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you would read a blog about an eraser? 


[photopress image=”prisma_markers_and_gamsol_003.jpg”] 


Hello Extravagant 8! 

Today is considered “useless” day in my books.  By “useless” I mean I-SO-CAN’T-GET-ANYTHING-DONE-SO-I-WILL-TALK-ABOUT-AN-ERASER-DAY.  I ran around dropping off my son, picking up my son then dropping him off again (only to pick him up YET AGAIN-LOL).  I stopped at my LSS to celebrate Hannah’s birthday (one of my stamping group ladies) and we all ate, shmoozed,ate drank and ate (sounds like my driving schedule! *giggles*)  Anyway enough about me cuz CLEARLY I can go on and on and on!

 I wanted to talk about this BIG TICKET ITEM for sale on my website!  I just love this eraser I swear.. it is soft and gummy yet firm enough to even get into close corners!  I use it to erase my chalk *errors* and the paper comes out soooo clean that you wouldn’t believe there was anything there in the first place!  important stuff huh?  But really, it is important cuz without it, you would have one helluva messy card!  Another use for it is to smudge your chalks.. fun to play around and make backgrounds!

 So, I thought I would post something today.. Something brain candyish that you really don’t have to focus on and HERE IT IS!

Off to cut, stuff, and index.. til the wee hours of the night….

 toodles to my 8!


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