to my dearest and wonderful and QUIET sistahs
Where oh where have you been? you don’t write… you don’t call… ARE YOU CHEATING ON ME? come on.. cough it up… which blogs are you all visiting??? The same ones I have been visiting too probably..LOL!
So for the past 2 days I have been working SO DILIGENTLY on my packaging. I have been thinking about it for a very long time.. my packaging needs “OOMPH”.. needs a little “PIZZAZZ” (you all know I love that word).. something that screams SISTAH or BELLA.. well I must tell you.. after alloting the time (which I don’t have) and bringing my Nickabella with me for the meetings, it has been created! OMG.. I cannot wait for them to be printed cuz they are too cute for words.. actually they are edible (Oh did I mention 1 week on Weight watchers and did not lose an ounce? I have been cheating for the last 2 days hoping to trick the scale.. that the MORE you eat, the MORE you lose.. think that’ll work? double HMPH).
So my ‘printing guy’ has moved his office which used to be at a retail location and is now at manufacturing site… needless to say, in this heat, we ventured over to their windowless, claustrophobic, basement office with no air conditioning… Yesterday’s meeting was brutal. I thought nicky would pass out.. literally. I figured she wouldn’t want to come with me today for the followup meeting but she did…. I was wondering.. if she was so hot yesterday, why on earth would she come again today?
We get to their office today and smell the presses and are stuck in a 2*2 room (what I do for my sistahs.. ) and are sweating and all of a sudden I hear the whir of a machine go on.. something that sound like this “BZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ” (say it out loud… I know you are aren’t you).. I look at Nicky and am 100% totally and UTTERLY mortified. I mean THIS was the straw that broke the camel’s back. I wanted to actually be placed in one of those presses and never come out. Nicky WHIPPED OUT this battery operated FAN out of her purse.. yes, you read me correctly.. a BATTERY OPERATED FAN in the middle of our meeting and just HELD it in front of her face.. COULD YOU BELIIIIIIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEVVVVVVVVVVVVVEEEEEEEEEEEEE it? I tried to ignore this.. I swear I did.. and I actually gave her SEVERE EYEMAIL to no avail and tried to forget about this.. and I kinda did. About a half an hour later.. it dawned on me again.. I looked at her and said.. do you understand that you took out a mini fan from your purse turned it on (honestly, at that moment it sounded like the LOUDEST noise I have ever heard) and just held it to your face?? LOLOLOL.. she shrugged and said that she was hot and there was nothing wrong with it.. and that ALL YOU SISTAHS would agree with her 🙂 Do you think we have fun when we are together??????
So that’s my story for the day..
oh and did I mention that i posted booboobella (cuz you nurses out there wanted a non-baby nurse) and I posted babybellafella (TO DIE FOR).. thought I would make you read through the whole post before I rewarded you .
Please don’t leave me like that again… i need comments.. SHOW DA LOVE sistahs
Big time missed you 🙂
Thanks for the new bellas…I love BabyBellaFella…like I said on the yahoo group, my friend who just had a baby has that hair so I think it’s perfect!!
Sorry about the heat….I am ready for winter..yes, to snuggle my hot cocoa and stamp the days away. TG I am not working this year! Now to keep my baby bella out of my stash….hmp!
Thanks again Em!!
Wow that babybellafella is so adorable. I love it. I also liked how the guy has different style hair… really really cute!
Okay, so I never emailed you about it…but I am entering nursing school (I start prerequisites Monday) and was wanting a nurse that didn’t have a baby in her hand. Love it! Also, that BabyBellaFella is just adorable.
It’s always exciting to see what you will come up with next!!!
Ok, gotta love it! Especially love the babybellafella… especially the bella. She’s not so THIN 😉 Many of us local Bella lovers were chatting that the Bellas are so SKINNY, lol. However, that IS part of their charm!
Very, very cute releases!
busy busy girl you!
just keep swimming just keep swimming!
i love your work. thanks for feeding the monster!
have a great day, chella
Yeah!!! A non-baby-holding nurse! I love ya! I’m a surgical nurse and wanted a nursing stamp… just not one holding a baby! Now… we just need one wearing a cap and mask! 😉 This one is definitely going on my next order!
Sheesh!!! I emailed, I emailed. Give a girl some credit lady! lol.
Yep. That is totally 110% Nicky!!! Would you have expected any less from her?
The new ones are to dieee for, agreed. Cant wait to get my hands on them!
I had a fan once….used it maybe twice……..put it somewhere and have never seen it again…..does Nicky ever loose all these gadgets??? Thanks for the Bella I was having withdrawals. AND THE CHARMS????
Ummmmmmmm, all I have to say is GREAT! I need a job to afford all these cutiepies! Are U hiring?? Vegas might be a good place to open a second office, huh??? LOL! Luv the new releases!!
Hey Em …. just catching up in “Blog Land” after being on holidays for the past two weeks. Plus with this gross, humid, sticky, yuck-smuck heat we’re experiencing here, just really exhausts me, so I tend to keep quiet and Lurk 😉
I love all the new charms and still catching up on previous blog entries from you … you’ve been a busy Sistah 🙂
BTW, I’m with Nicky on the personal BUZZZZZZZ fan … I have one too, but mine actually has a little container on the bottom, that you can fill with ice water and then mist as the fan goes …. I’ve had it out plenty of times while in meetings … after the first initial “shocked” look from others, they get over it real quick and then later, ask me where I got it ! haaaa
And as a fellow Frizz Head, you’ll really appreciate how my hair just “busts a move” while I fan and spritz myself …… I pretend I’m totally prepared for the vision I’m about to face in the mirror in the Ladies’ Room. YA RIGHT ! haaaaaaa ! All the calming, shine-straightening crap I put in my hair that morning, along with a few ounces of pure cement, to hold my “style” for the day has instantly been destroyed in a matter of minutes, and by two double AA batteries. Geeeesh this heat sucks !
So there you have my life, for the past 3 weeks in 100 words or less 🙂
Don’t worry pickle, you’re still loved and admired by all 🙂
Very funny story…but I’m with Nicky! I would have brought out the fan too!!!
And I just LOVEY babyfellabella!! TOOO cute!! Thanks for all the fun…now to save up to place another LARGE order!! 😉
huggs and mwaaahs,
Fabo Stamps and see the sistahs are coming out the woodwork just like I said 🙂 Keep the bellas coming and we’re be hanging around like a seagull hangs around a trawler (was going to say bad smell but thought better of it) LOL not sure the seagul chasing after fish guts is better!! ha ha I had better stop now!! MWAH! Caz
I LOVE them both!!! I LOVE their shoes, too!! Yea!! 3 Cheers for you!!! They are both just fab! Love how the baby can be a boy OR a girl!!
Would love to write more, but we’re headed out the door…
OMG…I’m trying to hold in my laughter. It’s way early in the morning and no one is up…lol…Nicky is so funny!!! I’ll have to remember that one, I’m a claustrophobic and factor heat into the equation…not a good combo! I love the 2 new bella’s! So cute!
Have a good day!
I SO love the booboobella!!! I will be getting her, for sure!
OMG that is sooooooooo funny!!! I’m gonna bug Nickster about that fan this Sunday…….LOL!!!!
Love the newbies!!! Now I’m hungry for more!
I love babybellafella! They are too cute! It’s great, as I have a (guy) friend who’s wife is about to have a baby….and now I’ll have the image to stamp for a card!
Stay cool….hopefully you don’t have to go back to that dungeon anytime soon! 😉
I am sure we’re all here 🙂 You know how crazy things get in August before school starts. LOVE the new bellas.
Sorry, honey, but I think the mini-fan was perfectly okay. Of course, I’m nearing the big M and have heat flashes all the time, so you should expect that from me 🙂
Wow you’ve been your butt of lately cranking out the new stuff. You go girl!!
Much love…mwah
HI Em!!
LOVE Booboobella!! I am her totally!! That is what I do all day long!! Love the other one but this is totally me!!!! Can not wait to get her!! AND your Nicky story was soooo funny!! I loved it!! Can not wait to see the new packages!! Have a great one!! Jessie:)
Too funny…. I misread booboobella for boob-oo-bella!!! I thought we were getting the cosmetically enhanced Bella, boobjobabella!!!! What a dope I am!!! I’m thinking… who’s gonna buy her, but then again ….. there are a lot of altered gals out there these days! Could make a cute welcoming the “new girls” home card!!!!
Oh and by the way Em, I tried the “more you eat, more you loose diet” for about five years, that’s how my ass ended up the size of Canada!!! Did better with Nutrisystem, as it showed me what a real portion looked like, which was very disappointing to me!! I was a total B$#ch all day from the lack of all things tasty and yummy though!!! Best of luck!!
I love booboobella! She is so perfect for my best friend! Right down to the hair! Thank you so much. Have a great day!!!
Ohw nooooooooooooo………… More Bella’s….
Hmm… I’m still waiting for my order I placed last month by Carmen…
I so do hope they will come soon and then I can place another order…
I have seen so many Bella’s wich I really want to have!!!
The idea’s pop all in my head right now…*oink*
Well, I really do love the Babybellafella!!!!!!!!!!!!
I need himmmmmmm….
Have a nice day!
I love the new bellas, just wondering when some will retire and if you will let us know….cuz we are sistahs after all.
also, i would LOVE to see Armabella. or navabella, or milabella. the thing is I spent lots of years in military and could never really feel feminine because lets face it, the uniforms are made for men. If anyone could make an army girl feel girly it would be YOU. and bellas and military kind of go hand in hand. GIRL power…PLEASE.
Or maybe I am the only one out there that wants one and you think Im nuts…lol.
THANK YOU for the BEAUTIFUL BELLAS!!!! I LOVE THEM!!! (On my cart already!)
Love the story too (as always)…
Any other release for this week? Should I wait a couple of days to place my new order?? I’m sorry Em…But I’m still hungry for more bellas!!!
oh shoot when I first read boo boo bella for just one second I was thinking a Halloween bella…lol
WE really need a witchabella for Halloween you know?
Love the new bellas but……………………maybe a witchabella will come soon for halloween?????????? please
hey Em!
LOVE the new bellas — and I especially dig the daddy fella’s hair! Much better than the other fellas…
The new nurse rocks, too!!!
Keem ’em coming. . .
OMG EM!!!! they’re wonderful, I can’t wait to get my greedy little hands on them!! So this was your version of “Bella-watchers” was it?? sneaky! 😉 I bet you didn’t loose a sistah either… Please PUHLEEZE!!! keep ’em comin’!!!
MWAH to all!! 🙂
Hey Miz Em – Are ya feelin the love now?? I think this heat is making everyone MIA. But by today’s # of replies it looks like we are all comin’ up for air.
Love the new booboo, she is fab! And the happy couple with their bundle….SO cute! Love her wedge shoes and I noticed that fella has gained a little? Is he calling it “Baby Weight”? 🙂
They are going on my wish list along with more charms. Did I mention that I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE those charms??? If I haven’t already….indeed, I LOVE-LOVE-LOVE those charms!
I also think a Halloween Bella would be devine….we need her soon (hint,hint, poke,poke, nudge,nudge)
Em!!! The new ones are georgous!!! And check your mail again because I did write! Maybe your mailbox is broken???
I LOVE to read your blog; you ALWAYS make me laugh. Love the new bella chicks!
I have to say if I had brought a fan with me I would have pulled it out and used it too!!! 😉 I HATE being hot!!! LOL
Love both the new Bellas…they are in my growing cart. I will be needing the Babyfellabella soon we have several expecting teachers at school and it will be just perfect for after the new babys are born.
Keep them coming!!! I can’t wait to place my next order to see the new packaging.
LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!! i read this to my hubby and now he is laughing his AO too!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bwaaaaaaahaaaaahaaaa
See Em? we all still check your blog once or twice a day, the newbbies “inspired” us to reply to your blog!! There’s your secret to success, more bellas = more replies!! 😉
Now, don’t think for a second that I’m ONLY saying this ’cause I want a reveal or two every single week, not that I would mind that so much; but I wouldn’t want you to think that any of us have hidden (not-so-much) agendas… *WINK*
Booboobella – very cute, but how about a Boobabella that you can name Danielabella? Hey, I fought it all my life, now it’s time to embrace it! Missing YOU. Still BFFs? xo
Nothing wrong with a battery operated fan – but did she at least blow some cool air your way????