Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya sistahs!

sorry for the delayed post.. it’s been crazy!  I am trying desperately to get prepared for MONDAY’S RELEASE!  It’s so exciting.. a new line.. yum!  Ryan and I decided to go last minute to Buffalo and Niagara Falls.. it was so much fun and so relaxing.. I now need another 2 weeks off.. does anyone have 2 weeks to spare? LOL

there will be no Bellarific Friday this week as we are having a BLOG HOP this weekend and have lots of participants who will be participating in the festivities!  Big prizes are offered and lots of fun to be had in celebration of Stamping Bella’s 3d BIRTHDAY BASH!  You can find all the information HERE

Hope you can join us!

Now let’s discuss some WINNAHS from Bellarific Friday NOVEMBER 27th

the “SUBMISSIONS” winnah (someone who submitted a card..LOL) and who will win $20 in BELLA BUCKEROONIS IS

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

16- VALERIE JOHNSON!  Please email me and I will send you your voucher! CONGRATS SISTAH!	

Timestamp: 2009-12-02 21:06:03 UTC

and NOW for our PEANUT GALLERY WINNAH! (one who places a comment)

Random Integer Generator

Here are your random numbers:

37-GABRIELA! You win $10 in BELLA BUCKS! Please email me!	

Timestamp: 2009-12-02 21:08:27 UTC

Nothing much else to report.. Will be back manana.. maybe with a sneaky peeky???



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  1. What a tease! I was starting to worry…definately not like you to go so long between posts but I guess a new release is a good excuse! I’m looking forward to checking them out.

  2. soo??? how about the little sneak peak??? I am on the edge of my seat! Thank you Random Integer Generator for picking my name! You ROCK!!! Em thanks to you too 🙂

  3. Emily let me know if you get this comment. I could not find where to comment. I’m not that computer savvy. OK, now I have just one question, how do I send you a card? Don’t laugh…..You are right I always come on the sight. I think everyone does an amazing job! The cards are beautifully colored. It gives me inspiration that I may color well someday. Your store is so comfy…it’s more than a shoppping experience….everyone is so nice and willing to help out. Happy Holidays.

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