Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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OMG I totally forgot

about my blog for a MINUTE!!! (or 2 I admit).. I have been so swamped in crafting ideas and personal projects and bidniss projects OMG!  Denabella and I will be travelling to a retailer event in Boston at the end of March and we have to start thinking about our project we are gonna be teaching lol and some fun make and takes.. WOOHOO!  I am also taking a family trip to FLA in february and spending time with my mom there and going to Disney.. have NOT had a vacay in about  8,987,044 years.  HMPH.  Of course I will remember to blog there :).  I will share what I am working on in a couple of days and see what you thinky about it nk?

Ok let’s talk BIDNISS.

Some winnahs perhaps?

Ok, so the winnah of $20 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS for CONTRIBUTING to Bellarific friday last week isssssssss…. drumrollll pleeeeasseeeeee:

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

8- LORI TECLER YOU WIN!! email me and I will send you your voucher!

Timestamp: 2010-01-26 18:04:19 UTC

Now for da winnah of the COMMENTATAH ($10 in bella bucks)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

9- EMILY you win!! (sounds like I am talking to myself..LOL.. which I do.. anything wrong with dat? 
Email me and I will send you your $10 voucher!

Timestamp: 2010-01-26 18:05:40 UTC

Also wanted to share some scrapbook goodness with you.. this layout was done by our very own Jill Sprottabella.. how cleverly she used our SCRAPLINES BUTTONS! LOVE IT! and our 10 things i love about you stamp too


stay tooooned for tomorrow.  We will have a little blogggg candy

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  1. I was wondering where you were! LOL! Sounds like you have a lot going on, so we’ll forgive you!! You’re a busy gal!! Congrats to the winners and what a COOL layout!! How creative is that! TFS!

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