Hope you had a great week! I just woke up with a bit of a migraine.. so shhh… please don’t raise your voices in excitement n’k? LOL
Does anyone watch X factor? I have to tell you how DISAPPOINTED and REVOLTED I was with Stacey Francis. I was IN LOVE with her and her story when she started the X Factor “journey” but then I saw what a diva, poor sport, spoiled brat she acted like in the last 2 shows and I was immediately turned off. I understand how badly one wants to win a show like this, but put a fake smile on at least! LOL… Little Astro also acted as a poor sport and it irritated me but then I reminded myself that he was 14.. and this is part of the learning process. I used this show as a GREAT learning tool for my kids… Exactly as Paula Abdul said it (finally she made sense!).. you should act GRATEFUL for the opportunity. And I told my children and SHOWED them actually how they acted on stage to show them how NOT to act.. I always teach me kids to LEARN from criticism.. embrace it from professionals (or people who know better 😉 and challenge yourselves to do better). Honestly, I don’t know why I am so upset by Stacy’s reaction .. I guess I was just disappointed. Why do I get so riled up and personally involved in these shows?? LOL
Ok let’s discuss some winnahs from last week shall we?
Winnah for COMMENTAYTIN’ ($10 in bella bucks) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
20-KAREN G you win! please email me and I will send your moolah!
Timestamp: 2011-11-18 14:09:48 UTC
Now for da winnah for CONTRIBUTIN’ ($20 in Bella Buckeroonis) goes to
Here are your random numbers:
2-Denise G you win!! please email me and I will send you your moolah!
Timestamp: 2011-11-18 14:11:56 UTC
Ok now down to BIDNISS…
the theme this week was a sketch by EBRUBELLA!
Let’s see what da BABEROONIS came up with.. shall we?
Paulabella used UPTOWN GIRL POSH has a PRESENT (sorry not quite sure why so big)
Lindabella used Pia PUDDINTOP
Paulineabella used JAMIE
Danabella used CHRISTMATINI
Cathabella used BIG GIRL PANTS
Reganabella used CUPCAKE WITH HOLLY
Ok now to da DELICIOUS sistahood
Margo used WINOBELLA
LOL k now for the SURPRISE.. even my DT doesn’t know..LOL.. I am having a little release that I just happened to decide on.. should be some time this weekend or monday.. so stay tuned.. you won’t be sorrrrryyyyyyyyyy !
Next week’s theme FREE FORM!! Do what you want.. how you want to.. no rules.. let your creativity go crazy! Can’t wait to see your creations!
Don’t forget to leave a comment here for a chance to win $10 in bella bucks!Don’t forget to draw a face for AJ monday
Mwah to da sistahs who participate 🙂
I wasn’t surprised that Stacey Francis got sent home. She’s a great talent, but doesn’t really fit in with the younger generation and wasn’t as hip as the other over-30’s. Poor Stacey…I was hoping Drew would get sent home…her cracking voice is becoming quite irritating. I think she’s a Sarah McLachlin wannabe…but she’s no Sarah!!
Whew…felt good to get that out!!! 🙂
P.S. I’ve been caught in a bunch of other stuff…glad to be back!!
Da Bella makes me giggle! Great creations everyone!!! Such a fab sketch!
Hey Em~~Thanks for the update on XFactor 🙂 No wonder you woke up with a migrane 😉
And now you are going to be teasing us ALL weekend ~~ ugghhh~~ you know I’m going to be checking in every moment or two, so please don’t drag it out ’til Monday !!!
I LOVE Paula’s card!
I’d been using that stamp only for birthday cards. Thank you for the new holiday card idea!
Jumping for joy. Can’t wait to get my hands on some more Bella’s. Thanks so much for the gift certificate and all the inspiration! Hugs.
Fabby cards! Mine is sitting here, 3/4 done, on the table…. Can’t wait to see what’s in store for the new release!
Bloomin’ gorgeous makes – thx for sharing everyone!!
I was so turned off by the 14 year old Astro….come on……He needs a lesson or two on respect…..
The cards are beautiful of course….looking good as usual, and next weeks challenge….well I should have no problem finishing that theme…anything goes.
LOVE that you are doing another surprise release – these small spur of the moment ones rock! OH I so agree with X factor – really I didn’t know who was worse in their reactions ALTHOUGH Stacy is an adult. Will be interesting to see the attitude next week from Astro!!
gorgeous samples!! I’ve been hopping around blogland to get the mojo flowing and I think it finally is. Thanks! 🙂
Such fun – a new release, anything goes and a fantastic set of cards for inspiration.
I too liked Stacey Francis in the beginning, I agree Astro needs taught some respect, and Drew’s gotta go! – that my X opinions.
Onto business, love the cards, I feel like I say that every week! Maybe I do, but its true! Excited about anything goes for next week!!
Love the sketch & cards… Exciting release!
I just had to finish my card…love those Peeps!
I just had to finish my card…love those Peeps!
As far as the X Factor goes……I could have quite happily sent them both home!
Lots of yummy Bellarific goodness this week.
New release you say?! How excitin’. I’ll be waitin’ and a watchin’. Hope your headache is betta! 🙂
Lovely cards! 🙂
New Release? Yes Please!!!
I decided to use my Cinderella stamp this week since it hadn’t seen ink yet. I know – shameful!!
you are even surprising the team! That is just not fair.
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Guess we have to wait one more sleep for the release ….. *sigh* …. c’mon Monday !!!
The cards are lovely again…..as always! Can’t wait for the new release!
GORGEOUS samples ladies! Absolutely beautiful!!
OMG, I know I don’t drink wine…but that wineobella card with the sentiment is HILARIOUS!!!
I think I’m going to use this layout on my next Christmas card! Great job everyone.
i love all the holiday card ideas. off to work on mine!