Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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Hiya sistahs!

I know how difficult it is for you to work on challenges during the week, between working, kids, no kids, life, dinner, lunch etc… I understand how difficult it is so I really will be trying my bestest to post the next bellarific friday over the weekend to give you a little more time… sound good?  s’aright?  I can’t promise it will happen all the time but I will try!! 🙂

Jenabella made a really fun sketch for this challenge!  Sketches are her forte of course and I wanted her to share some of the terrificness here too

This challenge is due on Thursday April 30th and if you can send it to with the subject line saying BELLARIFIC FRIDAY MAY 1st! (I can’t believe it is May already!!)

Also don’t forget to place a comment on my previous blog entry commenting about bellarific friday and you can win $20 bella bucks! You can also win $20 if you submit!

mwah to da sistahs who like da EARLY challenges!


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  1. I am so glad I wondered over here today! I am working on Mother’s Day cards tomorrow while the kids are with grandma! The sketch looks fun! Thanks for the challenge.

  2. This is a great challenge for me. I have never done anything like this!
    What fun……..I absolutely love Bellarific Friday’s. I love to see all the
    awesome cards everyone comes up with. They are all stunning!

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