Treat someone special to a Stamping Bella

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for my fellow canadians, eh!

I have had several appreciated questions about my Canadian currency converter button or lack thereof.  For professional reasons, I had to launch my site on a certain day without certain things in place.  For instance, my Canadian currency button.  As important as this is to me (being a proud Canadian), it has taken me a lot longer to have this done than anticipated. Too long, if you ask me.. but I am at someone’s mercy and it is out of my control.  Trust me, everyone, when I tell you that if I were in my control, it would have been done a while ago!  The Canadian button is being worked on as we speak, actually even before we have begun speaking! 

I have taken that into consideration and decided to lessen my shipping rates to compensate for the currency conversion until I have it ready!

I will keep you posted as to when it is ‘live and kicking’.. until then, there are alternatives we can discuss ( and have discussed with many of you already),  so please feel free to write the maple-leaf-bella herself!

 Thanks for all of your understanding



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  1. I am SO excited to find out you are Canadian! And Ontario, to boot! I’m in Long Sault, On. about an hour west of Montreal. So being in Ontario, does this mean I get my order faster? (yeah, right…we all know what the Canadian postal service is like! LOL!)
    I am so excited for you, Emily! Your site ROCKS and your designs are super and very CHIC! Thank G*D for Splitcoaststampers! Otherwise, I may never have found you!

  2. Maple-leaf-bella… hmm, sounds like a winner!! How about it? This would be great to use to send cards to our friends in the USA and Australia. God bless. Linda D.

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