Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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It’s BELLARIFIC Friday!!!!

Hiya tootsies

How’s everyone doing?  This challenge was a bit of a “challenge” lol for da sistahs.. I am thinking you didn’t like it so much.. so I PLOMISE to do a bettah one for next week!  I just thought the glitz and the bling was so exciting… but I guess not so much..LOLOL.  So it’s gonna be a shortish post today BUT I have a little NICKY NUGGET at the end of the post to help you with your embossing and glittering.. how’s THAT for a treat? MWAH!

Ok so the less than luscious (lol) challenge  was

I wanted BLING BLING BLING and some gold 🙂 but I LOOOVED the interpretations this week .. the cards were absolutely PHENOMALISH!

Let’s see the BABES’ interpretation

Nickabella made a STUNNING card using our happy flowers (mini one). The purple layer is embossed with our new quickutz polka dot embossing folder. She also used our QUICKUTZ labels in polkadot.  The mini image is stamped in the brand new to our store FANCY SQUARE SMALL and layered onto the fancy square large.. I just love those fancy squares :)! She also used ZING gold embossing powder for the sentiment and our gold bonbons.. lots of amazing product on one little gorgeous card!

Danabella made a gorgeous card using PEACE HIGHTOPS.. check out the gold embossing the prima flowers and the hot lips baubles!.. YUM!

Jenabella made a stunning card using ANISE KETTO. I love the layout, the bling and the coloring!

Karenabella made a stunning card using Minty Coffee.  The gold embossing is luscious and the cotton candy bonbons yum!! she also used D’VINE swirl cuttlebug embossing folder.  So colorful!

Lindabella oh sweet Lindabella (LOL) made a yummalish card using YOKO AND ONO KETTO. Love the coloring the shading the paper the gold! OMG!  I am sure she used our famous Lyras 🙂  Gorgeous!

Paulabella used our cutesy ornaments for her card.  So shiny… so Sparkly… SO Blingy… Gorgeous card angelbella!

Shannanabella made a BEEYOOOOOOTIFUL card using KENYA KETTO so simple and elegant I just love it!

and here’s mine 🙂 I decided to use my favorite new paper in the store by Collage Press.  The SWEET SHOPPE collection.  I embossed the sentiment with GOLD ZING.. have I mentioned I love this powdah? and our gold bonbons.. YUM!

So how’s that for Babe o Rama eye CANDEEEEE?

Now for our SISTAHOOD contributions! If I missed yours, please email me and I will post ASAP!  Excellent job by all of our sistahs!

Angie Foust used ROCKABELLA
Angie Foust used ROCKABELLA
Beth Scott used IVY KETTO
Beth Scott used IVY KETTO
Brenda Martin used DAISY LAMP
Brenda Martin used DAISY LAMP
Ebru Vatansever used MISSMATCH KETTO
Ebru Vatansever used MISSMATCH KETTO
Jane Bracht used YOKO AND ONO
Jane Bracht used YOKO AND ONO
Janine Orchard used IVY KETTO
Janine Orchard used IVY KETTO
Josee Boileau used IVY KETTO
Josee Boileau used IVY KETTO
Lisa Vaughan used LULU KETTO
Lisa Vaughan used LULU KETTO
Lori Brown (Pinky Dinky) used STELLA HAS SOMETHNG TO SAY
Lori Brown (Pinky Dinky) used STELLA HAS SOMETHNG TO SAY
Michelle Leishman used HITCHEDAFELLABELLA
Michelle Leishman used HITCHEDAFELLABELLA
Stefanie Summerer used HITCHEDAFELLABELLA
Stefanie Summerer used HITCHEDAFELLABELLA
Tracy Cornhill used KENYA KETTO
Tracy Cornhill used KENYA KETTO
Vicki Burns used ALTEE TUDE
Vicki Burns used ALTEE TUDE

So how’s DAT for some eye candeeeee??? LOVE IT!

So don’t forget to post a comment on this post and you can win a $20 giftvoucher to BELLALAND!

One of our lucky contributors will also have a chance to win $20 so stay tuned!

And now for Nicky’s Nugget!

A great tool for controlling “flyaway” glitter and embossing powder is to use this BELLA STATIC BAG to treat your paper. I call it the “POOF AND SHMEAR” technique..LOL  I am so professional.

start with your paper you are using before you emboss or glitter
start with your paper you are using before you emboss or glitter
POOF the static bag by pressing gently onto your paper and releasing some of it's special powDAH
POOF the static bag by pressing gently onto your paper and releasing some of it's special powDAH
A little bit less than this should come out (but it doesn't really matter)
A little bit less than this should come out (but it doesn't really matter)
now SHMEAR.. LOL.. all over the paper (spread the powdah)
now SHMEAR.. LOL.. all over the paper (spread the powdah)
this is now done! use a lint free cloth to "buff" .. very gently so it doesn't show
this is now done! use a lint free cloth to "buff" .. very gently so it doesn't show
prepare versamark pad to stamp
prepare versamark pad to stamp your image
stamp your image (wasabi's flower)
stamp your image (wasabi's flower)
pour embossing powder on versamarked image
pour embossing powder on versamarked image
pour powder over image
pour powder over image
pour back excess into jar so no waste!
pour back excess into jar so no waste!
Voila!  Crystal Clear! BEEYOOTIFUL!
Voila! Crystal Clear! BEEYOOTIFUL!

I hope you enjoyed this post 🙂

Mwah to da sistahs who will enjoy a LONG WEEKEND here in Canada!


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  1. Thanks for sharing of how to keep our bling under control. Lol The entries look great! WTG everyone!

  2. lyra’s on the next card…i promise! i already have it colored up and everything! and the submissions are pretty darn impressive for a toughie challenge…lovin the gold embossed curly leaf flourish!

  3. WTG girls! Another week of phenom cards!! I look so fwd to Fridays and Mondays on the Bellablog!!

    Emily, thanks so much for the tip! Keep ’em coming!

    Happy looooooooong wknd to my fellow Canadians!

  4. WOW! All that shimmer and bling makes me happy :)! I think it was a GREAT challenge. I ran out of me time this week and was so sad not to get to play. I always look forward to Friday (and Monday) 🙂
    Have a wonderful long weekend. Unfortunately May is one of my busiest months 🙁 I LONG for a long weekend 🙂 lol.

  5. I love them all but I especially love the ornaments card. So gorgeous. I might have to scraplift it:-)

  6. great collection of cards, and I think it was a fab challenge, Em! Hey, ‘challenges’ aren’t supposed to be easy all the time 🙂 One of these days I’ll actually get to participate again… loved having 2 weeks for a challenge that one time!

  7. I am so impressed with everyone’s interpretations of this challenge!

    Way to go sistahs!

  8. beautiful cards everyone!! Love all the bling 🙂

    (it was the gold that threw me for a loop this week, I dont think I had anything gold in my stash lol!!)

  9. darnit – i always miss these challenges! i see them, think they are great then forget until today (well actually i usually remember right after the deadline thr night, LOL) and then log on to see all the fabulous entries! ladies you rocked it out with the gold and bling. I love seeing all the new stamps!

  10. Love all the cards. I especially like the simplicity and color of Shannabella card using Kenya Ketto. Thanks for the ideas. =)

  11. Love all the creations! I really am going to join in one of these weeks!! I got my order today and squealed when I saw the pink rubbah!! So fun!!

  12. Wow, gorgeous cards! I don’t envy you picking a winner!!!
    I didn’t get chance to enter this week but I’ll give it my best shot next time.
    Mel xx

  13. All the cards are just gorgeous. I personally love all the bling. My first bellas should be here any day and then I can play. Great challenge…

  14. Poof and Schmear. How hilarious is that? I am gonna hear you sayin’ that every time I use EP! Loved all the. Why do you think it wasn’t popular??? I am enviousof your long weekend. Enjoy!

  15. Very interesting challenge! I’m not the biggest gold fan in the world, but I think people used it in very cool ways!

    Also, I think I am a little confused- once the paper is all covered with the powder, when does it come off? After you glitter? Why don’t I understand this????? 🙂

  16. love the cards that were created
    gotta say that Fridays I look forward to seeing who’s created what
    and I truly enjoy seeing all the amazing cards

  17. Loved the cards with all of the extra bling! Great cards–great challenge. Enjoy the long weekend.

  18. Lovin’ all the bee-a-yoo-tee-ful cards!! Great job ladies!! I’m going to join one of these challenges one of these Fridays!

  19. Thanks for the lil tutorial! I was sooo busy this week, no time for challenges. all the cards look beautiful as always!

  20. Love all the cards that were entered this week. Good job Ladies. The card that I would choose would be the Missmatch Ketto by Ebru. The colors and Idea of the contest is presented well within her creation.

  21. Everyone’s cards are gorgeous. Such creativity in this lot of artists. The Ketto’s are very popular – they have such a funkiness about them. Love how everyone incorporated the bling and gold into their cards. Have a great weekend everyone.

  22. Some great cards again this week from everyone. I love bling but don’t use gold often enough. Thanks for the inspiration – hopefully some gold will be showing up on some of my cards soon.

  23. Fun cards! High tops – who would have thought? Bling – gotta love it. I gotta get one of those static buddies, always thought it was just one of those gimmicks to get you to buy. Thanks for sharing.

  24. Hi Emily ~~ Beautiful entries for your weekly challenge! And thank you for the quick & easy tutorial using the magical static bag ~ I always wonder what the powder is made of??

    MWAHHhhh to everyone celebrating our Canadian Victoria Day 😉

  25. Hope everyone is having a great long weekend so far. The cards are wonderful, however, I didn’t get a chance to do anything this week for the challenge. Hopefully, next week or the week after.

    Nicky, thanks for the tip on using the anti-static bag. I have one, but never really knew how to use it properly. Of course, I could have asked, but that’s just too logical, right?

  26. Wow………..some pretty amazing cards……they just get better and better. Another challenge……..another week……where does the time go.

  27. I love the Ketto Stamps! I’m just new at stamping and I can’t get enough of the Kettos!! THey’re awesome!! Really great cards on here!!

  28. Wow! Everyone’s really outdone themselves this week. The eye candy is wonderful! I really loved Paulabella’s card – it just jumps off the screen, and Louise Charlton’s Ketto card is darling!

  29. Nice job sistahs! Gotta lovey the challenges! Thanks for the tip Nik,………….hmmmmm, “Nik’s Tips “,………a regular column on the blog perhaps?

  30. All wonderful cards but I thought Lisa Vaugns interepretation was the bestest. Thanks for the helpful “nugget” at the end. Nick’s Nuggets—a new blog entry.

  31. Wow beautiful cards again! Love all that inspiration. Why do you think it was liked Em? I see lots of gold and blingy cards! It will be difficult choosing a favorite!

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