WarrenaFELLA.. one of our great customers Carrol’s husband :).. ok get the connection??? LOL Yikes say that 47 times fast! LOL
It’s a washi tape stand! Remember last year or a little bit longer than that we had a big shipment of Washi Tape that came in .. we sold out in seconds! Well we were looking for a way to store them.. not only to be practical but to put a smile on our faces and inspire us every day..
Warren hand makes these in solid oak.. they are just gorgeous! you can fit over 60 rolls of Washi tape on the 3 tiers
are they not GORGE? (-ous.. )
Their price will be $39.99 plus shipping. We are taking preorders now so just call Bellaland (1.866.645.2355) and we will make sure to put one aside for you 🙂
Also, keep checking our bloggypoo or shop as you may just see some new washi tape to put on that stand!
Mwah to da sistahs who feel like a little washi
beautiful job. Love the stands. Wash tape is the best. My new fav!!!
THat’s a wonderful item….Washi Stand…..cool, can you put ribbon’s on them? It’s hard to tell with the picture!
they sure are gorgeous! Love ’em! All the colours of the washi tape just look so beautiful on them.
Hope your preparations for the move are going well! Don’t know how you do it all, girl, don’t know how you do it….
The stands are beautiful! New washi…..YES please!
I’m so calling the store to order one
But I’m afraid to count my tapes to see if I need one or two?!
this is very clever and cute to show off. I wish I needed one, but my washi is in a neat little stack. only 9 high…lol
i don’t have any washi tapes!! need to go google. i love inventive ideas!
new washi tape….oh my!