Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s SCRAPPY toooooosday

So I says to myself.. “SELF”… you have SOOOO many goodies in Bellaland to make scrapbook layouts etc.. why not SHOW THEM OFF??? So I respond to myself.. “SELF, you are 1000% right”.. and hence, SCRAPPY TOOSDAY was born (ahem yesterday) and a bit of a schizophrenic was born as well (lol).
Every tuesday, we will be showing layouts, canvases, altered items etc showcasing our different papers, tools, embellishments.. just MO’ eye canDEE… so what do da sistahs THINKY about this?  (please say you love the idea..LOL)

So here goes.  Here is my piece to resistance 🙂

It’s a canvas and it makes me SOOO VERRRY HAPPPPPY. I had a 12*12 canvas which I painted with Claudine Helmmuth’s TRADITIONAL TAN.  I absolutely LOVE her paints (we carry the whole range of course!) and if you don’t know who she is, take a looky here and DROOL.. she is AWESOME!!  We carry her paintbrushes and all her mediums as well.  So what I did here was paint the canvas with TRADITIONAL TAN.  Allowed it to dry.  After it dried (about 1/2 hour), I chose my papers (THAT is a happy bella moment).  I decided to use the Fancy Pants collection.  I used 2 borders from the ON A WHIMSY STRIPS paper.  I used the “this is a crazy life” for the top portion and the vertical stripes strip for the “grass”.  I also used the cloud border under the this is a crazy life. (CLEAR AS MUD? LOL).  I applied everything with Claudine’s GEL MATTE MEDIUM to adhere to the canvas.  I then cut out the QUICKUTZ TREE out of the scraps.. dark brown prism as the background, some Prism LIME and snippets of fancy pants BUNCHES paper and FRESH AIR paper. This die is one of my new faves.. I just love it.. and you can use the head of the tree as clouds as well (2 sizes).. I’m telling you.. not just a hot bod and gorgeous FACE .. but there’s a BRAIN in there too! (LOLOL).  Take your pick of buttons (another little obssession of mine) and VOILA!  I adhered all of the buttons with the MATTE medium and I painted a thin coat over the whole piece.  Dries beautifully and NOT tacky.. LOVEY IT!

closeup of da buttons
closeup of da buttons
closeup of da TREES
closeup of da TREES

Such a simple Happy project!  Hope you LOOVE da scrappy tooosdays (as this is the first..LOL)


IF YOU WOULD LIKE TO WIN ONE ($24.99)  please put a comment and tell us what you thinky of the project and if you would like to see more!  This contest will close on Friday May 22nd.  ENJOY!

A couple of other bits of Info!

Stamping Bella is a sponsor this week at CPS (card positioning systems) HQ.. They are an awesome bunch of sistahs, so much TALENT and SOOO VERY SWEET!  So take a looky and I believe you can participate in the sketch too!  SUCH A GREAT SITE!


STEFANIE SUMMERER!  Your card wins!  Great use of the treading water punch, the coloring, the stamp!  BEEYOTIFUL! You will be receiving a $20 bella bucks code shortly!

now the winnah from the PEANUT GALLERY is #22 (chosen by Nicky!) so

JENN DIAZ you win $20 in Bellarific Bucks!!  you should receive shortly!

FINALLY, let’s take a looky at what our BABES have been up to!

Danabella made a gorgeous card using MADELINE KETTO.  She also used the gorgeous American Crafts SOPHIA TUCKETT PAPER (I LOOOVE IT!) and of course DA  OLIVE BONBON in the center of the flowah!

Jenabella made a stunning card using cuppycake with a HUGGABUGG on top.. sooo cute!  She also used our crackle orange dots around the circle, our sentiment and cuttlebug BLOOM DOTS to emboss.. YUMMY!

Joanneabella made a LUSCIOUS FABBY DABBY CARD using ADDY ‘TUDE.. I just love addy.. she has such personality, no?  And on this card, her boa was made with FLOWERSOFT.. How incredible is DAT? LOVE IT!

Karenabella made the CUH-UTEST card using Lady Owlie and her sign.  Is that YUMMALISH OR WHAT?  Love the use of the  cocoa and poppy BELLA DOTS! And how clever to add in the SMOOCH siren to accent the flowers?  YUM! I wanna be a SMOOCH when I grow up 🙂

Paulabella made 2 BEEYOOOTIFUL cards.  One  using Julia’s DIAPER BAG (YUMMMALISH) and one with CUPPYCAKE WITH A HUGGABUGG ON TOP.. .could you FAINT? LOL.  I could.  right into a pool of chocolate..LOL (self reminder: WEIGHT WATCHERS.. not so much a pool of chocolate..HMPH).. LOVE LOVE LOVE THEM!!!!

Lindabella made the most amazing card using ALL BUMMED OUT BABY.. is it not amazing?  It’s for Anyone.. friends, family.. JUST LOVE IT! And the COLORING?  triple HMPH.

Shannanabella made a DEELISH card using AMPLEE ‘TUDE.. how cute is this card????

Ok, QUADRUPLE HMPH… I am out of BREFF (breath).. I talked WAY TOO MUCH

Now, don’t forget our BELLARIFIC FRIDAY CHALLENGE you can find deets on here.. would love to see what you come up with!!

and don’t forget to place a comment on this post.. you can win a beeyoootiful die!

Mwah to da sistahs who are excited cuz there will be anothah surprise next wednesday!!

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  1. This *Scrappy Tuesday* idea is great, especially if you’re going to create beautiful eye candy like today 🙂 WOW Em, that canvas of yours is stunning, which means I’ll be checking out Claudine Helmmuth’s section in Da Bella Boutique!

    No hints or teases about next Wednesday’s surprise? Awww c’mon, that’s SO far away 😉

  2. Great project Emily! I would love a class where we worked with a canvas and incorporated die cuts and stamps and other embellishments. Could be scrapbook looking with photos or just your own work of art! Love it!

  3. CONGRATS to Stefanie and Jenn!! Happy shopping!

    GREAT idea Emily!! Love the canvas! I’ve often thought about trying my hand at one as well. Can’t wait to see more on Scrappy Toosday! Wow, now I have Friday, Monday AND Tuesday to look fwd to. I love it!

  4. I love everything about this… the colors, the papers, and the trees are absolutely adorable! I’d love to see more projects like this. =o)

  5. love the idea of more inspiration!!! that canvas absolutely rocks!!! love it and I want to make one now 🙂

  6. I am sooo Pleased to say I love the idea of ‘Scrappy Toosday’!!!What a great day it is too…I received my ‘Bella-toorific’ order tooday too! (Was that Too Much?) LOL

  7. what a great idea
    more for us to see
    and be inspired by
    keep up the great ways of showing those products
    way to enable us

  8. Love it – the canvas is great, you are giving me some good ideas… we are moving our offices at work and the new ones are very bland and… well… UGLY. LOL I’m thinkin’ me needs a canvas or two to make some of my own art to hang up! Peace – Jenn

  9. I love your painted canvas piece, Em! Great ideas for some wall art in my spare room. I love the tree die as well, especially the fact that it does double duty as clouds. Thanks for the inspiration.

  10. I love this project! It was fun to read about it before seeing the picture. What a great idea and way to use up all those bits and bobs and scraps. It’s really pretty and makes me want to get myself a 12×12 canvas pdq. Looking forward to Scrappy Tuesdays!

  11. Being cheep ahem frugal, I am always looking form more than one way to use my craft supplies. I love the idea of having more ideas from you and your talented ladies. Your canvas is adorable and I would love to have that tree!

  12. I’m thinking that that die is pretty fab. I think it’d make a GREAT party invitation for a summer picnic OR a little boy’s party. FUN!!!

  13. Scrapbooking is where I started my paper crafting and where my heart lies… so yes, absolutely… keep the goodness coming. Talk about inspiration. That quickcutz is on my list of this I “need” too 😉 Congrats to the winners of the bella bucks… one day I hope to see my name in lights like that…LOL! That wedding card is gorgeous though!

  14. I LOVE the project! You did a Fantastic job!! I’m a scrapper first…though I’ve done tons more cards lately…so I’m excited to be seeing some scrappy stuff!!

  15. Beautiful canvas! I’ve wanted to try those paints for a while and I think you’ve just convinced me. Now to narrow down my choices from all those amazing colors!
    Thanks, Karen U

  16. I love your scrapbook page – especially the button border! I am going to steal that idea tonight! (hee hee!)

  17. Love your project and will certainly try out some canvas art! Would love to win a qk die! Thanks for providing inspiration on your blog!

  18. I love the colour combination, everything blends really niceley with the canvas. My favourite detail is the pink “Made in Paris” button!

  19. Love Scrappy Tuesday! What beaufitul paints – love them! and that canvas also – will have to try it! You will make me poor…. LOL thanks for sharing the new goodies!

  20. Great job on the canvas. So cute! Love the birth of Scrappy Tuesday! And congrats to the winners of last weeks Bellarific Friday! 🙂

  21. I love the project and scrappy toosday! I am really liking that you are getting much more scrapbooking stuff in. I can’t wait to see what you bring out and intro next. You are great!

  22. Enquiring minds (or at least this old grandma brain) want to know what you are going to do with this beautiful “piece of resistance.” Loveys the trees and buttons! And I always knew that your hot bod and beautiful face were attached to a head filled with a brain. 🙂

  23. This is loverly! I really like that the tree tops can be used as clouds!!! The LO is great might have to lift this one! 🙂
    (if I had those dies!!)

  24. I love the idea. The layout is great, I like the whole idea! And I browsed some of the blogs….A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

  25. ok, so I am late seeing this post, but that is ok because I also got the chance to read the one above with the song and being in love:) and it made me happy:)
    I LOVE the canvas. The colors are so soft and pretty! I love the trees. buttons.. sigh. it is fabulous!

  26. Love the project…love everything about itt(he canvas, the colours, the buttons, the trees)…you did a fantastic job on it!!

  27. What a fun, fun, fun project. I’m a huge button fan so this is right up my alley. And the trees are adorable. So many possibilities!!

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