Hiya sistahs! I hope you had a PHENOM weekend! I have some stories to share but I am on the way to the dentists office.. BLECH.
I just wanted to remind you that it is the last day of our PRE CHRISTMAS sale and to take advantage for gifts etc!
Also wanted to announce a WINNAH of our OCTOBER AFTERNOON MODERN HOMEMAKER COLLECTION of papers AND the 3 STAMPS from our release!
Here are your random numbers:
85-Janet P! you win! please email me your info and I will send you your goodies!
Timestamp: 2010-11-22 17:05:52 UTC
Thank you all for playing.. that was fun!
Ok, I still have a coupla minutes to spare so I have to tell you about DA WEIRDEST dream I had on Saturday night.. You know when you have these dreams and they are SO VIVID that you think they actually happened? Well, I had one of those..
Now I don’t want ANY comments from DA peanut gallery about Jenny Craig-low carb-no-carb-weight watchers-mediterranean-suzanne somers, ATKINS etc etc etc… YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE. and YES, I have tried a KAJILLION diets and I just haven’t found the one that “fits”.. so HUSH will ya? (and YES, the one that fits is the one where you can eat like a piglet and lose weight. HMPH)
Ok so here’s my dream…
I was in England (no clue where) but everyone had a BriTTish (yes Isabelle that is for you.. I am not pronouncing it as BriDDish) accent.. I was in a TALL TALL building with lots of flat CARPETTED escalators.. (you know the flat ones that don’t turn into steps? YA that one).. I was with my aunt (who I haven’t spoken to in 5 years) and I had a slip of paper that had the number 16 on it. Now this building was BUSTLING with women walking, marching, on the escalator etc.. I asked a woman who passed me by where I could find “number 16”. She hmphe’d and told me I had to go up 16 flights of escalators. So off my aunt and I went. I knew this was some sort of Diet place.. kinda like Weight Watchers-esque but not called weight watchers… so I go up 16 escalators with my aunt whom I don’t talk to in tow and the number 16 on a wicket blinks.. so off I go.. I had to step on a scale meant for TRUCKS (I remember getting ANGRY in my dream and looked around and realized that everyone was being weighed on this industrial scale– WHEW!).. and the lady looks at me and says “you weigh 20 kgs” … she throws me some books to study and then proceeds to tell me that I am obese. So I look at my aunt and I say “isn’t 20kgs 35 pounds??”.. my aunt says YES and YOU ARE OBESE, emily. So I look around and In my head I am thinking.. 35 pounds is obese? I was ready to kick my legs up in the air and do the HULA out of happiness! So I look around and proceed to ask women how much they weigh.. one woman grunts at me and tells me she weighs 4 kgs (which is 9 pounds ‘ish).. another woman grunts and tells me she weighs 12 Kgs… So really in their books, 35 pounds was obese!! Ok.. so at that point I wake up and scream at Ryan (who is asleep next to me) to do a proper conversion of 20 kgs.. he looks at me blankly and goes back to sleep. HMPH.
So then I was rifling through some websites about organization (SHHHH to the same peanut gallery) and I came across something called “SLIMMING WORLD”.. I thought this was just a category for weight loss for this woman but I decided to google it anyway (cuz I nevah give up)… and then I see on the screen “SLIMMING WORLD… UK’S AMAZING DIET PLAN”….. hmmmm… I immediately thought that this was a “SIGN”… yes.. “A SIGN”… I read the premise of the way of life AND LOVED IT!! so I signed up for three months to see if I really like it…
NOW ISN”T THAT WEIRD? that I dreamed (or is it dreamT) of WEIGHTLOSS in the UK and then come across this little sentence on someone’s blog.. research and find this DIET WRITTEN FOR DA BELLA on the website? OMG… I really believe in stuff like that.. if any of our UK sistahs have heard of this way of eating, I would love to hear what you think!
Ok NOW I am really going to the dentist
Mwah to da sistahs who believe in “COINCIDENCES”
I so believe in Coincidences, everything happens or does not happen for a reason.
If you haven’t seen the movie Sliding doors from Gwyneth Paltrow, should see it. It’s one of my favorites…
damn it, I had written a long post with my interpretation of your dream and it disappeared!
I’m not doing it again…
are you allowed sushi on this diet? just asking!
I wish you well…and I thought I had sleeping issues! I don’t think my subconscious is nearly as hard on me as yours is. You even got the Aunt you don’t talk to involved. Yikes! Have faith and hopefully you’ll find the right fit for your diet needs. But we love ya just the way you are…just sayin!
hahaha, i have strang dreams, but this was kinda funny! Will google too.